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Apr. 20th, 2008


Prompt 31 - What have you done that you wish you could apologize for? [closed]

Prompt 33 - "What doesn't kill you makes you stronger". Do you agree with this statement? Why or why not? [closed]

Prompt 34. "There are people I would take a bullet for and people I would like to put a bullet in." ---Benji (Good Charlotte) [closed]

Dec. 18th, 2007


Methos Responses...

#14 - What Do you Dream about? -Closed
#15 - Mistaken Identity - Closed
#16 - What moment from your life do you wish you could re-live again? - Closed
#17 - What is the best or worst advice you have ever received? - OPEN
#18 - What was your most embarrassing moment? - OPEN
#19 - In your time of need who will you turn to? - OPEN
#21 - "There is no agony like bearing an untold story inside of you." - Mayay Angelou - Closed
#22 - Write a letter to your mun - Closed
#23 - Do you believe in an afterlife? If so, what do you expect to find when you get there? - Closed

Oct. 2nd, 2007


#12 Cooking and #13 Are you superstitious

#12 - Cooking (Open)

#13 - Are you superstitious? (Locked)

Sep. 4th, 2007


Prompt #11 - What do you want? [First part open]

Prompt #11 - What do you want?

I want what just about everybody wants a long life, friends, to fall in love, and to be happy.

*locked to immortals*

I want to survive. I don't want to die. I'm five thousand years old and its not enough. I don't think it will ever be enough, every day there is something new to see. Yet, I don't think I want to win the Game. I don't want to be the last of our kind, surrounded by mortals whose lives are so short that there are times when it doesn't feel worth it to get to know them. I've had immortal friends before, MacLeod, Amanda, Rebecca, Darius, Constantine, Kronos, to name a few. I kept in contact with Rebecca and Darius even though my current persona would have a lot of explaining to do if I got caught speaking with them or writing to them. They were my friends, they had been for years I wasn't going to let a silly oath stop me, especially since I was already immortal and it was probably wrong of me to be a part them. They were my oldest and closest friends when they died. I mourned them and I retreated into my books, I let the current persona take over and became Adam Pierson until a Highlander showed up on my doorstep and dragged me back into everything.

The younger immortals have a passion in them that I lose every so often. I need them to wake me up sometimes. If I won, then I'd slip away and let myself forget who I was. I don't want to do that, so no I don't want to win. I don't want to be the last of my kind and I want to survive. I'll have to make sure someone survives with me or at least live until the time comes for me to give my head up. I will give it up if I have to, if for some reason the Gathering does happen and forces us to fight, I'll let someone I know and trust take my head. If its someone I don't know, well, then that will all depend on what I know about them. Of course, if I can I'll run and hide, so they'll have to find me first, provided I'm in the right mind. If I'm not in the right mind, well then all bets are off and I've been the Survivor of several groups.

Character: Methos
Fandom: Highlander
Word Count: 405
Crossposted here


Prompt #10 - My Life would be easier if… [First part Open]

I lead a pretty easy life. I inherited a fortune from my uncle, so I don't hold down a regular job since I don't need the money. That means I get to pick and choose research projects which interest me. If I feel like taking a long break between projects I can, though I usually don't. The only thing that would make my life easier is if I could figure out who on the staff is stealing from me. I know someone is, because I've noticed things have been missing. I'll figure it out who it is, fire them, and then I'll have to hire a replacement. Not a task I look forward to.

*locked to those that know about Methos' immortality*
My life would be easier if I could avoid all those immortals that want to take my head. I just want to live a quiet life, sometimes rich, sometimes poor. Not someone who attracts too much attention, because then there's more chance of someone noticing I don't age.

Oh that would be nice, if I could physically age myself a bit throughout the years. I could spend more time in one lifetime and then when I restart I could go back to being myself. That would certainly make life easier instead of using make up and coming up with excuses for why I look younger than the people I've known for years. I wouldn't have to have so many back-stories ready to go, in case something happens. Well, I would because you never know when an accident will happen, but I wouldn't have to purposely reset as much.

Character: Methos
Fandom: Highlander
Word Count: 262
Crossposted: here

Aug. 14th, 2007


Prompt 3 - What are you thoughts on love? [Open]

Love goes hand in hand with loss for me. Everyone I've loved, I've lost. If I were a smart man, I'd swear it off, but love is far too precious to give up. I don't go looking to fall in love, when it happens it happens. Then I just hold on and go along with it until the eventual loss

Character: Methos
Fandom: Highlander
Word Count: 60
Comments IC/OOC/meta go here


Voices Prompt 2 - Family

My parents died when I was sixteen, almost seventeen. Since I wasn't allowed to care for myself, I was placed into the care of my uncle. He was an important business man, who had no time for me, but didn't want me to be made ward of the state or completely on my own. He helped pay for the rest of my schooling, if I couldn't make ends meet, but for the most part I was on my own. He died a few years ago, I was his only living relative, so he left me everything.

