May 2009



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Mar. 21st, 2009


Prompt #63

What is your biggest mistake?

Biggest? Depends on what you mean. Probably that fateful day I went back on the squad with Jack. Less than a year and my wife was dead, I was having an affair with my superior and I'd been promoted...

But is it a mistake when that leads you to the best thing that ever happened to you?

Were it not for the complete destruction of my old life, I could never have walked into this new one. I'd never have run into Isabel and that would be something to awful to think on.

Still I do allow my cock to do far too much of my thinking and it's cost me. My mistake has been not putting a stop to that long before this.

Jan. 23rd, 2009


Prompt 56

If the world was going to end, what would you do with your last hour?

Well, I'd actually do all I could to try and stop the world from ending. Barring that I'd get royally pissed and shag whoever was next to me.

Dec. 16th, 2008


propmt #57

You're alone. You hear your name whispered. Who is it and what do they want to tell you?

I know who it is... It's Jack.

No one else whispers in my ear like that. And what he's saying... We shouldn't, but neither of us can help ourselves. He's telling me what he wants. And I'm thinking on ways to give him just that.

It was worse when Alison was still alive, then I felt the guilt, but now... now there's no one but us. Most of the time, at any rate. There's no one else to turn to and I know Jack uses that, but I can't say no. Whatever it is he whispers in my ear, he can have. I've never been able to say no to him. And he knows that.

It's got to stop, doesn't it?

Oct. 21st, 2008


prompt 55

"Beautiful, beautiful. Magnificent desolation." -- Buzz Aldrin

What's so beautiful about desolation? Or has he been down the docklands recently?

I reckon he's talking about being on the moon which would be totally brilliant. I wonder what it was like to walk on that dirt. I'd be terrified that I'd poke a hole in the suit and die, but blimey, can't you imagine looking up in the sky and seeing the earth?!

I wouldn't even have the words to describe it.

But I can't imagine being somewhere that empty. Like the Sahara and that. There's nothing anywhere. It's not really suited for people. Maybe it's just trying to protect itself from us barging in.

Sep. 9th, 2008


What is your definition of a holiday? #53

Holiday? Any time I'm not bloody on the job. And trust me, there's dead few days like that in my life right now.

Sep. 7th, 2008


What do you hope to accomplish in this life?

What do I want to accomplish? I want to make sure justice is done. As much as I can. Justice isn't all about the law as its written but by what's right. Like when you know some villain done the deed but you couldn't get enough on him. We hound him day and night till we do get enough. Its due to the people they hurt. Those poor souls couldn't do anything themselves so its up to us to see right's done by them.

Jack would manufacture if he had to but I can't. I do it straight up so there's never a chance of the bastards getting away.

It's more important that the weak have someone to stand up for them than it is for me to have what I want. There's more of them than me and well, I have the skills to help so I have to.

I wish I could have a family, like I used to, but that don't seem to be in the cards or I had my chance and its done, so now I have to concentrate on what I can do and that's helping catch villains.

Aug. 16th, 2008


#51 How deadly is your character?

How deadly is your character? What could make her kill someone, and how would it happen?

Deadly? Well I reckon I am if you are a gun carrying villain or a bug.

It's not like I've killed many people, nor is it something that I enjoy doing. I remember each one. I think the worst was that nutter Cook. He'd got Jack by the throat with a chain. Me head was still reeling from where he'd given me a good knock but the sight of Jack being choked to death by that mad killer... well I put three shots right into him. Bastard.

Generally, I don't shoot until I'm shot at, but that's happening more and more.

Aug. 4th, 2008


Prompt 50

"Do you believe in loving a person unconditionally? Why or Why Not?"

Oh I believe in it. Not even that, I do it. Have done it.
The thing is, you have to love the right person or aside from not having your love and loyalty returned, they'll downright take advantage of all you give them.

Not that I'm mentioning any names but I know know I've been abused by the people I love. I didn't know it then but I do now.

It was me that did the dirty work, me that covered everyone's arse and me who got to clean up. Anything they wanted, anytime, anywhere. I never got the same back.

The sad thing is... I'd still do it for them all over again.

Jun. 23rd, 2008


Prompt #45 - A Simple Question Makes You Look Away...

I had to look away... )

Sgt. George Carter
The Sweeney

Jun. 22nd, 2008


Prompt 43

Reasons you do the job you do.

To protect regular decent folk from the villains. There's always those who want to prey on others. It's wrong and it's my job to stop them. Sometimes I can't stop it but I can track the villains down and make them pay for what they done. Justice isn't always done but I do my part as best I can.

Sgt. George Carter
The Sweeney

Jun. 16th, 2008


Prompt #44 What will they say about you after you're gone?

Well hopefully they'll say I was a good copper, one of the straight up ones. That I was a good friend and lover and that I was there for my mates when they needed me. That I nicked a good amount of villains in my day and that I didn't stop trying to solve a case, ever. That I never hit a woman who wasn't a villain, that I treated them as well as I could and that ok maybe I was a bit naughty sometimes, but I wasn't a bastard.

That I was a good bloke and that I'd be missed.

