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Apr. 27th, 2014


trying not to lose my head

Who: Bunny, Jack & Shena
Where: SOHS
When: Shortly after the school doors open

When worried, Shena Digby did not believe in the kind of pause that actually allowed people to answer. )

Mar. 7th, 2014


given this place or the zombies I'd take the zombies anyday

Who: Locke, Cole, Jack, Angeline, Bunny
When: it's a mystery!
Where: Night of the Living Deadville

Bunny could still smell them. Above the sawdust and the sweat the scent of the walking dead was still strong in her nostrils, even though she'd been back for hours. Going back inside had been a very hard thing for Bunny to do, but she kept her promise. After what she judged to be an hour, she returned. She was able to do this only by facing the truth - that even if she and Duchess McNuggets teamed up in full hybrid forms, they could never take them all. Bunny had gone back to the house and worked her ass off, privately glad that fortifying the house left little room for conversation. But unfortunately, something unexpected had happened. They'd finished. There was absolutely nothing left to do. Bunny had spent the better part of an hour going room to room and re-examining every last possible entrance, and every single one was well covered. There was nothing left to do now but wait - and there were still hours until the zombies actually reached the house.

Sighing, Bunny headed into the living room. She walked to the nearest couch-shaped-thing, ripped off the white sheet revealing the couch below, and fell into the cushions. She propped an arm behind her head, and kicked her legs up on the arm of the couch. She was actually kind of hungry, but not sure she wanted to admit to that just yet. It would have made sense to sleep, but she'd never be capable of that in a million years. Looking up at the ceiling and wondering how they'd manage to get through this (mainly without killing Angeline) she mumbled, "And now we wait."

Jun. 2nd, 2013


Down with this sort of thing

Who: Angeline, Jack, Bunny, Cole and Locke
Where: They're coming...
When: Nobody's wearing a watch so your guess is as good as theirs.

Waking up in a dirty old basement midway through trying to come to terms with coming in second for Homecoming Queen was not ideal by any standards. And yet, this was what Angeline Moriarty found herself doing, only with a sharp pain on her back from lying in an awkward position to boot. The heaviness took long to wear off and minutes went by before Angeline even moved or opened her eyes properly. It was like waking from a wonderful heavy peaceful sleep, except with none of the wonderfulness. Or peacefulness, to be honest. Once Angeline moved her Ancient Greek style headband (fit for winners, which stung a lot more than it would have had it just been digging into her scalp and not her pride) so it wasn't hurting her head, Angeline raised her head from the floor and looked around.

"Fantastic." She murmured. Not only was she waking up somewhere completely foreign that was in no way part of the school that she remembered, she was also waking up with a boyfriend she had been seriously considering dumping and his two pedestrian friends, the blue haired boy and the feral weirdo girl. Oh and there was another one, but this boy she had no recollection of ever having seen. A deep sigh later, Angeline moved to sit on her side with her arm holding her upright. "Um...Is anybody dead?" That would make things slightly better. "Hellooooo?" Angeline briefly considered throwing her shoes at people to make sure, but she could swear she'd seen one or two stirring. Which was too bad, really.

May. 31st, 2013


You in danger girl

Who: Jack and Bunny
Where: Bunny's house
When: Morning

Jack had been feeling unbelievably strange for days now, a sinking feeling of uneasiness he couldn't quite place but that wouldn't leave him alone. It turned his stomach and made it hard to concentrate on anything, and the worst part was, it got stronger with each day. He wasn't quite able to pinpoint when exactly he had realized this was one of those feelings he got, but the point was that today, right now, as he was lying in bed shortly after waking up, it was stronger than ever. Jack had no idea how this worked or even what this was, but he knew that he had felt like this before and what had happened next had been a humongous tragedy he felt guilty about.

The more clarity he gained, the strongly Jack felt that whatever horrible tragedy was about to happen would happen to him. That wasn't too bad, he was used to unbelievable amounts of shit happening to him, it was a matter of taking it in stride and hope for a quick death. The kicker was that once he let that bit go he knew, just knew, that it was going to happen to Bunny too. And that he couldn't just let go.

Jack jumped off the bed as fast as he could, running up the stairs into the main floor. Then he ran all the way up to Bunny's room, and there he pounded on the door urgently. "Bunny! Bunny open up! I gotta talk to you!"

Aug. 2nd, 2012


This is not okay.

Who: Jack and Bunny
Where: Ballard house, to start
When: Late morning

Bunny Digby was not amused.

Jack's mother was a real peach. Two minutes in her staggering presence and Bunny had a slightly better idea of why Jack had such a big chip on his shoulder. Bunny had pounded on the door for a good five minutes before the hag had finally answered, and then it had just been to announce that she'd thrown her only child out onto the street. Oh yes, words had been said. Strong words. Jack's mom had finally slammed the door in Bunny's face, and Bunny had hauled ass back to the nearest bus stop. While she waited, she called hospitals.

Holy hell, Ann Arbor had a lot of hospitals. How had she never realized that? She'd lived here her whole life!

Thanks to stupid things called privacy policies and also the law, Bunny had had an extremely difficult time getting answers out of anybody. She had finally managed to get a woman at the U of M hospital to admit that he had been a patient, but had been released and sent off to a local shelter. Bunny flipped her shit and furiously checked her bus schedule. A few hours and four buses later, Bunny was ringing the bell to a place called Ballard house. She was let in, and after explaining she wanted to see Jack, she was lead in to a sitting room - but she didn't really feel right about sitting down. By that time she heavily resembled a drowned rat. She really wanted to go back to Jack's house and throttle the living shit out of his mother. Every day she felt like humanity couldn't disgust her anymore as a whole, the planet sunk to a brand new low. Terrific.

