Jun. 29th, 2014


I figured it's about time I tried making some new friends around here. So, don't be shy. Feel free to reply here and say hello. My name's Dan Foster and I am... was a freelance journalist, working with The Herald in England. Tell me a bit about yourself?

Feb. 2nd, 2014


[Voice Message]

Mark, how are you doing? It's Dan. Do you fancy a visit soon? I'd like to come and see you, if that's all right? If you could just get back to me and let me know... Thanks.

Jan. 30th, 2014


The only person allowed to hurt Mark is me. You really shouldn't have done that.

Jan. 29th, 2014



Aug. 2nd, 2013


Anyone fancy joining me for a drink? I could do with some company. Even if we've never met. Don't be shy.

Jun. 14th, 2013



Jack? Tosh? Owen? Gwen? Someone? What's going on? Have we been kidnapped...again?

Mar. 12th, 2013


Anyone fancy coming out for a drink with me? Mark? Anyone really. I've found this little Sake bar, not that far away from the TARDIS. If anyone fancies it, let me know, and I'll meet you outside the TARDIS.

Souji, even if you don't fancy tagging along this time, you've got to come along another time with me.

Feb. 28th, 2013


Well, this is.. confusing. Lot of advanced tech around here. So either the Commies have been working on their science in secret, or this isn't 1962 anymore. I also notice I am surrounded by metal as well. Most curious. I should mention, I need to be returned post haste. My people have need of me.

Feb. 27th, 2013


Strange, seems to be quite a bit advanced technology here. What sort of construct is this? I had important work to do. I'm supposed to be chasing down another news story for the paper. Maybe getting a few camera shots of the city's heroes too.

Oh, I hope the editor doesn't fire me for not showing up to work. But.. okay. Whatever the case, I'm sure there is a solution. There usually is. Hello, my name is Clark.

Feb. 19th, 2013


It's quiet around here. Too quiet. There's a lot of us here, some more vocal than others but still, it's eerily quiet. Anyone else itching for this thing to take us some place interesting? Frankly, I'd like to be a bit more prepared, so if anyone can offer any self defence training or something like that, I'd really appreciate it.

[Filtered to Mark]

Hey Mark. Not sure about you, but my hangover took a good couple of days to shift. Not that you drank as much as me but then again, I'm nowhere near as good as chess as you either. So that makes us even in a weird sort of way.

What are you up to anyway?

Feb. 17th, 2013


What is this, some kind of... Star Trek computer or something? That's... cool. I can probably get some cash for this. If I can figure out where the hell I am and how to get back to the cricket pitch...

Jan. 22nd, 2013


I need a change. I feel stuck, and I haven't felt that way in a long time.

I think I might just be in the TARDIS too long.

Fresh air might be good.

What does everyone else wish for?

Jan. 15th, 2013


It's probably more than time for me to become a little more social here. I know I have spoken to some people, but not nearly enough.

And for those I haven't met, hello. I'm Mark North. I've been here for several months, mostly keeping to myself. If you have any questions, feel free to ask.

Jan. 13th, 2013


So, what's been going on around here? I see we're still drifting aimlessly. Lot's of new passengers too! Good news for some, bad for others I suppose. Feel free to say hi, promise I won't bite unless invited.

Mark? How are you doing? We should catch up.

Same goes for you, Souji. Next time we try something a bit more up your street. Something a bit more... well... yours. Japenese. Traditional. I've been reading up a bit on Japanese customs and I won't be nearly as rude as last time. Promise.

Dec. 5th, 2012


Reward for lost companion!

Has anyone seen a small, rather fat piglet attacking passengers running through the ship? I'm not sure if I've lost him or he has lost me but we've been separated. I don't think it is safe for him to be too long on his own. He's been known to gnaw legs. Any help would be greatly appreciated!

Dec. 3rd, 2012


Well, well, I can't complain.

Beats being dead.

Nov. 27th, 2012


I don't imagine there's much use for a journalist here. Does anyone need any help with anything? Think I might end up going mad if I sit around doing nothing for much longer.

Nov. 26th, 2012


This place seems more and more curious the more I explore it.

I take it you have found the library? I haven't seen, or heard, from you in days. Weeks, even.

Nov. 9th, 2012


Voice recording sent over the communications network. The voice sounds male, English. He's unaware it's also been recording visually too. The young human paces back and forth, looking quite concerned, worried. He runs his hands through his hair before speaking.

Right... what sort of people take someone off the street, and leave them with a mobile device and free roam of... wherever this place is? If this is about the story at the Herald, this is way out of order. Everything we did was above ground.

He pauses and moment.

I just hope someone can hear this message.

The message cuts out.

October 2016




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