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Jul. 28th, 2007


Prompt #6: What makes you lose your temper?

I don't lose my temper easily. In fact, a lot of the things I do are done with cold calculation. I think that disturbs some of my fellow Death Eaters.

But attacking my Lord or my family will earn my ire. Being stupid, disobeying orders, or defending muggles will definitely anger me, too.

I've learned not to act in anger, though, but to rather seethe for a bit and give punishment when someone's least expecting it. There's really nothing quite like giving punishment when it's least expected. Of course, you have to tell the person why they're being punished, otherwise they don't know not to repeat whatever they did.

Jul. 27th, 2007


Voice Prompt #6 What makes you lose your temper?

It had started out as a regular night. I was at Joe's, telling tales and generally just relaxing. When a mutual friend of ours, Mac came in with trouble following behind him. His girlfriend had been kidnapped by an old friend turned rival. Apparently his old friend had been arrested along with the woman he loved and they both had been sent to prison. The rival's woman died and had a grudge against Mac.

Mac was still debating what to do since he didn't know what had happened. He went back home to wait for contact and I went with him. By the time we got there, Joe had been kidnapped and Mac had his instructions. No police, come alone, and no one gets hurt.

I volunteered to go with him and Mac turned me down. He was going to play by the kidnappers rules. He was going to just give up and he actually did. If I hadn't disregarded his wishes, he would be. He gave up, because they threatened his friends. I couldn't believe that Mac would just give up without a fight.

One example of what makes me really angry. Life is far too short too waste it.

Character: Methos
Fandom: Highlander
Word Count: 201
Open to Commentary

Jul. 24th, 2007


Prompt #6 - What makes You Lose Your Temper? [Open]

Stupid people. Idiots. Those are the kinds of people who make me lose my temper.

College students are the usual offenders. Oh yes, there are the few college students that take school seriously and the ratio may differ from school to school of serious students to partying students, but there will always be the idiots. The students that think that college is just goof off time, the time when they finally can get drunk and party without their parents watching over them. The students who would take the easiest classes they could for their general education classes and sometimes this would include the Psych 101 class.

And I used to be a TA for those classes when I was in grad school and had to grade their papers. Do you realize that in the scheme of things, whenever you grade papers in college, you get good papers, mediorce papers and papers you just want to toss and burn because they rape the English language?

Well, that made me lose my temper a lot, but I kept it under wraps mostly. Now, I can't control my temper with such things anymore now that my self-control is broken. And more often than not it is idiots are what triggers it. I often have to work with them...most of the help I...hire are high school dropouts.


Prompt #6 - What makes You Lose Your Temper? [Private]

I try not to lose my temper anymore. The last time I really lost it, I did a lot of things I regret.

No, it wasn't during the war. Don't want to talk about that tonight. I was different back then and stupid.

But yes, last time I lost my temper, I lost myself. You see, I'm not just a war mage. I'm also a shadow creature thing that dwells in a human shell and has a human soul. Don't ask me the details about it, really, it's complicated and I don't quite understand it myself yet. It just is. But when I loose control of my temper now, my eyes turn completely black and I lose control until my vengence is complete or I am stopped. Whatever comes first.

But yeah, I killed a lot of people when I was last angry and all because the leaders of that organization (I killed all of the members of the organization apparently) killed the mother of my partner because I wasn't doing what they wanted me to do. It's complicated.

I the end I can only conclude that what makes me lose my temper is when you hurt the people I hold close to myself because that's all I have anymore.

Jul. 23rd, 2007


Prompt #6: Anger

[internal thoughts private, actions visible to all]

My datapad weighs heavily in my robe's pocket as I walk the hotel floors, looking for a quiet place to sit. Others pass, glance up as I go by. From time to time, their eyes meet mine and light with curiosity. Most times, however, their gazes remain dull, focused elsewhere. Many have implements in their hands not much different from my pad. In their own chairs, some write in leather-bound journals or scribble on loose sheathes. I have to wonder: do we all toil on the same mysterious question, or is this one tailor-made for me alone?

What makes you angry? )


Prompt #6 [open]

Casey Z. Prompt #6

What makes me lose my temper?

Maybe what you should be asking me is what doesn’t make me lose my temper. Seriously, I have a bit of a control issue when it comes to my temper. So many things piss me off though.

