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Jul. 28th, 2015


That moment when you find a photo on your phone you don't remember taking and have no idea what the hell you were doing in. Mags, wtf? Did you hair smell extra good that day on set or something?


Duran Duran makes me want to dance every time I hear a song of theirs. Seriously getting down in my living room right now. I'm such a nerd for the 80's.

So we should have lunch because we haven't in a while and also because I say so.

Jul. 27th, 2015


You know what would have been really cool? To have a guest spot on ER, back in the day. I was watching some old seasons and Goran Visnjic was so smoking hot. Newer medical dramas can't compare.

Jul. 22nd, 2015


if you're trying to recruit me for another skirmish, move on, and leave me alone.

Jul. 21st, 2015


Well. That happened...

Jul. 19th, 2015



You free tomorrow afternoon?

Jul. 17th, 2015


I never knew that going out without mascara could make me look like a zombie. Thank you, Jenna Marbles, for that clarification.

I'm itching to do something fun tonight. What are all of you up to?

How's life?

Jul. 16th, 2015



You looked like you were having a blast last night. The crowd loved you.

Jul. 15th, 2015


Friends 18+

So, who wants to take a trip to go watch some hot guys take their clothes off?

Jul. 14th, 2015



How many of you are the right age? Please, please be the right age. This is too weird for me to



Holy craaaaap are you kidding me?!!?

» The good news is, I just won the bet and saw real live boobs first (so SO many boobs, dude!!!) and you owe me a Transformer.
» I want another Megatron, by the way, cuz I broke mine.
» The bad news is I think I woke up in like the Playboy mansion and my parents are gonna ground me FOREVER.
» Can you and your Nana come get me or something and say I've been at your house all morning???
» Dude....legit I woke up in a bed with two naked girls and they're like...WOMEN, too, I don't know what's going on but...it'll be awesome if I just don't get in trouble for it cuz I didn't do it this time.

Jul. 13th, 2015



You free tonight around 5 or so your time?


Against kids

I'm officially employed!

But... I'm not sure if I should be laughing or pouring myself a drink.

Jul. 7th, 2015



Do you like dancing? There's a new club opening in LA tomorrow and I was invited.

Did you hear about this new club opening? Sounds like it could be fun.

[ETA Filter to Jules]
Tell me hiring a fan as a PA is a mistake.

Jul. 6th, 2015


No I will not come into your fitting room and check the inseam on your pants for you. While you are wearing them. Just no. No. No. No. #killmenow #isitclosingtimeyet


There's a guy that's been sitting here in the cafe on his laptop like sorting out his iTunes for three hours. If he was using our Wi-Fi, okay I'd get it, but he's not. What the actual hell? There's no one else here but me, you're creeping me out, iTunes. GTFO.

TESS, MAGGIE, DAVE; belated filter
Is one of you free to pick me up from work...maybe...? I don't care, I'm closing early and I really don't want to walk home, now. Dave, your face twin is mildly terrifying. FYI.

Jul. 5th, 2015


The party's over and I'm already bored.

Music Meme )

Jul. 3rd, 2015



My friend is throwing a fourth of July party tomorrow in LA. Interested?



[***specifically people 18+ who have talked to Mox or Warren on more than one occasion.]

Fifth annual 4th of July bash at Casa de Moxley is an official go. Runs from noon tomorrow Pacific Standard Time until 7pm Sunday.

There will be a lot of other actors and sports figures and such there, because those are the kind of people I typically chill with. Please do not ask them for photos or autographs. They're people, too, and they just want to hang and have fun, too. I reserve the right to kick you out if it becomes an issue. That's legitimately my only rule, beyond the obvious no drinking and driving; if you're gonna drink, take the party bus that'll be doing pickups at the L.A.apartments at eleven thirty tomorrow morning. If you miss it, just shoot me or Warren a text and we'll send it back over.

Capiche? Let's fucking rock out. I'll see you all tomorrow.

Jul. 2nd, 2015


Honestly, I wanna go on Fallon so bad. So bad.

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