February 2016




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Jan. 9th, 2016



Found a place that makes custom temporary tattoos. Twinsies on lazy Saturday at the Alt-Fam's. ♥

[ attached image of Lily holding Lucas in one arm and curling her other arm around Cara. Both the girls are making this face (pls ignore the bikini y/y?) and both of them are making this gesture with their hands though their hands are turned the opposite direction than that picture and they're showing off Lily's real and Cara's temp tattoos of triskeles on the tops of their hands next to the webbing where their thumb and first finger meet. ]

( ooc: *against murderers, people Lils doesn't get along with, indiscriminate hunters, and Kai )


I feel like the world needs to meet my kid. He was Jack's idea, but I love him to pieces. Best idea Jack's ever had, I think, even though he's had some great ones.



We haven't spoken in some time. How is your year going thus far?



Baby, you're the sweetest! Everything was delivered and set up today. The projector is even nicer than the one that was stolen and will work perfectly for the act I need to use it for. Thank you!

Jan. 8th, 2016


That awkward moment when you're surfing the internet, minding your own business, and stumble across your brother doing Beyonce. No words, man, no words.


Some assholes broke into my performance space and messed things up! There are some things missing, too. I reported it to the cops but they seemed like they didn't even care. I live in that space. Some of the stuff missing includes personal belongings! What is wrong with people?

Jan. 5th, 2016


Okay, Tuesday Joke of the Day, are who's ready for it?

A guy is taking his girlfriend to prom. He waits in the ticket line for a really long time but gets them. He goes to rent a limo. The rental line is really long but eventually does it. He goes to buy her flowers. The line at the florist is really long but eventually he gets the flowers. At prom, she asks him to go get punch. He goes to the refreshment table and there's no punchline.

I'm dying. I wish it was mine but I can't take credit. So funny.



I really like my new job. Thank you for telling me about April.

Jan. 3rd, 2016


I need this. For reasons. It's absolutely the droid I'm looking for.

Jan. 2nd, 2016


April Ludgate

Hi. One of the people that work for you told me you might be looking for someone to help look after cats? I need a job and I'm really good at looking after cats. My name is Brittany.

Dec. 31st, 2015



Oh my god.

Can I start calling you Pornstache?



Hey! Do you have New Year's Eve plans?

Dec. 30th, 2015


I am getting married tomorrow and I have finger paint in my hair and it's not coming out.

I am getting married tomorrow and these little demons ruined my hair.

[She attaches a picture of her sitting on the floor of the lobby trying to look grumpy while surrounded by grinning children with finger paint. Everywhere.]

Is it still illegal to give children vodka? It would knock them right out, I swear. Clint was always better at this than I was, I miss


Okay out with a realtor here and I've got a few options for you for temporary housing - you up to a talk about it?

How's the Tower holding up?

Dec. 29th, 2015


Everybody is fine.

The orphanage burned down. I'm okay. Everybody is okay.

If you guys could help out at the Tower that would be pretty great. I'm trying to control things remotely but it's not... really working. I know a lot of you are still in France, that's cool, but for those of you who aren't, I mean.


ADULTS. (16+)

The orphanage burned down, we're taking all of the kids to the Tower. Anybody who has any experience with children, if you have the time, come to the tower, we're going to need as much help as we can get. There's thirty something of them and their keeper usual care taker is out of commission, we can use all the help we can get.

Hey, happy wedding, have some kids, just in case you were thinking about adoption.


This place is like one big headache after another. Are there any good bars around here? I don't think video games are going to cut it anymore.



What are you doing right now?

Dec. 28th, 2015


Chester, Best!Stiles, Omari, Gen

Do you guys want to go grab a beer or something? I've got post-Christmas boredom.


I'm so ready.

I've been waiting for this night my entire life. Dreams really do come true.


On a scale of 1-10 how ridiculous would it be to watch a movie just so you can see yourself in better shape playing the part of a greek god?

A 10? Pretty much?

It's a slow night.

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