Jul. 25th, 2014


Look, I know it looks like something exploded in the kitchen. It's not my fault.

Jun. 4th, 2014


Well this was a new one even for me. I Tried my Radio but all I got was Static and there were no discernible markings that I could recognise to help me ascertain where I was.

I fear this may have had something to do with Merlin's weapon or it could be Ardia or the Ori trying to stop me from creating Merlin's Weapon, I'll need to leave that thought for the time being and try to find a way back like a Stargate or somehow get in contact with the Daedalus or Stargate command and get them to beam me back.

If anyone out there can point me to a subspace communicator or if you could shed some light on what has happened and where I am that was be just great.

Jan. 6th, 2013


I've been wondering... would anyone like lessons in basic sorcery?

Aug. 14th, 2012


I'm afraid I don't really see the point of this. But to make my boy happy, I've consented.

He says I should do an introduction. My name is Balinor.

Jun. 29th, 2012


Tea. Coffee. Sugar.

I think I like it here.

Jun. 22nd, 2012


I think I have this device figured out. I must thank Prince George for the advice. It is strange to write like this, I must say. Watching the words flow across, nowhere near where my fingers press the buttons...

Sorry. I mean to say, hello. I'm assured other people will read this. Though why you'd bother is beyond me...

Again, sorry. Let's start again. I'm Merlin, and I'm new here. I suppose that's the important bit.

October 2016




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