Jul. 3rd, 2012


Yeah I think that I might break

Who: Jack, his mother and his mother’s current boyfriend (NPCs)
Where: Their trailer
When: Mid-morning
Warning: Violence, bad language, very very sad happenings

I've lost myself again and I feel unsafe )

Apr. 24th, 2012


a brightly colored stalker

Who: Jack and Bunny
When: Afternoon
Where: Streets of S.O.

Normally, if one set out with a mission to stalk a person they barely knew, camouflage or low-key clothing might have been thought of as a good way to go for a rational human being. Bunny was not a rational human being. On any given day of the week her clothing guaranteed she’d stand out, and she wasn’t about to change that for anything or anyone. Hell yes she was wearing rainbow shorts, and damn proud of it.

She was indeed stalking. Or rather, trying to. She didn’t actually know where Jack lived, but he had given her permission to take his picture whenever she wanted. Kind of. She was fuzzy on the details, but he’d said something was okay. Bunny had obviously taken this to mean she could try and figure out where he lived without actually asking him first. It only took a little asking around. He was one of two pariahs, and people were happy to tell their stories. Bunny didn’t believe the majority of what people said (she could only imagine what people said about her, after all), but she was able to get a basic area out of it all. So she grabbed her camera bag and set off.

Bunny had been in the trailer park only a handful of times, always to take pictures. Some people gave her strange looks, but she didn’t really let this bother her. She was not in her neighborhood, but she’d never been the sort of person to let that get to her. She went wherever she wanted to go and acted like she owned the place. No problem. It shouldn’t be too hard to pick up Jack’s scent somewhere.

Jan. 4th, 2012



Who: Jack, Gretel/Penny and Ava
Where: The park
When: After dark

At around the time his mother came 'home' Jack decided it was impossible to stay there anymore. The way she talked about "you freaks" and how "you should all have died anyway", coupled with the fact that he was now certain that he had somehow felt this was going to happen but didn't do anything to stop it - and couldn't have, because he didn't know for sure if anything was going to happen, let alone what it was - had done a number in his already depressive mind. He had thrown his ramen in his mother's direction and left, knowing fully well there would be hell to pay when he returned. Maybe this was the time he wouldn't be able to take anymore and finally kill her or, with a bit of luck, maybe he would never come back home in the first place.

He was shaking as he walked, and by the time he got to the Scarlet Oak park Jack could no longer walk properly anymore, so he sat down on a bench in the dark, trembling. There was a broken bottle nearby, and without thinking Jack managed to get a smaller piece of the glass, which he observed for a while. Then, he pulled his sleeve up and slashed away at his arm. He wasn't sure whether he was harming himself not to harm anyone else - namely, his mother - or if he was punishing himself for being useless, so utterly useless that he had felt a catastrophe was about to happen but couldn't do anything to stop it.

Either way the pain felt good, made him feel better and made his heartbeat slow down little by little. It was a good thing that the only light was coming from a streetlamp across the pathway, since the one near the bench wasn't working. Jack preferred to break down like this in the dark, if he had to do it in public. Beyond the guilt were the harsh words his mother had told him, hammering at his head like so many instances before. He should have been there, he was a freak and he should have died, she would have been better off without him. Jack still didn't understand why (or how) she had paid for his medical expenses when he had had 'the accident', if she wanted him dead so much.

Then he began to wonder... if he had known, really known what was going to happen, would he have stopped it or gone to the march, stood at one of the most dangerous spots and hope to die with the rest of them?

Dec. 5th, 2011


I dreamed I was missing

Who: Jack, an NPC ghost who is possessing him, and Bianca
Where: Next to a bus stop near a bank
When: At around 6pm

But no one would listen 'cause no one else cared )

Nov. 13th, 2011


I will not yell "Fire" in a crowded classroom.

Who: Jack and Bunny
When: Immediately after school
Where: SOHS

It had to be some kind of a record.

Bunny wasn’t a complete stranger to detention – she’d gotten it once or twice before, usually for tardiness more than anything else. But she’d never managed to land detention a mere three days into the school year. Clearly Ms. Figg, her trig teacher, was not one to be messed with. Trig was her third period class, right before lunch, and Bunny had started to zone out. Truth be told she hadn’t gotten nearly enough sleep the previous night, and she’d been something of a zombie all morning. She’d allowed her mind to wander, and before she knew it she’d been scribbling a silly little poem into her notebook about the teacher, and the next thing she knew a rather angry and red-faced teacher was slamming a pointer on the edge of Bunny’s desk for attention. It had not ended well. She demanded that Bunny report to the library for detention at the end of the day, and Bunny had been too shocked (and a little startled) to even think of arguing it.

When she showed up, there were no other students. There was no Ms. Figg either, which annoyed Bunny. If she was going to dish out detentions, she should have at least been there! She reported in with the librarian, pointed her over to a cluster of desks in the far corner after she had Bunny sign in. Sighing heavily, she resigned herself too it. She headed over to a desk, dropped her bag, and came to terms with the fact that she had a very boring hour ahead of her.