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Sep. 3rd, 2008


OOC-for [info]voicesinmyhead Prompt #36 Quote

It's time to forget about the past
To wash away what happened last --

Forgetting the past is easier said than done. The Delacroixs are survivors above all else,so we adapt to circumstances. None of this means we've forgotten the past or that we've passively accepted anything that has happened thus far. Positioning yourself to be in a position to your advantage isn't the same thing as agreeing or accepting things without question.

Fighting back and trying to change the world is all well and good,but if one cannot fix what's right in front of them, what's the point?

Still...what's done is done. No one can take back the past,but as I said before,the winds of change have arrived in the most unusual disguise possible. I've done whatever I can to remain in power and make life as comfortable as possible for me and my family. However, it may not be necessary to lead a life of secrecy and quiet any longer.

I'm extremely eager to see how things play out, as well as just how much things change. I might not be a fighter or engage in vigorous activity,but don't mistake my resistance to fighting as weakness. Everyone who's ever underestimated me can tell you just what happens when you do. Manipulating everyone and everything around you is always far more interesting than losing your cool,displaying your weaknesses and showing the world just who you are and what you're capable of,not to mention entertaining. ;)


For [info]voicesinmyhead Prompt #46"

Prompt #46 )

Run while you can,you ungrateful little shits and remember one thing:

We made you little shits and we can take it back all the same....


For [info]voicesinmyhead Prompt #31 What have you done that you wish you could apologize for?

What have you done that you wish you could apologize for?


The time for apologies has come and gone. If you can't take it back,what's the point?


I suppose I should be happy; the wheels of fate and turn and the winds of change are upon us. However,despite the fact that many auspicious portents are within our grasp,no one knows what the outcome will be.

If I had to apologize,it would be for not taking greater care to ensure the outcome I desired most. If I had the chance, I would do it all again and this time, things would be different. It matters not,for soon enough I'll be placed to the test.


for [info]voicesinmyhead prompt #37

Prompt 37 )


for [info]voicesinmyhead Prompt #1

Prompt#1-Who Am I? )
