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Jul. 26th, 2007


Prompt 5: What is my greatest fear?

Pretty much gonna have to go with rejection there. Easy answer. Wish I could draw it out a bit more, but this place doesn't have a word requirement, thank God. Essay tests are a close second.

crossposted to [info]vegangirl. open for commentary and roleplay.

Jun. 26th, 2007


Prompt 3: What do I think about love? [private]

cut for mentions of noncon )

Crossposted here at [info]vegangirl.


Prompt 2: Family [private]

Family. Um, well. I'm adopted. Not really, though. Classic 'switched at birth' scenario. My real parents are even rich. I don't want any of their money, though. It'd be nice to get to know them better, especially my little sister, but not even Madison Sinclair deserves to have her life upset like that.

Crossposted here at [info]vegangirl.

Jun. 18th, 2007


Prompt 1: Who am I?

Oh my God, you wanna know who I am? Are you sure? Because I don't even know who I am some days. I mean, like the name says, I'm a vegan-eating, animal-friendly, opera-loving (hey, geeks like opera too!) kind of girl. I'm your go-to person for computer problems. I'm the one that the guys are all friends with.

And no, I won't hack into the school's servers to change your grade. Unless you pay me a lot of money, and by a lot, I mean "an amount an 09-er is going to blink at." Because I can make it untraceable.

Oh, yeah, and also? I'm the girl whose ex-boyfriend jumped off a very tall building, after, among other things, killing off bunches of classmates. And stuff. If that's not gonna get you questioning who you are, I don't know what is.

open for comments and roleplay
