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Sep. 10th, 2007


Prompt #10 - My life would be easier if...

What would make my life easier? There are always many answers to this question.

My life would be easier if there were more hours in the day. That one, I think, applies to most people. So much to do and so little time to do it in. Though, the fact that there aren't is probably a good thing what with you can't tire yourself out as much.

My life would be easier if I didn't have the laws of wolves slightly pressed upon me. I'm not wolf. You'd think I wouldn't have to follow their laws and customs. But I do. Being raised with it, I'm expected to follow it. There are times that I can bend the rules because I'm not one of them, but for the most part, especially with one of them currently living with me, I have to follow their rules. And I know that they are there to keep everyone safe, but sometimes the rules are a pain in the ass not even just for myself, but for some of the wolves themselves.

But, there you have it. My easier if reveled.

Comments/RP welcome

Jun. 25th, 2007


Prompt #2 - Family


My family are the Marrok. No matter how much the women of the pack don't like me, Bran has been more a father to me than anyone. I never knew my real father. The one that passed down to me the ability to shift to coyote. My mother gave me to the Marrok after she found a coyote pup in my crib where I should have been. Bran raised me among the werewolves. Samuel showed me the joy and heartache of love. And despite the heartache he caused, I still love him. And I know that he'll always be there to protect me, no matter our personal conflicts at the time. And then there's Adam and his daughter Jess. I'm still not sure exactly where they fit in fully, but they are family. I know this whole-heartedly.

My mother? Well, yes, she's family too. After Bran sent me back to her at the age of sixteen she welcomed me into her home. Her and my new step-father and their kids. They made me feel welcome and part of their family as much as they could, to which I'm grateful.

That' family. A handful of people, but most of them I know I can trust with my life. I know that if I run to them for help, no matter how late, or how deep the shit is, they will be there for me. To help and protect me.

Commets/RP welcome

Jun. 24th, 2007


Prompt #1 - Who am I?

To anyone that stops by my shop, I'm that female mechanic that bought her shop from the old fae. To Tony, I'm the only person that can tell it's him no matter what his disguise. To the vampires I use to be just their mechanic, now, I'm something to fear. According to them, my father's people use to hunt them. To the Columbia Basin Pack, I'm a walking, talking, breathing, pain in the ass. To the Marrok, I'm family though the women of the pack will try to tell you otherwise.

I am Mercedes Thompson. The mechanic for a majority of the outlining area of my town, supernatural or not. I'm half native-american thanks to my dad. And, also thanks to my father, I'm a skin walker. This means I have the magic to shift from human to coyote to human easily. I don't get the strength that the werewolves get, but my senses are coyote strong and I'm faster that a werewolf. Not by much, but enough to count in a race for my life. I'm also not tied to the moon like they are. While my temper my suffer if I don't shift after a while, I am not tied to a schedule.

Comments/RP welcome.
