Sep. 5th, 2014


This is a bad place, I can feel it.

Pretty one, careful.

Aug. 14th, 2014


I am in the mood for a swim. Anyone know a good place around here for that or am I asking too much?

Aug. 1st, 2014


[Voice Post]

[As the message comes through, the lights on the TARDIS begin to pulse slowly and softly. The air hums as if a breeze were present, but nothing is there. The voice that speaks is soft and calm, even soothing. He speaks with a Finnish accent.]

I can hear you breathe... I can hear you cry. This was not your doing, was it? I pity you, dear. Yes, I hear them too. They worry and weep, they shout within their minds and out loud, and all the while the stars ignore them. The Gods do not dwell here. And no animal, nor man, no woman, nor child should be caged so.

Where do your trees lie, child? Where were your roots cut? Does your winter draw near, sister? You are not alone. Hush now, hush. I am here...

Jun. 29th, 2014


I figured it's about time I tried making some new friends around here. So, don't be shy. Feel free to reply here and say hello. My name's Dan Foster and I am... was a freelance journalist, working with The Herald in England. Tell me a bit about yourself?

Jun. 22nd, 2014


How do you people cope with this... doing nothing? I'm losing my damn mind. Don't suppose anyone'd be up for a game of poker or something?

Jun. 4th, 2014


Well this was a new one even for me. I Tried my Radio but all I got was Static and there were no discernible markings that I could recognise to help me ascertain where I was.

I fear this may have had something to do with Merlin's weapon or it could be Ardia or the Ori trying to stop me from creating Merlin's Weapon, I'll need to leave that thought for the time being and try to find a way back like a Stargate or somehow get in contact with the Daedalus or Stargate command and get them to beam me back.

If anyone out there can point me to a subspace communicator or if you could shed some light on what has happened and where I am that was be just great.

October 2016




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