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September 15th, 2007

[info]tutormom in [info]voicesinmyhead

Prompt 13 - Are you superstitious?

You mean step on a crack, break your mother's back type of superstitious? Then no. I walk under ladders and don't really care if a cat crosses my path. If you mean do I have rituals before I do something like athletes do before a game, then yes.

When I was on tour, I used to always sit underneath the makeup table and hum songs from Les Mis. Don't ask me why, I have no idea, I only know it works. The first concert I did in front of hundreds of people, it was the only thing that calmed me down. I figured if it's not broke, don't fix it. So, when I got nervous before other concerts, that's where you'd find me, under the makeup table.

After a while I didn't need them any more, because the butterflies in the stomach had disappeared. Okay, maybe not disappeared, but they calmed own a lot. Performing in front of hundreds became as easy as breathing, so I didn't need it any more.

Am I superstitious? No. Do I have a pre-game ritual? Yes. It's better than hitting your teammate on the ass. Especially when my teammate was Chris Keller.

Muse: Haley James Scott
Fandom: One Tree Hill
Word Count: 198
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[info]ex_kyouya436 in [info]voicesinmyhead

Prompt #2 - Family

My family is one of the more powerful in Japan.

[info]ex_nagi400 in [info]voicesinmyhead

Prompt #11 - What do you want?

What I want is... a tiny bit of normalcy in my life.

[info]russandol in [info]voicesinmyhead

Prompt 12: Cooking

Living in poverty in Beleriand, we had to cook for ourselves, whatever game we could find and gather from the surrounding countryside, and cook over a campfire. My younger brothers are better at trapping game than I am, but I became quite adept in the one-handed skinning and gutting of rabbits and waterfowl.

Now I live in the modern age, and food is more easily (though not so freely) gathered, though I find a few hundred years of campfire-roasted game was enough to put me off eating meat for an eternity. Cooking, though, has become one of the most complicated and strange things that I've encountered since I've been here. Instead of just lighting a fire, and turning the meat on a spit over it, there's packets and instructions, cooking times and oven temperatures, microwaves, electric steamers, toasters, food processors. They put food into packages like tins, that need more gadgets just to open them. I swear to Eru, the Edain(humans) are just crazy.

I have too little patience and not enough hands for fancy cooking. I go for minimum preparation for practical reasons; give me a sharp knife I can slay an orc but in the kitchen I'm clumsy enough that I'd probably end up accidentally cutting off my other hand. I see no point going to the trouble of, say, making a cheese sandwich, when I may as well eat a chunk of cheese and another chunk of bread. It's the same food, whether it's cut up or just bitten off. Why bother slicing and boiling carrots when they're just as easily eaten whole and raw?

So, yes. Unless someone cooks for me, I tend to live mainly on bread, cheese, raw vegetables, chocolate, coffee and takeaway dinners.

Character: Maedhros
Fandom: The Silmarillion

[info]schu1dig in [info]voicesinmyhead

Prompt #11: What do you want?

What do I want.
What don't I have? Or is this a different question from 'What do I need?' ) I want a new pencil, this one has someone else's tooth-marks in it. What the fuck is up with that?

[info]padmeskywalker in [info]voicesinmyhead

Prompt 13 - Superstition

Am I a overly superstitious person? No. I believe that everything happens for a reason. There is some small form in the universe that plots to do things at it's own will. Seeing weary of something for a folk lore seems out of the question. I don't believe that harm will come to you if you walk under a ladder, or that your marriage will be doomed if the groom sees you in your wedding dress before the wedding. Superstitions get over used and are simply there for a lot of people to blame their indiscretions on, or blame for something going wrong when they thought it wouldn't. Silly things.

Padme Naberrie - Star Wars - 111 words