*locked to immortals and those who know of Methos' immortality*
Family is important to creating an alias' history. Everyone has one and you have to a convenient excuse not to have one. It is one of the most complicated lies a person has to create and keep straight. If one fails at creating a family your whole new persona could fall apart.

Character: Methos
Fandom: Highlander
Word Count: 148
Crossposted here

Aug. 6th, 2007


Prompt #1 - Who am I?

((First part is open to RP))

I'm Adam Pierson. I'm a researcher. I have real a knack for languages, so I do a lot of translating, especially dead languages found in ancient civilizations. I find the work fascinating.

*locked to immortals*
I'm an immortal. I've lived a really long time and I've had to a chance to do just about everything. I have no desire to play the game, do feel free to think I'm an easy mark because of that.

Character: Methos
Fandom: Highlander
Word Count: 72
Crossposted to Methos' IJ here

Aug. 5th, 2007


Voices Prompt #8: When I'm feeling blue, all I have to do is...

It takes me a lot to make me feel blue. Usually I just roll with the punches, everyday can't be a good day. If I do get in the funk and realize it while I'm still in it, I surround myself with those I call friend and then just let it happy. Something usually come around that will cheer me up.

Muse: Methos
Fandom: Highlander
Word Count: 61
ooc/meta comments welcome here

Jul. 31st, 2007


Prompt #7 - What is your greatest loss?

After five thousand of years of living, what lost haven’t I experienced? I’ve lost my mortality, but gained immortality. Some might argue I’ve lost my humanity and I would agree that I did at one point, but I prefer to think I have gained some it back. )

Character: Methos
Fandom: Highlander
Word Count: 622
Crossposted to here

Jul. 27th, 2007


Voice Prompt #6 What makes you lose your temper?

It had started out as a regular night. I was at Joe's, telling tales and generally just relaxing. When a mutual friend of ours, Mac came in with trouble following behind him. His girlfriend had been kidnapped by an old friend turned rival. Apparently his old friend had been arrested along with the woman he loved and they both had been sent to prison. The rival's woman died and had a grudge against Mac.

Mac was still debating what to do since he didn't know what had happened. He went back home to wait for contact and I went with him. By the time we got there, Joe had been kidnapped and Mac had his instructions. No police, come alone, and no one gets hurt.

I volunteered to go with him and Mac turned me down. He was going to play by the kidnappers rules. He was going to just give up and he actually did. If I hadn't disregarded his wishes, he would be. He gave up, because they threatened his friends. I couldn't believe that Mac would just give up without a fight.

One example of what makes me really angry. Life is far too short too waste it.

Character: Methos
Fandom: Highlander
Word Count: 201
Open to Commentary

Jul. 14th, 2007


Prompt #5 What is your greatest fear?

((locked to those that know of immortals, meta/OOC comments welcome))

When I was fairly young, I was a servant to a Pharaoh. The Pharaoh died and was entombed. I had the misfortune of being entombed with the Pharaoh, so that I could serve him in the after-life. Needless to say, I woke up and the Pharaoh didn't.

The tomb was sealed tightly and try as I might I couldn't break myself out. I died from lack of water, woke up, and tried again. It was an endless cycle of dying, and desperately trying to break myself out. It took a pair of tomb raiders to break me out. I imagine I gave them quite a fright.

A couple millenniums later, there was an immortal hunting me. I had no interest in a fight with the child, so I avoided him by hiding on a ship. Not the smartest move I've made as the ship left before I could get off and they didn't take kindly too stowaways. They tied me up, put some weights on me and tossed me overboard.

I drowned and woke up, several times. Every time I woke up, I had to work on getting out of those ropes with less and less time. Eventually, I made it out. For the most part I was helpless, it took me a long time to finally get out.

Centuries later, I was in the mountains. Just trying to get away from everything and had the misfortune to be stuck in an avalanche. I was lucky, the rocks kept me from reviving too often. I really couldn't heal around them. It took an earthquake to break me free. Then I was able to find the leverage to escape.

I don't have many fears, most of them have been faced and conquered. Being trapped and dying over and over again would have to be worst fear. I try to avoid places where this might happen.

Character: Methos
Fandom: Highlander
Word Count: 315
Crossposted here

Jul. 5th, 2007


Prompt #4: What song best describes you and why?

((locked to those that know of immortals, OOC/meta comments welcomed))

This is the song that never ends
Yes, it goes on and on my friends
Some people started singing it
Not knowing what it was
And they'll continue singing forever, just because...

No matter what happens to me, I always seem to survive with my head intact. I keep going and going, the orginal energizer bunny. No immortal knows what they are until they wake up from something that should have left them dead and find their injuries heal quickly and nothing kills them. If they're lucky they'll find a teacher who will explain exactly what's happened. If not they'll find out that they can be killed.

Like the song, immortals go on and on, but eventually something happens to make the song or the immortals stop. The immortals are usually stopped by a quick stroke to the neck by a sharp object.

I know one day, I'll quit singing that annoying little song. I'll lose my head in combat, but until then I'll continue singing forever.

Character: Methos
Fandom: Highander
Word Count: 135 not including lyrics
Crossposted: here
