April 2015




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Mar. 18th, 2015


congregate, lay in wait for an answer, they're still waiting.

Who: Harrison.
Where: Harrison’s apartment.
When: Friday October 16th 2009. Very early morning, around 3am.

To say that Harrison was having trouble sleeping with all of this going on would have been an understatement. Ever since everyone had -- so it seemed -- gotten their memories back after the collapse of whatever magic had removed them in the first place he had been unable to sit still long enough to rest, let alone sleep. It wasn’t that he’d tried, he had of course, but when his mind was going a mile a minute over all the possibilities it wasn’t something he was able to achieve and so he’d taken to being an almost constant presence on his part of the site. The questions were flooding in after he’d made it known that something out of the ordinary had happened, that he’d not only been witness to it but actually felt it himself, and people were fascinated enough that a lot of them entered into hours-long conversations with him via the forums.

With his empty coffee cup in hand -- not quite empty, in all honesty, and he was careful not to accidentally tip the dregs onto the floor as he carried it -- he made his way from the lounge area towards the adjacent kitchen, swiping his other hand over his face as he went. It was as he was trying to get a crick out of his neck that he caught sight of something lying on the mat on the inside of the front door, something that must have come through recently but without making too much in the way of noise. He would have heard it otherwise. Wouldn’t he?

Stretching out he set the mug down on the edge of the counter just inside the kitchen and then approached the envelope that had come through his letterbox. It was cautiously but curiously that he did so, dark eyes lifting to the door itself periodically as if he expected someone on the other side to knock at any moment. They didn’t. )

Feb. 6th, 2015


without worldwide belief, you step up to the mic and blow it off.

Who: Harrison and Jesse.
Where: A local takeout.
When: Evening.

It was chilly enough outside to warrant a jacket and a coat over the top and Harrison had made sure to pull both on over the t-shirt he’d been wearing before stepping out of his apartment and heading down to the lobby so he could step out to grab some dinner. There was enough in his kitchen to make himself something to eat but none of it had grabbed his fancy and when he’d opened a drawer and found a couple of menus there -- had he put them there or had they already been there when he’d moved in? -- he’d decided to brave the elements to grab the food himself instead of making someone else bring it to him. There was no sense in being lazy, after all.

Besides, it would give him time to think about all the messages and emails he kept getting that didn’t make much sense to him. Why people he didn’t even know -- or did he? they seemed to know him well enough -- were contacting him about vampires and werewolves and witches and God only knew what else he couldn’t even begin to imagine. If it was important for some reason he couldn’t remember why no matter how hard he’d tried and that was bothering him more and more. So he wanted to get out for a while and get some fresh air, kill two birds with one stone by picking up some food at the same time.

The phone went off in his pocket again -- again, it seemed to go off once every ten minutes at least -- and pulled his attention down and to the right as he drew it out to look at it, approaching the takeout place without really watching where he was going. At the last second he realised someone else was doing much the same and pulled himself up short, his free hand halfway to the door handle as he said, “Oh, sorry. After you.” To his credit he grabbed the handle and pulled the door open for the woman, giving her a smile as he did so, just as apologetic as the words that had come before the gesture.

Jan. 19th, 2015


everyone has a story you could tell upon arrival.

Who: Harrison.
Where: The Court; his new apartment.
When: October 10th 2009. Evening.

Making a mental note to himself to send a text to his mother, at least, as soon as he had everything urgent squared away Harrison shrugged the big bag back onto his shoulder properly and used his heel to kick the door shut behind him, hearing the jamb catch with a resounding click. Glancing back over his shoulder he saw the lock and the chain he could slide across if needs be, all things his mother would want to know about because she had always been a worrier, constantly checking up on him or asking this or that about his welfare or state of being, whether it be at college or while he was on the road travelling to what might very well end up being his new permanent residence. For now it was long-term enough that he had thought it responsible -- and therefore the right choice -- to secure an apartment and actually have a lease and a rent agreement with a landlord instead of a grumpy questionable guy behind a desk in an office at the end of a row of rooms that had likely seen all kinds of unseemly activities over the years.

The smell was better here, if nothing else. Okay it was a little stuffy, it needed airing out, but he could get started on that tomorrow when he didn’t have boxes and bags littered all over the place and an excited kind of energy that went hand in hand with being in a new place with so much to learn and discover.

Reminding himself to thank his parents once again for ensuring the apartment had the basics in terms of furniture like a couch and a bed he dumped the bag from his shoulder down onto the latter and drew his cell phone from his pocket so he could send that message. Lighting up the screen of his phone Harrison saw the emails and IMs waiting there from the site and a few forums he was a member of, queries and suggestions and challenges to theories. The usual. When he’d told his readers he was up and moving to Scarlet Oak, at least for the foreseeable future, they’d sent him a veritable flood of requests and ideas, things he should look into firsthand now that he was going to be on the ground and right in the thick of it.

Harrison didn’t know where to start. )