Sgt. George Carter
Flying Squad
The Sweeney

May. 14th, 2008



My theory is that if you look confident you can pull off anything - even if you have no clue what you're doing.

*laughs* Sounds like my Guvenor. He can blag his way into and out of anything he likes. He reckons that most people don't have a clue themselves so they won't notice if you don't either. He also insists that shouting works miles better than actually knowing what you are doing.

Still, he does know what he's about despite his love for shouting.

Me, I've done it as well. If I can make myself look like I belong there, I can generally pass. Was a bit of a shock when it first happened. Someone took me for an inspector. Was lovely I have to say.

Apr. 30th, 2008


#38, food

Write about your muses favorite food. Describe a complete dinner from their point of view.

Nothing like Sunday Lunch at Mum's. Cor but, I can smell the roast of beef right now.

My favourite; roast of beef, roast potatoes, gravy, neeps and peas. Sometimes we'd even get yorkshire pudding. Oh its bloody heaven thinking on it.

Then there's steak and salad. That's what Jack cooks for me. It's not as good as Mum's, but its a special meal none the less. He over does it, so I end up cooking. Not that I mind.

Apr. 9th, 2008


It's time to forget about the past
To wash away what happened last
-- 30 Seconds To Mars

Er .. I don't think so. I mean I'm all for forgiving people but who was it that said "those that forget the past are doomed to repeat it"?

As much as my past was mostly fun, I'd rather move forward in life and keep my lessons learned, rather than blundering around like a yob. I mean, you can let the past go, if you like, but forget it? That don't make any sense.

Learn or get left, mate. And I have no intentions of getting left. I'm nicking them that's too stupid to learn their lessons.

Sgt. George Carter
The Sweeney

Apr. 7th, 2008


prompt #35

For 24 Hours, you're given the chance to step in and take over a company, the presidency, or something else of your choosing. What do you do with that 24 hours?

I run the best football club in the world! Chelsea FC!

I'd have to take managing because I'd want to be on the pitch and in with the other lads. That's a dream come true, that is...

On the same pitch as Ron Harris...

I'd think I'd died and gone to heaven.

Sgt. George Carter
The Sweeney

Feb. 11th, 2008


prompt #30

St. Valentine was a Priest, martyred in 269 at Rome and was buried on the Flaminian Way. He is the Patron Saint of affianced couples, bee keepers, engaged couples, epilepsy, fainting, greetings, happy marriages, love, lovers, plague, travellers, young people. He is represented in pictures with birds and roses.

Does learning this change your thoughts about Valentine's Day?

You mean it's not that little cupid bloke?
That's something new. I always thought he was St. Valentine. Reckon I should ask an RC mate if they know anything.

But what's with the fainting, bees, and plague. Tell someone you love them by giving them the plague? That's going to bung the holiday works up. Might bring the divorce rate down though.

Jan. 23rd, 2008



"If your number one goal is to make sure that everyone likes and approves of you, then you risk sacrificing your uniqueness and, therefore, your excellence"

What bloody arse-kisser wants everyone to like and approve of them?

Act like that and you risk a good smack from your mates, provided you have any real ones.

My number one goal is to nick the villains. Don't care how as long as it holds up in court. Must be why me and Jack are so good at it, we don't care what people think, we just know what has to be done and then go out and do it.

Detective Sgt. George Carter
The Sweeney

Jan. 17th, 2008


# 27

If you look into your own heart, and you find nothing wrong there, what is there to worry about? What is there to fear? - Confucius

Isn't that called your conscience?

I reckon if you find yourself looking into your heart, you already know something's wrong. And if you tell yourself it's all good when you know it isn't...

Well I've been on the end of that myself. You can lie to others, I know I have, but you're stupid to lie to yourself. It gives you a bad stomach and a miserable life.

What's there to fear? Whatever it is you're lying to yourself on.

Jack was the master of that. He lied to everyone so often I don't think even he knew what the truth was anymore.

If you do look into your heart and see nothing wrong, well either you're doing real well or you're a maniac.

Sgt. George Carter
The Sweeney

Jan. 11th, 2008



"Any man who has the guts to sell his soul for love has the power to change the world." From Ghost Rider

What's all that bollocks and who's this Ghostrider?

Obviously he's not been in love with someone that could get him thrown off the job, given a good kicking by very nasty people and until very recently, landed him in the nick.

Sure the fella has guts. It takes that to love anyways, but to change the world?
Well I suppose he didn't say change for the better, just change. Yeah I reckon it does change the world at that...

Dec. 17th, 2007



When I was 14 we had a hell of a winter.  The Thames froze. I never thought I'd see that. The BBC said that the sea had frozen in spots. Can you imagine?

Some of the snowdrifts were taller than me. It was great fun to start with but, then it just was cold. I didn't feel warm that whole winter. We didn't have enough coal, you see. We all bundled into bed together with all our jumpers and blankets too cold to even make trouble.

And trust me, that's saying something.

The thing was, when I looked out the window, the snow falling made everything look like a fairy garden. For a moment it was exciting and beautiful and otherworldly. Like a beautiful picture.

Then my teeth would chatter.

I still don't like snow. It just means hardship to me no matter how pretty it looks.

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