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Sep. 28th, 2008


Prompt #53

Prompt #53 

What is your definition of a holiday?

We had a day off once on Atlantis. Didn't turn out too good. We lost Dr. Beckett and, well, Dr. Weir wasn't in a hurry after that to decree another one for the whole city. 

Earth is a good holiday destination, I'm told. Trip to another galaxy, visiting a new world - not that I don't do just that around the Pegasus galaxy more than once a week already, but maybe get to see, first-hand, where Sheppard and McKay come from would be... interesting. 

So, not saying I haven't been yet, but never been there for the right reasons, or under the right circumstances. One trip was to save McKay's ass. And another time was to accompany Sheppard to his dad's funeral. Not exactly holiday brochure material. And certainly not the right mood or frame of mind. That said, that one time should have been a simple trip home for John, emotional but simple. But of course it turned in a cat and mouse chase with some replicator, and Sheppard missed most of his father's wake.

It's one of the quirks of this place, I think. When a day starts easy, get nervous. It'll rarely play out that way.

So, I don't know, y'know? Maybe just being able to hang out... chill with a beer, a good movie and some popcorn, without being interrupted by another major crisis or situation threatening Atlantis or my team is holiday enough for me. Yeah, not getting my ass shot at long enough to finish that ale.

Muse: Ronon Dex
Fandom: SGA

Sep. 9th, 2008


What is your definition of a holiday? #53

Holiday? Any time I'm not bloody on the job. And trust me, there's dead few days like that in my life right now.


Prompt #53

What is your definition of a holiday?
