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August 24th, 2007

[info]trueslayer in [info]voicesinmyhead

Prompt #10 - Easier Life [Open]

My life would be easier if...

I wasn't the only Slayer. That's what I used to think. I used to think if there was an army of Slayers, I could just say screw it and spend the rest of my life being a normal girl.

I mean I paid my dues, right? Saved the world a lot. I deserved to be on the beaches of Maui and looking at all the handsome surfers. Then guess what? It happened. My best friend Willow activated the Slayer line and there are armies of Slayers. Literally. We have state of the art communication and everything. Do you see me on the beaches of Maui? That would be a no. You would see me covered in demon slime.

I realized when I finally had a choice that being a Slayer is more than a destiny, it's who I am. I couldn't stop doing what I do. I mean, how can I stop fighting darkness? I couldn't. I tried, but I couldn't do it. It's what I am. It's who I am.

Who knew that the shallow girl from Hemery High that only wanted to be popular would turn out to be someone that cared and wanted to help?

Muse: Buffy Summers
Fandom: Buffy the Vampire Slayer
Word Count: 198

[info]alec_x5494 in [info]voicesinmyhead

Prompt 10 - Life would be easier {Open}

My life would be easier if...

Well, the obvious answer to this would be if I didn't have a damn barcode on the back of my neck.

[Locked Private]
It's not that I want to stop being a transgenic. It's what and who I am, I like being a transgenic. It's not even that I'm being hunted and feared because of it. I hate that every time I see it, I'm reminded that I'm considered a property. I'm not a person, or even a soldier in their eyes, I'm meat. Nothing more than something they cooked up in a lab and can do again.

I've done laser removal of it, but it keeps popping up. I could pass it off as a cool tattoo and no one except for people in the government or Ames would know it was the real thing. That's not the point. The point is that the barcode is a pain in the ass, and my life would be easier without it.

Alec/X5-494 ~*~ Dark Angel ~*~ 161 words

[info]queen_of_hell in [info]voicesinmyhead

Prompt # 10 - My life would be easier...

That's a loaded question now isn't it?

Muse: Piper "Les" Allison
Fandom: Original Character
Words: 256

[info]belovedclown in [info]voicesinmyhead

Prompt #10 - My life would be much easier if...[open]

Too many things were different )

[info]singed_feet in [info]voicesinmyhead

Cariads greatest fear [open]

Name: Cariad Lorna Sin. 
Fandom: None, Original character. 
Prompt 5: What is your Greatest Fear? 
Word Count: 488 

(I guess there’s a lot of little things I’m scared of that I really shouldn’t be, It’s not like maggots can kill me after all, but they sure as hell make my skin crawl.)

[info]badatpingpong in [info]voicesinmyhead

1: Answer the question: "Who are you?"

simple enough... )

Character: Jack O'Neill
Fandom: Stargate SG-1
Word count: 185
