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Jun. 24th, 2013


My body is feeling very sluggish.

I think I shall shut down for awhile, yes. I think that is what I need.

Jun. 11th, 2013


Doctor? Yeah, actually any of you. Doesn't matter which one. I could really do with a chat. I don't see you as much as I used to. Okay, I know you're all different, but you're sort of the same person, right? I mean, you're all just different versions. Look, that doesn't matter, I just need to talk.

Dec. 4th, 2012


Sweetie, what happened here?

Mar. 13th, 2012



You lot can handle this, right? Donna... it's time. She needs me.

Dec. 27th, 2011


What the bloody hell is going on? Where am I?

Nov. 8th, 2011


Did anyone get Sexy off the TARDIS?

Sep. 15th, 2011


I'm... on the TARDIS. I... Rory? Where are you?

Sep. 7th, 2011


[To the Doctors]

Other me's. Find somewhere to land. Somewhen. Somewhere and somewhen. I don't care which, or both, just do it before Rose forces us all to a film festival with women and feelings and crying. Domestics.

Aug. 22nd, 2011


Haaaaa! You many have made it off the planet, but there's still a snake on borad

Aug. 4th, 2011


Well then!

Who wants to go have a little trip outside? I've heard there's Yeti's. I love Yeti's. All big and growly. Actually they prefer to call themselves something that's really hard to pronounce with lots of phlegm.

Jun. 19th, 2011


Oi, I didn't sleep at all last night. What a Father's Day Rory must be having, to be without our little Melody. It's not fair.

Is the TARDIS close to being fixed? We need to find her.


So 'Time Lords' I hear that there are four of you here.

Can you bang your heads together and figure out a way to get us all out of here.

Cos this is seriously getting old.


I find this place very fascinating. Sam, I think, would have a blast with all the technology here.

Should eat…but the kitchen seem different then what I’m use to.


So...I hate to be a bother since everyone posted about not making noises and shit.

But any progress on WHY THE HELL WE ARE HERE?

Jun. 18th, 2011


Sorry,Sorry, dropped it.

Hello!I'm the Doctor.Well, the recent one.Bit complicated to explain, lots of big words you lot wouldn't understand.Espically since Theres a few me roaming about.Three last time I counted.Or is it 4 now?Bit confusing that is.Even for me, Well not really.Well.Just a bit.Right then.You lot are all just whizzing about, its all very distracting.Could you all just stay in one big room?Is there one big room anymore.Perhaps the library, or the swimming pool.I do like the swimming pool.Espically when it was in the library.I do like a good read, me.

Right.Not the point.

...Oh.Yes.Right.Were all working very hard to fix the poor dear.Doesn't help with you lot all touching things.Really bit irritiating that is.Mind you, has no one been in a spaceship before.Course you havn't what am I saying.Its all very irritating with the touching and the questions and the noise.Espically the touching and the questions.Starting to annoy even me actually and I'm rarely cross.Well, once.


Right then. If you're a Time Lord, raise your hand. Or, well, whatever the written equivalent is because I'm good, but I'm not that good. Never could convince the TARDIS to try see-through walls.

Jun. 17th, 2011


Now who is the crazy Time Lord here for none of us knows whose TARDIS this is.

Where is my room? Doctor…being a Time Lord myself, my room should have stayed.




And I'm very clever. A lot more clever than all of you so DON'T TOUCH ANYTHING.


... Fantastic.

What the hell have you lot done to my TARDIS?

Jun. 15th, 2011


Amy, I thought we were going home?

River? What happened?  


Something's wrong, I just know it.

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