The state of the world pisses me off. People piss me off, most of them anyway. Reality TV makes me what to smash the television with a sledgehammer. I only did that once. It wasn’t my television though and it wasn’t really a sledgehammer either but the end result was a smashed set and a happy me.

Stupid drivers piss me off, crappy weather, really you name it and at some point I’m sure I’ve lost my temper about it. It’s who I am. I was worse when I was a teenager of course. In comparison, these days I’m positively mellow.

Jul. 22nd, 2007


Prompt#6- What makes you lose your temper?

What sets me off? To be honest- a lot of things. I admit it ‘cause it’s not like it’s a secret if you ever met me. Demons. Bad music (which is most music nowadays- C'mon what the hell is up with that? Thank fuck I got the classics.) Self-righteous people are the big one though. They piss me off with their narrow-minded crap. Just, fuck, take the stick out of your ass go get some or something. Now don’t get me wrong, I’m not saying you gotta change who you are totally because I don’t believe in that but…loosen up. Damn.

It might have made me throw a punch once or twice. A night.


Prompt #6 - What makes you Angry?

As a Jedi, I am taught to release anger to the force.

But one of the things that motivate me to action are injustice. I do not like to see people hurting each other. I am here to protect those who cannot protect themselves. I take that job very seriously.

That's what it means to be a Jedi.

My anger is dangerous. It has never been a good thing. I push it away like I'm supposed to but it builds and builds until someone gets hurt. I can't help it. I feel out of control, like a big failure. I can't be the Jedi I should be.


Prompt #6 - What makes me lose my temper?

Senseless murder. Well, all murder is senseless really. There's no need for it. And while my people may have stood by and watched, I've never been able to.

There's been a few people, and even a few alien races that have learned that lesson the hard way. Believe me, when you execute someone, or destroy them after they surrender or make me your enemy, and you don't want to do that.

I don't have any mercy towards those who murder. Towards those who kill for any reason other than self defense. I've seen enough killing in my lives.

Jul. 21st, 2007


Prompt #6 [open]

Jade Dragon Prompt #6

What makes me lose my temper? Well, to be honest I'm not really very hot tempered. You may think that is kind of odd with me being half dragon and all but it is true. I guess I must get that from my mom's side.

Sure I have my moments. I have been known to pitch a fit a time or two but usually I am able to keep my cool. My mom says that when I was little I used to throw big temper tantrums but I don't remember them.

One thing that will almost always push me into losing control is if someone threatens someone I care about, especially my family. I am very protective of those that I consider my family.

Jul. 20th, 2007


Prompt #6: What makes You Lose Your Temper?

What makes me lose my temper?

I hate being pushed around, but usually I can't do much about it. Really, that just makes me more angry and more likely to lose my temper, but after I lose it I end up suffering for it. Doesn't do much good, does it? I've tried the whole Buddhist / not-attached / victory-in-defeat thing that Chase does, but as far as I can tell his definition of victory in defeat is acting smug and all-knowing even when he loses, like a cat that just rolled off the TV in his sleep and then gives you a look like he meant to do that, and I'm just not that cool.

So then I look dumb, and knowing that I look dumb makes me lose my temper even more. Vicious cycle, isn't it?

Jul. 19th, 2007


Prompt #6 [open]

Cassandra Marshall
Prompt #6: What makes You Lose Your Temper?

cut for mention of violence )


Prompt #6: What makes You Lose Your Temper?

Hardly anything makes me lose my temper. I have seen the destructive nature of long running feuds starting from something so simple as to not be a cause at all; just because someone did not hold their temper in check.


Rudeness, I dislike but one can always counter that with sarcasm. The selfishness of others and injustice makes me angry but not enough for me to throw a full-blown fit. I prefer to work quietly behind the scenes, tacitly plotting destruction and smirk with just happiness as they fall from grace.


No wonder everyone fears me. It is with good reason.


Prompt #6 - What makes You Lose Your Temper? [Open]

Ahaha. This is an interesting question to answer.

Well, I am one of those people who are quite notorious for their temper, but I do try to keep it under control for the sake of composure. However, there are times in which it makes me a bit reckless and it is under those circumstances that I can...make mistakes. Not something I would like to admit to often, but I suppose that's why Potter's been so lucky as to escape from me so many time. He simply angers me and causes me to lose my temper because he seems to always know precisely what annoys me whether it be his mere existence or his needling words.

