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Mar. 7th, 2014


all I feel is black and white

Who: Linnea, Valterri, and Isolde
When: After naptime
Where: The world without sound, color, or Hiro

Awareness started to come back into Isolde's world, and she told herself it was all a dream. It had all been a very strange dream, and when she opened her eyes it would be the morning of the dance and she'd be looking at her ceiling with the stars and clouds painted all over it. It was hopeless. The scents were all wrong, and she was awake too quickly. Opening her eyes meant the confirmation of her fears. The world was still in black and white. She still could not make a sound.

She was in a bush. Isolde jerked into a sitting position rather quickly, not remembering falling asleep at all. She remembered the fear. She remembered hiding. She crouched down again, but something told her that the danger had passed. Frowning, she looked around. She saw Linnea. She saw Valterri. Where was Hiro?

Looking around, she could not see him anywhere. Taking a silent breath, Isolde reached out for Linnea's hand and tugged. Where had he gone?

Jun. 1st, 2013


hush little babies don't say a word

Who: Linnea, Isolde, Hiro, Valterri
When: See above

The air was scented with dirt and grass and crisp autumn leaves. All good smells. Valterri must have left his bedroom window open last night. Only, no. That wasn't right. The light dancing behind the cells of his eyelids was all wrong. As he started to force his eyes open he felt strange. Disoriented. It took several long breaths of staring at the branches above him that he realized what was so wrong. It was like living inside of a black and white movie.

Things started to come back to him. He'd still been at the dance. He'd never admit to it, but he'd been honestly surprised at at least not getting on the court. He laughed it off and watched Rico and that SOAR chick dance, and then. . . and then . . . ? He remembered standing next to someone who was up one minute, and down the next. He'd turned to see what the hell had happened, and realized he was losing the fight with gravity himself. That had been it. He forced himself to sit up. He felt more or less okay, but stilll. . . slow. Like something was working its way out of his system. The lack of color was disorienting, but he still knew his mother's shape. Linnea Niemi crumpled on the ground was a familiar sight to the Niemi children, and even though his father was dead it still made Valterri's heart catch in his throat. He crawled over to his mother, for now willing to not deal with the blank and what insanity. He could deal with that after he confirmed his mother still had a pulse.

Jan. 10th, 2013


I hate you so much it hurts

Who: Valterri and Rowan
When: before school
Where: SOHS, hockey rink

Between work, school, and hockey practice Rowan was starting to forget what sleep was. She wasn't sure what sick bastard had decided hockey practices had to be before school, but she was still enjoying herself. She had enjoyed winning, too. That had been an entirely new sensation to her. She was feeling... strangely pleased with herself.

The school didn't really know what to do about Rowan being on the boy's hockey team. Mainly, what to do about the locker room situation. A lot of ideas had been tossed back and forth, and finally at last night's game they'd just decided Rowan was going to have to go get changed in the girl's bathroom. Practices were a little easier. At least then she could use the locker room reserved for the visiting team. Even if she did have it all to herself, she couldn't help but look around and make sure she was well and truly safe before stripping out of her hockey clothes. She was so used to hiding during gym so she wouldn't have to change to the other girls. Having a locker room to herself was certainly preferable, but still eerie.