Jun. 4th, 2014


Well this was a new one even for me. I Tried my Radio but all I got was Static and there were no discernible markings that I could recognise to help me ascertain where I was.

I fear this may have had something to do with Merlin's weapon or it could be Ardia or the Ori trying to stop me from creating Merlin's Weapon, I'll need to leave that thought for the time being and try to find a way back like a Stargate or somehow get in contact with the Daedalus or Stargate command and get them to beam me back.

If anyone out there can point me to a subspace communicator or if you could shed some light on what has happened and where I am that was be just great.

Mar. 17th, 2014


Text Entry

I swear I just want to sleep and sleep and sleep.
That's really all I wanna do lately.

Feb. 23rd, 2014


As there isn't much in the way of entertainment here, it occurred to me to host a ball, if anyone would be interested in attending. And so I extend an invitation to each of you.

Dec. 15th, 2013


I've only been here a short time, yet I've got so much stuff already.

I guess you don't realize how much stuff you got until you are packing it all up.

Eliot, I apologize in advance. Haha.

Dec. 5th, 2013


Does anyone want to help me set up a Christmas tree and decorate a little bit? Maybe it will feel a little more like home.

Jul. 18th, 2013


Um... Hello? Can anyone read this?

This place is really strange..

Can someone help me figure out how to get out of here and get home?

Is anyone out there?

Jul. 8th, 2013


Abby. I need to use your lab. It's urgent.

Jun. 24th, 2013


Is there anything fun to go on this ship? I mean, I can't go shopping, clubbing, or buy things online.

I'm rather bored and missing home more and more.

Jun. 16th, 2013


I'm a fairy princess and I demand tea parties!

Jun. 14th, 2013


Is it possible to get a decent lab here? I've been trying to work in my room, and there just isn't space.

Mar. 7th, 2013


Okay, so I know we've landed, and I've taken note of all the stuff in the message, and now I want to go out there and see this weird new world. I've never been to another world before. Well, like not a real one, games don't really count. But this one is REAL, so someone has to come with me and look at all the new and interesting stuff! It'll be fun.

Jan. 22nd, 2013


I need a change. I feel stuck, and I haven't felt that way in a long time.

I think I might just be in the TARDIS too long.

Fresh air might be good.

What does everyone else wish for?

Jan. 13th, 2013


This place rocks. I'm sure I've said that before? But seriously, it really does. I mean, it's amazing! We'd have to do years of study to even understand the way things work around here and that's just looking at the hallways! It's intense! Like, good intense, not bad.

Oh, and Souji? I'm coming up with fun sort of things the kids can do when you've finished setting up. Like, fun experiments and stuff. Things they can learn from that won't bore them into little comas. It'll be sorta like play but educational too! I can come up with all sorts of weird and wonderful things!

Jan. 9th, 2013


(Addressed to the Doctors but visible to all.)

After pondering it for some time I have a request to make of the honourable Doctor's. It is not my place to make such gestures and I beg your pardon, but I feel it is for a greater good that I do. It concerns me that the growing number of children wander around mostly unaccompanied. Most lack appointed guardians to care for and protect them. Additionally, they are not given structure or things to properly occupy them. With your permission I would like to found a temple school on the TARDIS. The main focus would be less academics than safeguarding these precious beings and giving them important socialization. Academics could be formally taught if anyone aboard is both qualified and interested. Forgive my presumption! I myself have teaching experience, though my expertise is martial arts (which incorporate moral and philosophical disciplines). I volunteer to live adjacent to the temple school so that I will be available at all hours to the children. Lessons would not be given for many hours as I understand how that will wear on their desire to attend. I will labour to make it a warm, enjoyable environment for everyone involved. The children are valued and will be given a certain amount of autonomy in the temple school. I will leave whether attendance is compulsory for those under the age of sixteen to your discretion.

If my proposal is accepted I will seek others to be employed in our temple school. This would ensure that:
-We could potentially accommodate rotating shifts if the children cannot conform to a similar schedule.
-Specific activities and lessons can be handled by the adults best suited to them.
-Individual attention can be given to a child that needs it without disrupting leadership of the group.
-Different age tiers can have appropriate lessons, giving us the capability of offering academics rather than informal safe space.

I also welcome other passengers and staff to contribute ideas and assistance.

Many thanks for your time and consideration! I leave it to you.


How do people manage all this free time? Hobbies? How does one choose a hobby?

Jan. 7th, 2013


Okay, I don't know where I am... but this is a little bit hinkey. Can someone explain why I woke up here? Don't get me wrong, the phone upgrade is cool and all, but this isn't Kansas anymore, is it?

October 2016




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