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Mar. 13th, 2008


[VIMH] 31 - What have you done that you wish you could apologize for?

I probably have tried and the guys just wave it off. I mean I should say I'm sorry to them. I trusted Chase when for so long it was just me and the guys. Though the one i should aplogize the most to is Pogue. Pogue never trusted the guy and him being my best friend I should have seen it. I should have been on my guard. I trust Pogue with my life and I didn't take notice of how he was around Chase.

I'm sure he'd say it's not my fault. That I don't have anything to apologize for. I know Pogue that well. I just feel I do and to let him know next time? I'd be more observant of him. He always has my back and I should of had his. Maybe he wouldn't have gotten hurt in the midst of it all.

I just know I won't make that mistake again.

Caleb Danvers // The Covenant // 154 words

Sep. 5th, 2007


Prompt 1 - Who am I.

I'm many things to different people. It all depends on who you ask.

I'm the loving son of James and Evelyn Danvers. My father, is no longer with us.

I'm the best friend of Pogue Parry, Reid Garwin, and Tyler Simms, so close we are all in essence brothers. We've known each other since we were all kids, and our families go way back.

I'm one of the sons of Ipswitch. Something very few understand the full extent of.

When we are thirteen we get this taste if you will of power. Oh it's fun don't get me wrong. It's out test though, we get teased, our will tested. The power is our life, use too much of it you pay a price. Your body ages quicker then it should. When we are eighteen we ascend and we get out full powers then.

Me and the boys we are close but we do fight, well that would be me mainly with Reid because he loves to use a bit more then he should. I'm hard on him I know but he's like my brother and I don't want him to meet the same fate my father did.

I've been a boyfriend.

I've been a pain in the ass to Aaron and his boys.

I've been the enemy to Chase Collins. He hurt people around me I cared about. Kate. Pogue. Sarah. He wanted my power, my life. He was addicted to using it, growing up not knowing the same things we did. I tried telling him but he was too greedy and I had to fight to protect my family.

So who am I? I'm a son of Ipswitch, and I am a Danvers.

Caleb Danvers
The Covenant
275 Words
