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Aug. 11th, 2007


Prompt #5 -- What is your greatest fear?

I have no greatest fear anymore because my greatest fear has already been realized.

Now that that's happened, what's there for me to be afraid of?

I lost the Doctor, was separated from him. I had to face losing the man I love, being separated from him not by time but by a universe.

A universe that not even he can cross again.

What is my greatest fear, you ask.

My greatest fear is that I no longer have a greatest fear. Because fear is what keeps you sharp.

Open for comments here


Prompt #5: What is your greatest fear?

Hah, you're funny. Fear? Right - I don't fear anyone or anything. I can't show fear or weakness where I stand. Okay, so maybe there are a couple of things that I'm afraid will happen in the future, but I plan to never tell anyone about that. Plus, it's none of your business. I don't care how much you push or shove, I won't tell. After all, I have a reputation to uphold.

Muse: Piper "Les" Allison
Fandom: Original Character
Words: 73


Prompt #5 - What is your greatest fear?

Ain't too much scares me. No way I coulda been the leader of the PCHers if I had shown any signs of fear, of weakness. One thing I do fear, though? Walking through an uppity 09er neighborhood and being bored to death by a pack of rich white boys. Ain't nothin' scarier.


Prompt #5 What is your greatest fear?

I'm not sure I want to answer you. What use do you have in knowing this much about me? I don't like you knowing this much about me. Its like how Kanda saw straight through me and made sure I knew how transparent my walls were to him. Its not a feeling I enjoy, and I hope he can't read me at all anymore. In any case you asked me a question and will not leave me alone until I answer eh?

I thought so.

My greatest fear? You tell anyone and I think I will have to get a tad violent. Standing still. I can't and will not pause or stop until I die. That's the only time its allowed. But if I stop before that day...I just can't. I promised. I promised!


Promt #5 - What is your greatest fear?

My greatest fear? I could say I'm scared a demon will show up and destroy me. While that's sometimes true, it isn't what I fear most. I'm terrified of losing a sister. It's an unbearable thought, but it's also a very real possibility.

I can't imagine either of them not being here. It'd be too quiet, too strange, too...lonely. There'd be no Power of Three. No Charmed Ones. No silly arguments. Less laughter. One less person to hug when I need one.

My sisters are my emotional support. I need them more than they will ever know.

Aug. 8th, 2007


Prompt #5: What is your greatest fear? [Private]

My greatest fear is turning into my father. Yeah, betcha didn't see that one coming, did you? "Son of psycho killer fears turning into father." Not exactly news at eleven.

But there it is. And it's... sometimes I can feel it happening. I've hurt people before. Not kids or women, not yet. But I've come close, with Lilly and with Veronica. When I get pissed off, it's like I have this need to hit someone or something. I've got enough control that I can redirect it - I can let it out on the wall or a lamp or whatever inanimate object is handy. What if someday I can't do that? It scares the hell out of me. Read more... )

Fandom: Veronica Mars
Character: Logan Echolls
Word Count: 549

Aug. 4th, 2007


Valentine: Prompt 5, what do you fear?

Name: Vincent Valentine
Fandom: Final Fantasy VII
Prompt 5: What do you fear?
Word Count: 173

I fear a loss of control.
(Comments Welcome, mild DoC spoilers.)

Also in regards to Prompt4: What song suits you? - I will not be able to give a reply, I offer this in it's stead.

Aug. 1st, 2007


Prompt #5 - My Greatest Fear

Oh, I have all the usual fears. Invalidation of my reality, that I'll wake up tomorrow and be a teenager heading off to high school again, that no one will hear what I want to say or sing, and that I'll slip in the shower and be paralyzed for the rest of my life. I don't suppose anything is my greatest fear above all of them. Every now and then, something grips me and I am terrified, until I really think about the probability of it happening.

Really though, the big fears that gripped me in my teens are all over now. Death, disease, accident, embarrassment, public humiliation, and loss... well, I've seen most of that. Obviously I'm not dead. However, I don't struggle with any major fear or denial of it. I've seen it. Up close and personal.

