February 2016




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Jan. 12th, 2016



Who wants to make virtually no money working an undisclosed amount of hours?


1. Can we talk more about that job?
2. What's an Alt-Daughter? You mentioned that yesterday.

[He means the one from yesterday but they can all see.]
Now that I'm all settled in and my mind somehow hasn't exploded yet. How did you end up dating a comic book hero?

Dec. 30th, 2015


I am getting married tomorrow and I have finger paint in my hair and it's not coming out.

I am getting married tomorrow and these little demons ruined my hair.

[She attaches a picture of her sitting on the floor of the lobby trying to look grumpy while surrounded by grinning children with finger paint. Everywhere.]

Is it still illegal to give children vodka? It would knock them right out, I swear. Clint was always better at this than I was, I miss

Dec. 17th, 2015


At 8:20am this video will play for all to see.
WARNING. High violence and sads.

Dec. 15th, 2015


[ At 8:00pm PST/11:00pm EST, this video will play. ]

Dec. 2nd, 2015


Fun trip, but it's good to be home.

Nov. 24th, 2015



Can I ask you something? it's about the other me.

Nov. 23rd, 2015


spam for Lydia and the Mikas )


[And suddenly she's somewhere else. She wants to scream but she doesn't know what that'll attract to her. She checks around the empty apartment, gun held high in her hands. Nothing. She closes her eyes and takes a deep breath. Be brave.]

One, two, three...

Nov. 21st, 2015


Do all of you take what everyone says at face value here, or is it simply because you're in an unfamiliar place that you feel so eager to trust people you don't know? I'm curious.

Nov. 19th, 2015


Two more weeks of this and then it's back to Manhattan. Hard work is hard.

cut for images )


I just hung this above our bed.

Also, we're changing our name to Stark Empire.

Nov. 16th, 2015


This is why I should never be allowed to close the store alone.

((pls to pretend that's laura's vine account and voice and not some rando))

Nov. 11th, 2015


It happened. It's done. I've become immune to vodka.

What is it worth to you that this never sees the light of day?

Nov. 10th, 2015


This weather has been bullshit all day. The Munchkin and I have literally spent the whole day in my bed, watching Disney and Pixar movies and then this happened. So...good times.

My agent called, though...I have an offer. It's a month-long gig, but it's out in the Canary Islands. I'd have to leave Friday morning. Are you and Mika up for a family trip? Think your manager could handle the club for a month? Or maybe other you could get Barry to come get you and bring you back once a week or someth Or should I just turn it down...?

Oct. 21st, 2015


Well. My morning has been on big oh hell no.

Oct. 17th, 2015


So - small change of plans. We're finding a new ceremony venue I'd say don't ask, but you're all going to ask -. We'll let you know where to show up when we figure it out.

I know it'll be fun this close to the date - but we need to find a different venue for the ceremony.

Oct. 10th, 2015


I need something to do on Tuesdays.

And Wednesdays.


Oct. 3rd, 2015


I'm pretty sure the lead singer for #19 might be the dude from Creed. I can't decide if that makes it more sad, or more funny.

Sep. 17th, 2015


That moment when you realize you like something Taylor Swift had a hand in. Fuck you, Ryan Adams.

Sep. 15th, 2015



Thirteen-year-olds at home alone without a babysitter. Thoughts?

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