He's not the only thing that causes me to lose my temper of course, but he's been the one that's been on my mind the most as of late. I know he's going to try and fight me again, it's inevitable and so I worry about it, especially since I'm not quite sure what he's doing anymore. Severus isn't much help, especially after Dumbledore's murder.

But as to other things that cause me to lose my temper? Well, such things as having incompetent followers and I tend to show that temper by torturing them with the Cruciatus curse. Dumbledore has also caused me to lose my temper in the past because he has the same ability as Potter to needle me with pointless talk about me. He never did quite get it through his head that I am not to be called "Tom" anymore.

...Now that I think about it, it is difficult for me to list all the things that make me lose my temper, but the ones I have talked about are the major ones.

Jul. 17th, 2007


Prompt #6: What makes You Lose Your Temper?

*pause, then hysterical laughter*

You guys are making up these questions just for me, aren't you?

My brother Macalaure used to call me Airaumo, the Red Storm, because that's what I'm like when I lose my temper. When the Red Storm hits, you'd better be indoors with doors and windows locked, because as storms go it's a violent one. Luckily though, it tends to blow over quickly, it's a short-lived storm, and there remains afterwards only the task of repairing the house. (I have been known to slam doors so hard they fall off their hinges, but I argue that the hinges must have been weak to begin with).

What makes me lose my temper? Lots of things, although I've noticed that I lose my temper less often when Findekano is not around; a lot of it was down to arguing with him and losing my temper with him. I lost my temper with him the last time I saw him before the Nirnaeth Arnoediad, we parted with angry words between us and five days later he was slain on the battlefield.

Most of the time it's stupid people that make me lose my temper. If, in a battle situation, someone fails to correctly follow orders, they put other lives at risk, and THAT gets me angry. Also people who commit acts of evil out of pure spite or exercise of power. I have killed for my temper. I have killed in the heat of war, I have killed in cold blood, but I have never deliberately taken the lives of the weak or the helpless. Children. I once killed Turkofinwe's chief lieutenant on the spot where he stood, for the deliberate murder of two small children.

The Sindarin made me angry, often. They seemed to particularly enjoy annoying the sons of Feanaro, at the encouragement of their king (who was technically my great-uncle, but held no loyalty of blood to his kin). All the bloodshed and war could have been simply averted if only he had ordered the Silmarils given back to us, to whom they belonged.

[private]I still lose my temper when there's something I want to do that I'm unable to do with only one hand. I've lost count of the times I've hurled jars and bottles at the kitchen wall, because I couldn't open them.[/private]

Comments welcome

Jul. 16th, 2007


Prompt #6 - What Makes Me Lose My Temper [open]

This is a hard one, but I would have to see say injustice is the biggest one. Followed closely by people who mess with my family. Oh sure, we run into marauders, and hooligans much of the time, and they just annoy me, like a mosquito buzzing in your ear. But mess with people who can't defend themselves or the people I love... Well they'd better far and fast.

When you live from place to place, the only thing you really have is your family, so I protect them. I almost look at it as if it's my job. And it is, really. One that I am proud to do everyday.

Comments and RP welcome.

*grrrr* I can't seem to fixed the extra tag on my entry either!

Jul. 17th, 2007


What makes you lose your temper? [private]

There are a lot of things that annoy me, but it's become a necessity, over the years, for my temper to be reined in as tightly as I can manage. Losing my temper is something of a luxury, actually -- really losing it, with the shouting and stomping and throwing of things. I can't remember the last time I let myself scream at anything.

I have had to learn how to channel my anger -- how to use it, make it work for me. As good as it feels to lose control, it's not helpful, and the situations that make me feel that way, these days, are often the ones where I need to be focused and useful. I need to be better than just inane screeching. I need to be calm and steady and solid -- that's what this city needs from me. That's what these people need from me.

I'm not a good leader if I come apart at the seams every time things get hard.

That doesn't mean I don't want to scream at the unfairness of it all every time I lose someone who was probably only a name and a face to me -- someone who followed me because I led them. It doesn't change that I really want to haul off and smack something when I lose someone I did know. It doesn't stop me from looking for a scapegoat to lay the blame on when we're teetering on the brink of doom (again).

I'm not always above that kind of intense emotion, but I'm supposed to be.

Jul. 16th, 2007


Prompt #6

What makes you lose your temper?

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