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Nov. 18th, 2010


You see us coming

Who: Kendal and Giada.
When: Mid Afternoon-ish.
Where: Hathaway's Residence.

You all together run for cover )

Oct. 9th, 2010


The memories in your head are still not loud enough

Who: Giada and Alessandro De Luca
Where: Random coffee shop
When: Late morning
Note: /Sections/ represent dialogue spoken in Italian.

Keep your eyes closed, or you just might see my ghost )

Aug. 23rd, 2010


God help you if you say expresso instead of espresso

Who: Tegan and Giada
When: Mid-afternoon
Where: Lenore's

Another entire day of handing out résumés. Today had been exponentially more difficult than before, considering Tegan had had to branch out into things which she found frankly beneath her abilities - and college degree. But work was work, and she wasn't afraid of it. Snobbish enough to think some work was beneath her, sure, but not afraid of performing it. Of course she would much rather do something related in any way to advertising or Public Relations, and the thought of being on the other side of Lenore's Book Store and Cafe's counter made her want to murder someone; but life was not fair. She had to deal with it.

After filling out the application and handing in her résumé to the barista, Tegan decided to stick around for a much deserved afternoon iced coffee. Armed with some short book that was probably pointless, she sat at one of the corner tables, turned to the entrance, and prepared to enjoy her pause. Because in Tegan's mind, you could totally consider looking for work a bit like pre-work work, and it called for pauses.