I've lost my first and most intense love. I've lost cars, homes, music, manuscripts... Computers have crashed. My world has fallen apart. I've been consumed by drugs and alcohol and come out of that with only a few scars you'll ever see. What's to be afraid of, now?

I've been through that phase that sends other creative types into a massive downward spiral. That mid to late twenties thing. The "THIS is all there is" realization that serves to send such fantastic people into the abyss so young. Yeah, once you've grappled those big things, what is there to really hold onto so tightly to spend your every waking moment quaking in fear?

Jul. 30th, 2007


Prompt #5 - What is your greatest fear?

So much blood. All over the ground and his hands. It should be warm, but his skin is ice cold and so numb, he can't tell.

Read More... )

Jul. 29th, 2007


Prompt #5: What do you fear?



You're kidding again, right? )

Jul. 26th, 2007


Prompt 5: What is my greatest fear?

Pretty much gonna have to go with rejection there. Easy answer. Wish I could draw it out a bit more, but this place doesn't have a word requirement, thank God. Essay tests are a close second.

crossposted to [info]vegangirl. open for commentary and roleplay.

Jul. 20th, 2007


Prompt #5/Casey's biggest fear

Casey Z.
Prompt #5: Greatest Fear… [private]

cut for swearing )

Jul. 19th, 2007


Prompt #5 Fear.


What is my greatest fear?


My greatest fear is boredom. I am blessed or cursed with immortality, so it is an easy state to acquire. Humans are constantly able to fill their lives with new experiences; but elves have such long lives that new experiences rapidly run dry and we are beset by the tedium that is our existence.


Humans are so lucky that they have limited life spans, although they would not agree with me on that point.


The constant seeking out of new pleasures to alleviate our boredom leads to welcome excesses for which we are judged later, but I do not care.


Like any elf who has lived as long as I have, the escape of boredom is more important than considering the effects of my actions on others. I am not alone in this; the effects of another’s actions upon myself are of little consequence to them.


So long as life has something new each day, I am happy.


Jul. 16th, 2007


Prompt #6 - What Makes Me Lose My Temper [open]

This is a hard one, but I would have to see say injustice is the biggest one. Followed closely by people who mess with my family. Oh sure, we run into marauders, and hooligans much of the time, and they just annoy me, like a mosquito buzzing in your ear. But mess with people who can't defend themselves or the people I love... Well they'd better far and fast.

When you live from place to place, the only thing you really have is your family, so I protect them. I almost look at it as if it's my job. And it is, really. One that I am proud to do everyday.

Comments and RP welcome.

*grrrr* I can't seem to fixed the extra tag on my entry either!


Prompt #5 - Fear

Some say the dead never rest. That is not entirely true. At times, something much like sleep comes over me. It is in those moments that the voice of the Whill Shaman still speaks to me, asking the questions I would rather not answer.

What is your greatest fear?

All my life, I followed the will of the Force, or so I told myself and those around me. Now I am part of the Force, and I feel the difference. Sometimes, when I wake from those moments of near-sleep, I have to wonder how many of those steadfast decisions were born of stubbornness alone, or love. I have to wonder how many of those decisions are now hurting those I cared about, how many of them are even now tipping the balance towards darkness.

On waking, I close my eyes--the eyes that are only in my imagination now--and let the feeling pass. I breathe in with non-existent lungs and remind myself that I am only Qui-Gon Jinn. I am not the lynch-pin of the galaxy. I am only a conduit of the Force, and the Force will have its way. I fear nothing.


196 words, comments and role-play welcome.


Prompt 5 - Greatest Fear [Open]

What is your greatest fear?

My greatest fear? That's easy, failure. Failure to be the mother figure that Dawn needs. Failure to be the leader that the new Slayers look to. Failure to be the Slayer Giles needs me to be. Failure to be the best friend that Willow and Xander needs.

It was so much easier when it was just me. I wouldn't change it. I can't imagine my life without Dawn, Willow or Xander in it, but it was easier. I didn't have to worry about them getting hurt because of me. I know they can take care of themselves, they've proved that, but that doesn't stop the fear. That one day someone will go after them to get to me.

