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Mar. 22nd, 2008


[VIMH] Who are you?

Name's Alec. Alec McDowell to be exact. I've gone by a few names really. There was my least favorite X5-494, Monty Cora though that was my boxing name, then Alec thanks to my buddy Max based off smart aleck, hey beats her second choice, Dick. I know the numbers might have you confused and for now I'll just let them unless you know Max you might know what they mean.

just your average guy. Bike messenger extraordinaire.

Alright truth be told I'm not so normal I'm a genetic cocktail gone crazy. Human DNA with a dash of kitty. Fun yes? I'm faster, stronger, and yeah I'll just shut up.

Like I said it's Alec. Though I've been x5-494 for most of my creation..

I'm 23, I love funny witty women, and long walks on the beach. Interested?


Want to know somethng? Ask. You might get an answer.

Alec McDowell 'X5-494' // Dark Angel // 142 words

Oct. 9th, 2007


Prompt 16 - Relive a moment

What moment from your life do you wish you could re-live again?

Are you kidding? Who'd want to relive anything? Maxie probably would. Something to do with Logan. What's the point? You can't change anything and if it's so great, you have the memory. I like to live in the moment. I don't think about the past or the future. I got Max for that.

[Locked Private]
Fine. If I was going to relive any moment it would be the time I spent with Rachel. Pick a moment any moment from then. It was the first time I felt human and not just a soldier for Manticore. It was the first time I felt.


Well, if I was going to relive a moment, it would probably be the Volkovitch job in Kezmekistan and Lola. I would definitely relive the time with Lola.

Aug. 24th, 2007


Prompt 10 - Life would be easier {Open}

My life would be easier if...

Well, the obvious answer to this would be if I didn't have a damn barcode on the back of my neck.

[Locked Private]
It's not that I want to stop being a transgenic. It's what and who I am, I like being a transgenic. It's not even that I'm being hunted and feared because of it. I hate that every time I see it, I'm reminded that I'm considered a property. I'm not a person, or even a soldier in their eyes, I'm meat. Nothing more than something they cooked up in a lab and can do again.

I've done laser removal of it, but it keeps popping up. I could pass it off as a cool tattoo and no one except for people in the government or Ames would know it was the real thing. That's not the point. The point is that the barcode is a pain in the ass, and my life would be easier without it.

Alec/X5-494 ~*~ Dark Angel ~*~ 161 words

Jul. 13th, 2007


Prompt 5 - What is your greatest fear? [Private]

My greatest fear? That I'll end up being like Ben, my twin. Even with all those hours spent in Psy Ops there is a voice in the back of my head that wonders if they missed something. If there is something in my genetic cocktail that will make me lose my mind like he did.

The kick in the ass, is that I'll never know it. It's not like I'll say to myself 'oh look, I've gone insane.' I won't collect teeth for the 'Blue Lady' because that wasn't my deal. I could care less about that crap. It will be something else, something else that misfires in my brain and I'm drawn to do something.

On the upside, I know that if I ever do go insane, Max will be happy to kill me. Hell, she's probably happy to kill me now without me going insane. I hate to say this, but I have to put my trust in the Manticore Psy Ops people. I hope they didn't screw up and something slipped by them. But, if they did, I have my backup. Max.

Alec/X5-494 ~*~ Dark Angel ~*~ 185 words

Jun. 22nd, 2007


Prompt 2 - Family

Family? That's a foreign concept to a genetically engineered supersoldier. I have people that I protect, that I don't leave behind, but they aren't family. Max likes to think that we're all brothers and sisters, but we're not. We're just people that share the same genetic cocktail and that were made at the same government facility.

I guess I have a mother and a father technically. I mean someone had to donate the egg and the sperm to begin the cocktail, right? Who knows, maybe my father is Albert Einstein or Felix the Cat. It doesn't really matter. Family never really mattered to me except with how it affected the mission. Even when my genetic twin was killed and I was sent to Psy Ops to see if I would mutate like he did, family didn't mean shit. It was just another hurdle to overcome to prove I wasn't anything like him.

[Locked Private]
It wasn't until the job with Rachel that I saw what a family was supposed to be like. How tight the bond was between a father and a daughter. Ever since then, I've wondered about families as something other than a means to an end.

Families? They're just a means to an end.

Dark Angel
205 Words

Comment and RP welcome

Jun. 11th, 2007


Prompt 1 - Who are you?

"Who are you?"

Depends on who you ask. To the Norms, I'm a mutant freak. To Max, I'm Alec or possibly Dick. To Normal, I'm his Golden Boy or the fighter Montycora. To Joshua, Logan, Sketchy and Original Cindy, I'm Alec. But to the people of Manticore and Ames, I'm designation X5-494. You can call me Alec though.

I'm one of the freaks holed up in Terminal City. I'm a biologically engineered super soldier made in the labs of Manticore. The government likes to sweep our existence under the carpet, but Max changed that with her stand after the Jam Pony siege.

Crossposted to journal. Comments welcome.
