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Jul. 15th, 2014


I forget where I come from, and I don't care.

Who: Quentin and Jenny (plus Quentin's familiar, Willie)
Where: The park
When: Afternoon

So what's wrong? I think too much. )

Jul. 13th, 2014


a regular cure-all

WHO | Teddy & Harper
WHERE | Sherry's Bakery
WHEN | Mid-Morning

So, what can I do for you? )

Jul. 6th, 2014


life's like an hourglass glued to the table.

Who: Sam and Jo.
Where: The Summers House; the backyard.
When: Late morning.

The book had come to rest against his legs after he had realised how terrible it would be for it to slip from his grasp and fall from his perch. It was while he had been silently marvelling at how quickly things like climbing trees came back to the forefront of the mind even after years of no practise that it had started to dangle a little too low for his liking. It was like riding a bike, he had found himself thinking, muscle memory never really faded in the way other types of memories might, and when he had got it in his mind to make his way up the branches to the cluster several feet up over his head where the shade and shelter of the leaves might provide some semblance of safety and reassurance he had been surprised by how easily he had managed the task of climbing. He hadn’t done it in years, so long ago now that he barely remembered it at all. On at least one occasion he had gone up a tree only to be forced down out of it and not long after he’d broken his arm in two places he had stopped altogether. There was always that concern that something like that would happen again but as nervous as he was lately he hadn’t seen a threat yet.

Only felt it.

Up in the tree Sam could see a lot more of the surrounding area than he would have been able to from the ground. With the leaves and branches around him he had a kind of cover that he wouldn’t have had down on the ground. Already he felt a little more relaxed and on top of that the simple -- almost child-like -- thrill of being up a tree was helping to chase away some of that anxiety. Having the book with him just made things better, not that he had done any reading yet. Sam was too busy looking around from where he had come to settle himself amongst a cluster of closely-knitted branches that made a fairly comfortable and sturdy sort of seat. If anything moved in the trees nearby he would be able to see it much faster than he would have from down low, on the ground, and though the smells were a little harder to pick up from a greater height the sounds carried further. It was a good place to be.

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Jul. 2nd, 2014


she talks to angels

Who: Regan & Zoie
Where: Zoie & Nora's home
When: Early afternoon

'Sorry. He's Irish.' )


i can't seem to see the forest for the trees

Who: Emilia and Emily
Where: Arwen's place
When: Early evening

'Hi mom.' )

Jul. 1st, 2014


blame it on the copious amounts of alcohol & trauma

Who: Dalila & Darklis
Where: The Palminteri home
When: Evening (a short time after this.)

She had an intervention to... intervene. )

Jun. 29th, 2014


life is awesome, I confess

Who: Dracul & Seraphina
Where: Seraphina's penthouse
When: Brunch

He was making them uncomfortable, he knew. )

Jun. 28th, 2014


all across the alienation

Who: Darklis & Micah
Where: Streets of SO
When: Mid-morning

'The G-men find you yet?' )

Jun. 24th, 2014


it smells like a Bible story in here...

Who: Lazarus and Zelie
When: Afternoon
Where: Hotel di Sei Ali

The Hotel di Sei Ali had been something of a curiosity to Zelie ever since settling in Scarlet Oak. To be honest, she didn't really go in for ritzy joints. In all her thieving years, she'd never been stupid enough to make it a habit of hitting the wealthiest joints in the city. If absolutely nothing else, they tended to have better security. All the same, it being the first hotel in the world to cater to supernaturals appealed to Zelie on a lot of levels. It seemed so very likely that people there would have extremely interesting things in their bags. Maybe not terribly valuable, but Zelie wanted knowledge. She wanted experience. This made the hotel - and any other supernatural hotspot - extremely interesting to one tricksy little werewolf.

I immediately regret this decision. )

Jun. 16th, 2014


Step Two: Food Must Be Acquired

Who: Jani, Open
Where: Sunny's Diner
When: About 1pm

After getting to the hotel and checking in, thankful that they'd had a room available and that there was no early check-in fee, Jani went up and took a steaming shower to try to stave off the exhaustion that was setting in. It did help, but she knew that she would fall on her face soon if she didn't get something to eat. She was feeling quite a bit less stressed about the whole move, and she was thinking she would go find food, and then come back and start looking for a job in the area.

The girl at the front desk seemed eager to point her in the direction of good, local diner. She knew she would far prefer a locally owned diner over some big-chain fast food or restaurant. As she pulled up to the diner, she thought that it looked quaint, and she also noticed absently that it was close to her hopefully soon-to-be-residence.

When she walked into the diner, she looked around briefly before deciding to just take a seat at the counter, taking a menu from one of the passing servers with a smile and thanks. Because she hadn't eaten since the night before and knew she was very hungry, it was just a matter of managing to focus enough to figure out what she wanted to eat.


Step One: Roof Over Head

Who: Jani, Margie (NPC) (solo)
Where: Around town
When: Morning, wrapping up around noon

Sleep could wait until she found a place for her bed... )

Jun. 15th, 2014



DATE: Thursday, October 8, 2009


WEATHER: No changes.

EVENTS: First thing in the morning the president issues a statement about the events surrounding Scarlet Oak's high school. The 'incident,' as it is described, was a preternatural event of unknown origin. Why and how it occurred is yet unknown, and all possible explanations are being explored. It is believed at this point not to be a random event. The magic involved is confirmed not to be that of human means. It is now believed that the incident was caused by demonic or fae influences. Yes, fae. The president of the United States is the first world leader to confirm the presence of faeries. He goes on to explain that the US government has data and evidence that when angels and demons returned to our world en masse, the race of fae - previously believed extinct - did as well. He asks the public not to panic, as it does not appear that the fae race, as a whole, wish humanity any harm. He goes on to stress that no one in the school was physically harmed, but promises to offer those involved every bit of assistance possible.

That's actually true. This morning everyone who was at the school will be visited by a high-ranking government official, most likely someone they already met once at the hospital. This official will explain that the government would like to take on all of each person's medical bills indefinitely, as well as psychiatric costs. If there is anything any of these people feel they need, the government wants to know about it, and if possible, help. Too soon to say what all that entails, but hey. Free therapy.