Then there's Dawn. She is my sister whether she was born to my mother or not. I feel a huge responsibility toward her. Not just because she's the 'Key', but I'm all she has left. I can't be the mother that she's missing. I can't be that for her, when I'm looking for the mother I'm missing. It's easy to put a roof over our heads and provide for her that way, but emotionally... not so much. I'm too much of a mess myself, how I can be the strong one?

I guess that's my fear. That everyone will realize that I'm not as strong as they think I am. Underneath the layer of The Slayer, I'm just a girl struggling to find my way in the world.

Muse: Buffy Summers
Fandom: Buffy the Vampire Slayer
Word Count: 246


Prompt #5 - Fear


Though I chided my former Padawan for his arrogance in regards to this question, I must echo his sentiments. I am a Jedi. I follow the Jedi code. Fear is nothing but an emotion, and there is no emotion; there is peace.

I fear nothing.


That doesn't mean I don't worry. Worry is allowed, isn't it? Worry is... worry is like a trip to the healers without ever leaving one's room. Note the symptoms, chase down the cause, cure it. Worry is productive. Worry is essential to health.

Take, for example, Anakin's insistence that he heard Qui-Gon's voice. How can I ignore such a thing? It might indicate that Anakin is yearning for a parental figure. It might indicate that Anakin has spent far too long at the front. It might indicate that Anakin has finally broken the code on some old data discs of mine and is about to quote terrifyingly bad, hormone-ridden love poetry to me. "On a summer day, I hear your voice..."


Force Ghost, actually.

Bah! What a bunch of hogwash! Such a thing is nothing but legend. And these questions that keep being shoved under our suite door? Where in the world are they coming from?


204 words, comments and role-play welcome.

Jul. 15th, 2007


Prompt 5 - What is your greatest fear?

Oh, that's easy.

My greatest fear is somehow losing my ability to use magic and becoming a muggle.

I don't really think I need to say anything else.


Prompt #5- What's your greatest fear? (Private)

My greatest fear? I don't have one anymore.

I used to fear that I would end up like my mom and I beat the shit of that fear literally.

I used to fear ending up like my dad and I did. Right around the time my jail cell closed. A lot of good fear did me.

I used to fear being alone but hell people fuck you over so it's not the worst thing in the world.

I guess I got one fear. But I think it's it's what everyone has: that fear that if you let people in, they'll find out you're not got enough. I mean it's stupid and no matter how many times I've been told I wasn't good enough, I just flipped them off 'cause they didn't know me. And I dealt with K getting in and basically telling me I wasn't good enough. If you call that whole bringing back your ex-girlfriend from the dead rather than live one a way of saying that. Which I do.

But I'll get over that. I always do.

Jul. 14th, 2007


Prompt #5 What is your greatest fear?

((locked to those that know of immortals, meta/OOC comments welcome))

When I was fairly young, I was a servant to a Pharaoh. The Pharaoh died and was entombed. I had the misfortune of being entombed with the Pharaoh, so that I could serve him in the after-life. Needless to say, I woke up and the Pharaoh didn't.

The tomb was sealed tightly and try as I might I couldn't break myself out. I died from lack of water, woke up, and tried again. It was an endless cycle of dying, and desperately trying to break myself out. It took a pair of tomb raiders to break me out. I imagine I gave them quite a fright.

A couple millenniums later, there was an immortal hunting me. I had no interest in a fight with the child, so I avoided him by hiding on a ship. Not the smartest move I've made as the ship left before I could get off and they didn't take kindly too stowaways. They tied me up, put some weights on me and tossed me overboard.

I drowned and woke up, several times. Every time I woke up, I had to work on getting out of those ropes with less and less time. Eventually, I made it out. For the most part I was helpless, it took me a long time to finally get out.

Centuries later, I was in the mountains. Just trying to get away from everything and had the misfortune to be stuck in an avalanche. I was lucky, the rocks kept me from reviving too often. I really couldn't heal around them. It took an earthquake to break me free. Then I was able to find the leverage to escape.

I don't have many fears, most of them have been faced and conquered. Being trapped and dying over and over again would have to be worst fear. I try to avoid places where this might happen.

Character: Methos
Fandom: Highlander
Word Count: 315
Crossposted here

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