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Aug. 21st, 2014


(Filtered from Louisa)

Hey, do any of you shanks have....girl advice? I'm in short supply.

Aug. 12th, 2014


Ho, iz been a goot day. A verra goot day.

Jul. 27th, 2014


I am looking for people to practice sparring with. Is there anyone on the ship interested?

May. 20th, 2014


[Voice Post]

Dr. Korlmonf! Your plot won't work. I don't know how you've imprisoned me in this place, but I will find a way out!

Barry? What ho! Can you hear me?


So I found out today that the smell of raw meat makes me instantly sick.
Ugh. I love meat too. So weird.
Go eat it all so I don't have to smell it Hahaha.

Apr. 29th, 2014


What is a girl to do in this place?

Mar. 3rd, 2014


Hey, brodders! Hy gots a gurl!

Mar. 2nd, 2014


Zeuxippe? Vun of de Mistress's schmot guys iz heffink a beeg fancy-schmancy party ting, und Hy vos vunderink... Vell, does hyu vanna go? Vit me?

Jan. 25th, 2014


If whoever's responsible for this doesn't come forward now, I will be even more cross than I am. I'm going to be late for work.

Jan. 17th, 2014


Hy vants to go home.

Oct. 27th, 2013


[Accidental Voice Post]

[The first thing that can be heard as the message starts is the sound of someone running, followed by the sound of someone playing with a phone device, hitting it randomly.]

Ken-Chaaaaaaaan! That way! No, that way!

[There follows some more distant grumbling in a deep voice, very different to the girls voice.]

It is this way! We'll get out of here and then Ken-chan can have fun again when we find Ichi-chan! Go go go go go!

Oct. 25th, 2013


[Voice post]

Matsumoto sounds rather merry (drunk).

Hellllllooooooo? Is anyone there? Isn't there supposed to be a lot of us here? Why haven't you said hello to me yet? Don't be shy!

She pauses for a drink.

Oh, and is there any place on this ship that sells nice clothes? Or candy? Or Sake? I miss shopping in the Living World!

Oct. 6th, 2013


Dis is borink. Hy vants to fight!

Sep. 20th, 2013


I'm a little homesick today.

Sep. 13th, 2013


Um...hello? Is this... some kind of simulation? I could have sworn I was done with those already... Four? Christina? Maybe this is just some extra test or something...hmm...

Jul. 18th, 2013


Hello. I'm told there are a lot of others here. I'm working on trying to solve our problem, and the first step is obviously collecting data. I would appreciate if everyone would share their experiences of the translocation process. It's too much to hope that anyone took notes, but please, try to remember as clearly as possible. Where were you? What were you doing? What did you feel during the transition?


Um... Hello? Can anyone read this?

This place is really strange..

Can someone help me figure out how to get out of here and get home?

Is anyone out there?

Jul. 10th, 2013


[Voice recording]

... And I just push? Oh it's working... Okay. Well, my job involves a lot of strange things, but this one's just shot up that list and took a few things off of it. And honestly, I didn't think that was possible.

My name is Doctor Amoureux Pennington. I'm human, and I work with the SGC on Earth. I'd like to know where I am, and where the Stargate is so I can get back home. If anyone receives this message, please respond. I repeat, please respond.

Jul. 2nd, 2013



We need to make the TARDIS leave this planet, NOW! Don't worry, I've uploaded the star charts and maps from my own TARDIS into the main console, believe me it will help!

Now, there are Dark Finders out there and they have found us. We need to move now, before they send something else to pick us up. If they haven't made a move, that's even more suspect and believe me, you do not want to face a Dark Finder. They are will use lethal and deadly force and they are not easily stopped! I don't know how long they've been watching the TARDIS but they have been following people back here. We are all in grave, grave danger!

And River, if I find out you had anything to do with this...

Jul. 1st, 2013


Can someone maybe, I dunno, pay attention or somethin'? There's these creepy dudes out there, hiding in the shadows, watching us. They followed me and Lucie back here. We tried to lose them but it didn't work, one was standing outside the TARDIS when we got here. I dunno how long they've know about it, but if anyone actually knows anything about them? Some info would be nice!

If anyone else sees any creepy dudes watching the TARDIS, let someone know. Seriously!

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