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Sep. 10th, 2007


Prompt #12: Cooking.

You know what really, really sucks about getting set on fire? The smell. Oh, sure, I enjoy a good rump roast like the next guy, but when it's your ass that's turning a delicious medium-well, it really sucks. Not to say I don't bounce back real easy, it just kinda sucks, that's all. Makes me almost want to be a vegetarian, but I enjoy eating animals too much.

Mmmmm, dead flesh. Tasty, tasty, tasty.

So anyways, yeah. Don't get set on fire. It's no fun, and it really doesn't do anyone any favors.

--Agent X, from Agent X. 91 Words

Jul. 9th, 2007


Prompt #5: Greatest Fear.

I ain't afraid of nothing!

...okay, maybe a couple things.

Most of all?

Three words: Forgetting how to count.

Muse: Alex Hayden
Fandom: Agent X (Marvel Comics)
Words: 19

Jun. 27th, 2007


Promp #3: Thoughts on Love

Whaaaaaat's love got to do, got to do with it? Whaaaaat's love, but a second hand emooootion?

...okay, yeah, earworm. Thanks a lot, prompter. Oh, there's another fourth wall to fix. I gotta stop doing that.

But seriously, love? Okay, yeah, I got myself really tied to Outlaw, and not just in a kinky way. But I... you gotta be careful, in my business. You get too attached and blammo, you gotta pick up the pieces of your broken heart along with pieces of their splattered skull. That's no fun at all.

Course, Outlaw is one tough momma, and she knows how to handle herself. So really, guess all it took was finding the right woman. And if she's the wrong woman? Boy, I never want to be right.

Jun. 18th, 2007


[Prompt 2] - Family

I got nothin'. If I thought of TM as a brother, I'd hate him even more. If I thought of Outlaw like a sister, that would be super gross given what I do with her. Ditto with Sandi.

So... anyone else want to be not-my-sister? I got a lot of love to share. A whole lot of love. Just don't shoot me? Everything grows back, but man it stings after the first one.

Open for comments and roleplay

Jun. 11th, 2007


[Prompt 1] - Who Are You?

Who am I? )
