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Sep. 6th, 2015


Six Flags Action Spam! (Threads here)

[The sun is bright, the air is warm, the park is buzzing with life. The gang wanders Six Flags in pairs or in a group enjoying the carefree summer life, if only just for one more day.]

Sep. 5th, 2015



[If you think you fit, you probably do.]
What is everyone doing tomorrow?

Aug. 18th, 2015


Why does it air like this
Why can't we just make it stop

I've got a feeling that I'm not going to get a lot of sleep tonight. Who's awake?

Aug. 8th, 2015


To Google or not to Google, that is the question. Whether 'tis nobler to avoid thine own face on social media or to take arms against a sea of awkward photographs for the sake of adorable outfit ideas, I know not. My struggle is the realest.

I need new hobbies, I'm so done with this. I swear I'll try the first three things that somebody suggests. Also, if I threw an amazing party, who would come? Considering I have absolutely nothing to do with my free time?

Aug. 5th, 2015


Aaaaand the next generation begins. This was right before she threw a tantrum, chucked the controller at the dog (she missed), and got put into Time Out. I've created a monster.

[ooc: please to be pretending the ickle is Char. Kthanx.]

#TBT at its best. Shit, I miss my boo.

[ooc: imagination time again - left to right: bb Char, Scott McCall, and Jared with the camera phone]

GAMERS*; delayed until the conversation with Mia and Kira

[ooc: *if your character plays video games, they can see this.]


[Posted: a Dubsmash video to this audio clip, featuring overdramatic feigned offense coming from shirtless Stiles, shirtless Isaac, and shirtless Jerome (NPC servers at Beacons ftw) from work. They're positioned in front of the bar.]

You're up, Caro.

Aug. 3rd, 2015


Should have gone to sleep hours ago. Oh well.

Jul. 29th, 2015


[ooc: *casually changes Prada's breed la la la*]

This is my life tonight. He thinks he owns the place.

Okay, when are we doing this? We should all decide on a date and then we can work out transportation.

Oh yeah, also, we're going to Six Flags, for those of you that Barry missed.

[ooc: *Team Flash, Derek&Lydia, Kira, Malia, and The Stileses Three.]

Jul. 27th, 2015


Not realizing that She & Him basically have two albums that I wasn't aware of until now. I'm terrible at being in my generation. I shouldn't have gone with the 'catch up as I go' method.

Happy National Creme Brulee Day. May eight my weight in it just because I can.

Jul. 18th, 2015


So that was weird.

Jul. 13th, 2015



I've been feeling really good lately and I think it's way overdue for me to spend some time with a lot of you. Who's free tomorrow night?

Jul. 6th, 2015


No I will not come into your fitting room and check the inseam on your pants for you. While you are wearing them. Just no. No. No. No. #killmenow #isitclosingtimeyet

Jul. 1st, 2015


Medical Doctors

Hey, I'm Stiles. Can I get a refill on my Adderall?

[Any of them]
Did you watch?

I'm headed to the store, do you need anything other than the stuff on our list?

Jun. 30th, 2015


Stiles (SPOILERS...definitely)

[She means hers, but it sent to all of them]
Read more... )

Jun. 23rd, 2015


Spam for Malia (backdated to last night)

[He's pretty sure he knows why Malia's been freaking out recently and that just makes it all the more frustrating for him to swallow. He sits on the couch chewing his thumbnail while his leg bounces in rhythm to his racing thoughts. He finds himself glaring at the TV set where all of their newest problems seem to have erupted from and hating it's very existence in their lives. No, not the TV. The box set of DVDs stacked in a careful pile next to it. That's the real poison. He springs off the couch with a new spark of determination and grabs a the trash bin from the kitchen. He's so set on his task that he doesn't hear the front door opening as he scoops the entire Teen Wolf DVD collection into the garbage.]

Jun. 22nd, 2015


[At 1:00 pm EST this video will play.]

Jun. 19th, 2015


This series of videos plays at 5:10 EST )

Jun. 15th, 2015


My Universe BH (Aka canon post s4)

Is anyone else here?

[Joey's Allison]
Hey, Allison.

Jun. 5th, 2015


Beacon Hills

Can I have a quick head count of everyone else who got warped over here? Lydia, Malia, Derek and his sister... anyone else?

Jun. 4th, 2015


[Handcuffs dangle from his wrist as he looks around the empty apartment. Wrong. This is very very wrong.]
Dad? Dad??

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