February 2016




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Nov. 24th, 2015


Scoooore, the lady in front of me in line paid it forward and the barista said my drink was free. Thanks for the free macchiato, random generous lady!

...that moment when you know your other self is suffering exactly like you did but you know yourself and you know that reaching out will only make it worse. This sucks, now I feel like a dick for all the times I hated on her because she had them and I was going through all the crap with Scott and Dave and Kit and bleh.

Nov. 19th, 2015


Annnnnd, this is why you can't have nice things, Joey. Last time I try to make brownies that don't come out of a box. It'd be funny that I failed so hard I set the oven on fire except it's Derek's house and that's the exact opposite of funny FML Do they put appliances on sale on Black Friday...?

Nov. 16th, 2015


[He posts it at like, 1AM. No shame.]

This song is my new jam, I'm not even a little sorry.


This is why I should never be allowed to close the store alone.

((pls to pretend that's laura's vine account and voice and not some rando))


Video Post

[It's been several minutes since she's arrived and recovered from screaming, but her hands won't seem to leave her magically restored hair alone. She manages to pull herself together enough to work her tablet]


...Is this L.A?

Nov. 11th, 2015


Really, guys?

Passed this in the hall in the science building this morning on the way to anatomy. )

Oct. 21st, 2015


This is getting less creepy and more terrifying by the hour...

We have a situation in the backyard, babe... Tim's not gonna like it if he sees it, so...we should like not let him see it and probably start securing the house. Like ten minutes ago.

Oct. 19th, 2015


Ooookay, welp, I'm not going outside until this fog lifts. DNW to run into another one of those enormous ants. Not without Cordelia and Misty around to put my body back together again, tyvm. NOPE all around. Looks like a Netflix kind of week, if I had to guess.

Sep. 16th, 2015



I just found a guy in the back of the shop with a dirty magazine looking really confused. He seemed super upset when he found out that we don't have 'private rooms'.

Dude, go do that at home, seriously. No one here wants to clean that up and we know that you sure as hell won't.

I hate this job. I seriously love this job but sometimes I hate this job.

Sep. 14th, 2015


[She posts a basic picture of her hand with this addition.]

Step 1: Bother him until he can't ignore your presence anymore.
Step 2: Be adorable af.
Step 3: ???
Step 4: Bling.

Sep. 9th, 2015



[ooc: *...of both Joeys.]

It came back negative. I took it Monday morning and I still can't decide how I feel about that.

Sep. 4th, 2015


Uh, pro tip to any aspiring teachers: if a student asks you a question, the correct response is not to make them feel stupid for asking it...in front of the whole fucking class. I mean, if you want to entirely disengage that student, please by all means, lecture the entire class about properly reading the syllabus when your student asks why they were unable to take a quiz on their Blackboard, because they didn't realize that today was the 4th rather than the 5th. Ridiculing your student in front of the rest of the class when they're asking how to stay ahead of the curve, as suggested on day one, is definitely a good way to piss them off and get them to effectively tune you out for the rest of the lecture. You asshole. Like I don't already have enough to stress about right now; being embarrassed in front of a class of four hundred students was an awesome addition to it, thank you so much, Professor Doucherocket.

...as soon as I got home, Derek could smell the anxiety on me. I had to tell him. So I think he'll want me to take the test with him, instead of you. The good news is...his head didn't explode, so I'm feeling marginally better about it...?


WHO: (Nemeton)Joey McCoy & (canon)Derek Hale
WHERE: Their house
WHEN: Late evening into night time, Thursday, 9/3
WHAT: Pregnancy scare discussion
WARNINGS: I think the what kinda covers it.
STATUS: Closed, Complete

I will never let you fall. I’ll stand up with you forever. I’ll be there with you through it all. Read more... )

Sep. 3rd, 2015


How I missed you, Vancouver.



I need you to do me, like, the biggest, most awkward favor ever.

Sep. 2nd, 2015



I think the boys are trying to start up poker nights again. I was thinking we can put the bookclub back in action too. We should try to stick together here, after all

I saw an ad while I was out walking with Prescott and Matilda. I want to take cooking classes.

[Married women and mothers]
I'm starting a bookclub on Friday nights, is anyone interested?

Aug. 31st, 2015



You guys are all awesome and I missed you all so bad today sitting through my classes, instead. Thank you for such an amazing send off and for being there for me when I got here what feels like forever ago, all by myself. ♥ I'll see you on the network, huh?

I never thought I'd miss a summer job so goddamned much. Thanks for making it so much fun. I still promise I'll be back on breaks.

Aug. 29th, 2015


Deadly Women was like the worst choice of what to watch before bed.

I had nightmares about the crazy people on the damn show. I'm a grownass man who had nightmares about a TV show. What even is my life? Them people are nuts and terrifying, though!

Need to find a new default channel to watch that isn't fucking ID. Suggestions?

You ever need fuel to stay away from women that's the damn show to watch, jesus.

On another note you surviving, man? You been a damn bear

Aug. 27th, 2015



Aug. 21st, 2015


Me this week, basically:

cut for image )

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