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November 23rd, 2015

[info]detectivespivot in [info]multifariousic


[She sits down on her bed and she's chewing the corner of her lip nervously, looking out the window. She's obviously anxious, and it shows in her voice.]

Um... I don't know what's going on, [she clears her throat to try and even out her tone before turning her attention to the tablet] I got a strange message? And everybody here seems okay and I don't know if you're all really okay or if you've all been kidnapped. Or - if - if you've been kidnapped and you're all okay with being kidnapped but I don't belong here so it would be really nice if I could go home? Maybe? Please? I have work today and my boss is going to kill me.

My name is Patty Spivot, I'm an officer for the CCPD. I think I've been taken against my will. That's right buddy, [she's trying to sound menacing. She's really bad at it.] I'm a cop. You're in big trouble.

[info]itainteasy in [info]multifariousic

[This is left in the middle of the alley that Mia walks to volunteer work, in the same spot that she originally met that weird guy in green.]

[info]evrythngwrksout in [info]multifariousic

[And suddenly she's somewhere else. She wants to scream but she doesn't know what that'll attract to her. She checks around the empty apartment, gun held high in her hands. Nothing. She closes her eyes and takes a deep breath. Be brave.]

One, two, three...

[info]harleyfromtw in [info]multifariousic


Hey, are you doing Thanksgiving at the shelter?



Hey, are you going Black Friday shopping?

[Stiles + Scott]
[Wired Stiles]
You guys wanna hang out later?

[Stiles + Lydia]
[OverAndIn + SelfIgniting]
I was thinking of getting a cat, is it going to hate you guys on principal? Or...

[info]geekwolf in [info]multifariousic


[In truth, she isn't thinking about James at all when she brings the beautiful bouquet of green flowers home. She can hardly think at all. It feels as though she's floating on air, gliding instead of walking back inside of her lavish mansion. She doesn't know why or what this means, but she knows these flowers are for her and they smell sweeter than the most delicate confections. She drifts into the kitchen and places them on the countertop with the most sun. Green has always been her favorite color, how perfect.]

[info]theworstalpha in [info]multifariousic

spam for Lydia and the Mikas )

[info]corianna in [info]multifariousic


Lost Holiday spirit. Thanksgiving and Christmas spirit both applicable. If found return to me.

Or y'know someone just tell me where the hell it went. Normally I'm all about the turkey day and the holiday times.

All halp accepted.

[info]imademymsstakes in [info]multifariousic


[Friends also include versions of himself (minus the alpha) + their girlfriends. If you have any questions, lmk]
This is actually way more my speed. I say we make a date.

[info]selfigniting in [info]multifariousic


I just want to clarify that I'm being put up to this.

Do you want to sit in the dark with my friends for nineteen hours to watch all of the Harry Potter movies in succession?

[info]theprettybeta in [info]multifariousic



Listen, I'm really sorry that
I wasn't sure
I know you probably don't want to hear from me but


Cut for length )

[info]bastardsofyoung in [info]multifariousic

(( posted at roughly 12:30 AM PST ))
You know it's been a boring night at work when you've started circling back to the same dog posts on buzzfeed.


[info]justaddh2o in [info]multifariousic

Today I learned...Spaghetti-Os are easier to wash out of my hair than Beefaroni. Fun fact.

[info]invitoduce in [info]multifariousic

Is there anywhere here someone with an abnormal metabolism can get a drink and actually feel it, a little? Asking for a friend. No idea why I'm in the mood, but I am. Don't judge me, Lydia.

[info]ohhhaleno in [info]multifariousic

...and we were doing so well... :(

[info]notmostpeople in [info]multifariousic

I don't know why I even try anymore.

[info]ithinkyoumean in [info]multifariousic


Hey, did you see that thing Stiles posted about the Harry Potter marathon?

[First responder.]
Are you busy tomorrow?

[info]eviijames in [info]multifariousic


Drop everything you're doing, I'm coming over.

[info]geekwolf in [info]multifariousic


Get ready to call me crazy.

[info]selfigniting in [info]multifariousic


Did you invite any Allison's to Thanksgiving?

Also, do you want to sleep with me?

[info]evilesmeralda in [info]multifariousic


You got flowers? Eddy said you got flowers, who sent them? He thinks you got them from the street, but, who leaves roses on the street, right? Spill.

And also, did you see that alpha? The one who looks like James without glasses? He was flashing his eyes at this one human lady for asking his name. I think he's going to kill her. Eddy thinks we'll be alright, but I don't know, he seems unstable.