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September 17th, 2015

[info]betabitch in [info]multifariousic

I was hoping something was going to happen to push back that physics quiz, but this is a bit extreme.

[ Erica from Alpha!Lydia's world. ]

[info]noorbingallowed in [info]multifariousic

I think that the whole communication breakdown just might be over with seeing as it's slowed down, so I'm just going to go for this. No shame.

Hi out there to people I haven't talked to yet or anything, I'm Mel, that was me in the exploding bowl of batter video here not that long ago. Are there any business owners (cafes, restaurants, etc) who need a pastry chef or would be interested in partnering to sell various baked goods (muffins, pies, cakes, cupcakes, turnovers, croissants, etc)? Back home I co-own a cafe, but it hasn't shown up here, so a girl's got to make some money.

Are you free later today? And would you be interested in helping me out with something?


[info]ofamoment in [info]multifariousic

I've finally finished Orange is the New Black - I know, I know, Pepper you're late to the party. Looking for some recommendations for a new series to fill my very limited spare time.

By some small miracle both our schedules for this weekend are clear. We should take a mini vacation.

(( aka: Lydia(s), Felicity, Sara, Alex, Natasha, Torunn, Rae, Kira, Lila, Joey (and open to Allison), also filtered to Caitlin, I probs forgot someone, poke me if I did or just reply if you think they should be able to see it ))

I think we need a girls night in - wine (or vodka if you're Natasha), ice cream, some terrible romantic comedy we'll all claim to hate but secretly love. I imagine finding a night all of us are free would be a challenge but I'm sure we can make it happen.

I was sorry to see your post the other day. If there's anything I can do, please let me know.

[info]ofwolf in [info]multifariousic

That moment when you realize you like something Taylor Swift had a hand in. Fuck you, Ryan Adams.

[info]seregeturgun in [info]multifariousic


cut for content; vampirey icky stuffs )

[info]notmostpeople in [info]multifariousic

I have no idea what the internet's fascination with calling people cinnamon rolls is, but this is fairly accurate none the less. And I've made myself way too sad with how much I miss all of these people so someone please distract me -

[info]geekwolf in [info]multifariousic

You're going to hear it from the housing staff anyway, there was a break in, everything's okay.

[Zach and Derek (separately)]
Um so I caught a cat burglar today? Yeah, I know. I'm awesome.

[Derek (cont.)]
I did it without even losing control a little. I just grabbed him and disarmed him and held him until the cops came. My claws didn't even come out.

[info]justaddh2o in [info]multifariousic

Fun fact: business is a lot better than I thought it would be here. It was a bit slow once back to school came round, back home, but here? Doesn't even put a dent in it. All in all, so far a pretty good first week open, so far, if I do say so myself.

Feeling any better now that it appears the network is done fucking about?

TALIA; delayed
How are you settling in?

[info]doctorsnow in [info]multifariousic

For anyone who got the chance to actually meet him here, Cisco seems to have gone back home.

[info]theprettybeta in [info]multifariousic

I'm pretty convinced that no one could have a truly horrible life working at this place.

It was nap time and apparently it was her turn to tell the story.

[OOC: Please be pretending that the guy in the video is Isaac.]

[info]selfigniting in [info]multifariousic

I made these to wear to every work party and nobody can tell me no.

Also, I'm determined to make it to the beach at least one more time before the cold weather comes so whoever is down for it, let me know.

So I woke up and had a pack, how's your week going?

If you guys don't come to the beach with me that's totally okay. I'll heal my broken heart all on my own.

[*OOC: 1, Pretend the website isn't on the picture but I don't want to remove to properly credit the proper artist and 2. Including Erica.]

[info]_lilasskicker in [info]multifariousic

[ She's still looking down at the tablet with a confused expression when the welcome letter goes away and the tablet starts recording. Judith knows how to read, but not very well, so she missed a lot when she was trying. Her southern drawl is obvious because, even surrounded by people with more neutral accents for the past however many months, she hasn't kicked it, yet. ]

...is this another one of them experiments? It ain't even Monday. This is bullshit.

[info]overandln in [info]multifariousic


Come to the beach with me.