Jun. 4th, 2014


Well this was a new one even for me. I Tried my Radio but all I got was Static and there were no discernible markings that I could recognise to help me ascertain where I was.

I fear this may have had something to do with Merlin's weapon or it could be Ardia or the Ori trying to stop me from creating Merlin's Weapon, I'll need to leave that thought for the time being and try to find a way back like a Stargate or somehow get in contact with the Daedalus or Stargate command and get them to beam me back.

If anyone out there can point me to a subspace communicator or if you could shed some light on what has happened and where I am that was be just great.

May. 31st, 2014


It can't be real. It can't. I didn't see him, I'm losing my mind. Please let me be losing my mind...

May. 20th, 2014


So I found out today that the smell of raw meat makes me instantly sick.
Ugh. I love meat too. So weird.
Go eat it all so I don't have to smell it Hahaha.

May. 5th, 2014


One moment you leave Kingslanding to go look for Sansa Stark as you promised her mother you would return her home and she has gone missing after King Joffrey was murdered by his uncle Tyrion and she, as Tyrion's wife, was seen as an accomplish and you wish to keep her from harm.

The next you are informed you are on the Tardis, and I still do not comprehend what this is, and are introduced to some weird device on which I am now ... writing? a message to everyone else on this Tardis.

Life was difficult in Westeros but somehow it seems life is even more difficult here.

My name is Brienne of Tarth. Do not call me wench or believe I will stand for any insults you may wish to throw at me for I wield my Valerian Steel sword Oathkeeper better then many knight in King Tommen's service.

Feb. 23rd, 2014


As there isn't much in the way of entertainment here, it occurred to me to host a ball, if anyone would be interested in attending. And so I extend an invitation to each of you.

Feb. 10th, 2014


[Voice Post]

What is this? Where are my people?!

You are either an unknowing fool or veil your reasoning to have brought me to this strange place with my children by my side. There are few across the narrow sea and beyond who have not heard my name.

I am Daenerys Stormborn, one of the last of the Targeryan name, and rightful heir to the Seven Kingdoms and the Iron Throne. I demand to know who has taken me and why! Or we shall find our way back to what is ours by fire and blood. I will give you only this one chance to do right.

October 2016




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