May 2009



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May. 30th, 2008


Prompt 24 - Theme of snow )

Prompt 26 -  )

Prompt 27 - If you look into your own heart, and you find nothing wrong there, what is there to worry about? What is there to fear? - Confucius )

Prompt 28 - If your number one goal is to make sure that everyone likes and approves of you, then you risk sacrificing your uniqueness and, therefore, your excellence. )

Prompt 29 - Write a letter to yourself at some point in the past. )

Prompt 30 - St. Valentine was a Priest, martyred in 269 at Rome and was buried on the Flaminian Way. He is the Patron Saint of affianced couples, bee keepers, engaged couples, epilepsy, fainting, greetings, happy marriages, love, lovers, plague, travelers, young people. He is represented in pictures with birds and roses. Does learning this change your thoughts about Valentine's Day? )

Prompt 31 - What have you done that you wish you could apologize for? [locked] )

Prompt 32 - It's almost spring. How does the weather or change in seasons affect your mood? )

May. 27th, 2008


[Open] Prompt #31

Character: Celena Ducayne
Word Count: 391
open for roleplay or comments here

May. 1st, 2008


Prompt #31-What have you done that you wish you could apologize for?

Prompt #31-What have you done that you wish you could apologize for?

Muse: Jo Harvelle
Fandom: Supernatural
Words: 178



Prompt #31-What have you done that you wish you could apologize for?

Muse: Savannah Levine
Fandom: Women of the Otherworld
Words: 229

Apr. 23rd, 2008


Prompt #31 : What have you done that you wish you could apologize for?

I am not so ashamed that i'd apologize for something that i've done, 98% of time. However, there has been one thing that I wish I had apologized for and okay, I have apologize over and over.

She know's who she is and she knows the situation. However, we've worked past it and our friendship continues to grow through the years. For that, I love her dearly for.

What it was? That is something i'll never share with another person other than those who already know and I trust they won't tell anyone either. It comes down to this: with each experience that I've had, I've learned something from it. In most cases, I don't feel bad having done what I've done and having the experiences that I've had. Course...some of them weren't the best choices but that can be said for everyone.

Muse: Piper "Les" Allison
Fandon: Original Character

Apr. 21st, 2008


Prompts 31 and 36

Both are open, Both are 100 words.

Prompt 31 - What have you done that you wish you could apologize for?

Prompt 36 - It's time to forget about the past to wash away what happened last - 30 Seconds to Mars

Apr. 20th, 2008


Prompt 31 - What have you done that you wish you could apologize for? - CLOSED

Prompt 33-"What doesn't kill you makes you stronger" Do you agree with this statement? Why or why not? - OPEN

Prompt 34 - "There are people I would take a bullet for and people I would like to put a bullet in." ---Benji (Good Charlotte) - CLOSED


Prompt 31 - What have you done that you wish you could apologize for? [closed]

Prompt 33 - "What doesn't kill you makes you stronger". Do you agree with this statement? Why or why not? [closed]

Prompt 34. "There are people I would take a bullet for and people I would like to put a bullet in." ---Benji (Good Charlotte) [closed]

Mar. 13th, 2008


[VIMH] 31 - What have you done that you wish you could apologize for?

I wish I could apologize to Maxie for breaking. I broke and she tried fixing me and I hurt her. Apologize for making her kill me, not giving her a choice. I should have tried finding my siblings when things started going wrong. Found a better way to seek them out then killing and leaving my barcode. Maxie was the one I thought would understand me and maybe she did. She knew something was wrong and I didn't want to admit it. I didn't want to admit I was a 'Nomlie. I can admit it now, I can admit I was a bad soldier, but I'm fixed now. I promise.

I just want to find Maxie and let her see me, see that I'm not broken. To tell her I am sorry for letting her down and not being stronger. To have her keep me from ever breaking again, but it's best she doesn't see me. I just watch her and try to make sure she is safe. I fight the longing to belong in Terminal City with the others.

Someday she will know I am sorry.

Ben 'X5-493' // Dark Angel // 185 Words


[VIMH] 31 - What have you done that you wish you could apologize for?

I probably have tried and the guys just wave it off. I mean I should say I'm sorry to them. I trusted Chase when for so long it was just me and the guys. Though the one i should aplogize the most to is Pogue. Pogue never trusted the guy and him being my best friend I should have seen it. I should have been on my guard. I trust Pogue with my life and I didn't take notice of how he was around Chase.

I'm sure he'd say it's not my fault. That I don't have anything to apologize for. I know Pogue that well. I just feel I do and to let him know next time? I'd be more observant of him. He always has my back and I should of had his. Maybe he wouldn't have gotten hurt in the midst of it all.

I just know I won't make that mistake again.

Caleb Danvers // The Covenant // 154 words

Mar. 10th, 2008


Prompt #31: Apology

What have you done that you wish you could apologize for?


The whole thing, from the day my brothers and father and I swore that terrible oath, until the day I died, 500 years later, at the end of the First Age.

When my father took up a brand against the ships at Losgar and burned them, I alone stood back, realising the error of what we were doing. He looked at me that day with hate in his eyes, and said to me "If you do not stand with me, you stand with him." (meaning Morgoth). I was afraid then, afraid that he was right. Afraid of what would happen if I broke my oath and did not follow through until the bitter end.

And so I killed. My sword dripped red with the blood of other elves, and I could not stop or turn back because I dared not break the oath. Even after my father was killed I could not escape the grip of his control over me. I and my brothers were condemned as Kinslayers, and rightly so.

But what use an apology? It does not bring back those I murdered. It does not put right the wrongs I committed. I cannot apologise. All I can do is grieve.

Character: Maedhros
Fandom: The Silmarillion

Mar. 8th, 2008


Prompts #30 - #32

Character: Ray Vecchio
Fandom: due South

Prompt #30 - St Valentine

Prompt #31 - Apology

Prompt #32 - Spring


Prompts #30 - #32

Character: Benton Fraser
Fandom: due South

Prompt #30 - St Valentine

Prompt #31 - Apology

Prompt #32 - Spring

Feb. 29th, 2008


31. What have you done that you wish you could apologize for?

It isn't what I've done, it's what I didn't do. I should have known better and acted as an elder and not as if I was watching a laboratory rat navigating a maze.

Private )

Feb. 22nd, 2008


Prompt #31: Mi dispiace.

What have you done that you wish you could apologize for?

Easily answered, that one. That I had to cause my sister grief. Which neither undoes it, nor does it alter the circumstances: I would apologize, and then do it all over again. I would have to. Each of us has to carry their weight; that is our duty to family. And if my actions were the source of Lucrezia's pain... then that is my burden. To apologize, however... what would that change, I wonder?

It wouldn't bring back Giovanni and handsome Perotto. Or Alfonso, the beautiful, noble fool who loved her well and failed to die of his wounds, so I had to help him on. It would not reunite her with the children she had to leave behind when she departed for Ferrara. It wouldn't bring back any of them (and why should it?) or help relive the precious moments we shared. Ah, but what if it made a difference, you ask? Then I would prostrate myself before her and lave her feet with tears.


And perhaps you should talk to Chiaro, too; he can tell you of more that deserves my mea culpa, I'm sure. Had I ever learnt how to say I'm sorry, he could have stayed whole of life and limb, unbroken and sound, but letting go of him never was an option.

For that, I beg his forgiveness to this day.

Feb. 21st, 2008



What have you done that you wish you could apologize for?


No, truly. I can see that you do not believe me. I have better things to do with my time, but if you insist, a brief list (but it will cover the most salient points):

A brief list: )

Feb. 18th, 2008


Prompt #31

What have you done that you wish you could apologize for?
