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May. 14th, 2015


Tired of drinking. Got any goddamn culture in this fucking place?

Jan. 2nd, 2015


Filtered from Enjolras

Does anyone know how the portal works?

I'd like to go off ship for a day - take Enjolras somewhere nice, since our anniversary is coming up. We've never used it, though. Can you control where you go?

Oct. 13th, 2014


Greetings, all.

Nurse Noakes and I have set up a clinic. We shall hold it every Tuesday (or what counts as one on this ship), in a room just off the infirmary. It's primarily for expectant mothers or those with infants, but any women who wish to come and get some medical advice are welcome.

We will begin seeing patients at noon. Appointments aren't necessary but feel free to let either of us know in advance if you want to.

Oct. 11th, 2014


What ho, Chummy here. Camilla Noakes to be exact, but Chummy shall do nicely. Rather new to all of this, including this device, so my responses may be on the slow side.

I have just arrived, along with Nurse Mount and my son, Freddie. He's the reason I'm writing, you see, as I don't have nearly enough clothes or napkins for him and it's becoming a bit of a nuisance, really. He shall also need milk - powdered, preferably, as he is a little young for cow's milk still. I don't know if there are any other infants on board, but I thought I ought to ask, to see.

In return, Nurse Noakes and I will offer our services. I hear there is an infirmary on the ship. We are qualified nurses and midwives, and we're quite willing to roll our sleeves up and do what we must. We don't want to step on any toes, of course, but if you need any help at all please don't hesitate to ask. Neither of us wish to twiddle our thumbs all day.

Oct. 3rd, 2014


Hi. I know there's a lot of people here, and since we seem to be stuck together for a while, I thought it'd be a good idea to introduce myself, get to know some of you.

I'm Commander Shepard of the Normandy. If you're from my galaxy, you might have heard of me, but don't pay attention to any of that. Here I'm just another guy, really. Anyway, there's not much to tell about me.

I'm not sure what else to say. I'd like to meet some of you, find out about your lives. Just drop a line to say hi, all right?

Sep. 19th, 2014


I really could use a drink....a strong one. Perhaps a punching bag too. Anyone know where the gym is?

Aug. 19th, 2014


Holy shit balls!

...I was suppose to go to Valhalla! I need to go there.

Someone fix this, right now.

Aug. 18th, 2014


Is there like.... a room full of pillows somewhere?
I just want to melt into pillows so maybe I can get some sleep.
There seems to be a room for everything, so I figured I'd ask.

Jul. 22nd, 2014


Attention passengers!

The ship's kitchen is now equipped with a fully automated, fully functional, multi tasking, dynamic coffee machine / muffin maker / toastie toasting / cream cheese dispensing / breakfast machine! AND! It's not even that difficult to maintain!

You're welcome!

Jul. 21st, 2014


I need something to do.

As it is, I'll just keep building bigger and bigger death rays, until something goes wrong and I destroy the entire ship by accident.

I've already set fire to my lab twice.

Jul. 20th, 2014


I have never been this bored in all my life.
I feel as big as a whale.
I have read every book in my room.
The baby is kicking, so I can't nap.
And I can only throw paper airplanes at Eliot for so long before he's going to kill me, hah.

Someone amuse me. Please.

Jul. 13th, 2014


So judging from all the previous posts, we are on a ship called a TARDIS, trapped in another universe? Would anyone else mind telling me what else is happening? Do we have any sound theories as to why we are all here?

Oh, my name is Urahara Kisuke.

Jul. 8th, 2014


Voice Post

...hello? Hello?! Look, I don't know what this is, or what's going on, but it's not funny. And if anyone can hear this... Look, I don't know why I'm here, but it's not going to shut me up. Just...tell me what's going on.

Jul. 2nd, 2014


(Sits Up rapidly)

"Hello? This isn't Urahara Shop..."

(roles over to find a communicator of some sort)

"hello? if anyone can hear me? Ichigo, Rukia, Orihime, anyone...i will find you.I must find you."

Jul. 1st, 2014


Well, this is fun, isn't it? And still, none of you have worked out what's wrong with the portal! Oh well. Maybe you should take a guess. I am sure you'll manage eventually. I am sure I could fix the problem, but then what would be the fun in that?

Jun. 30th, 2014


Are all women infuriating, or just the ones in my life?

Jun. 29th, 2014


Oops, I forgot to say a few things last time.

1) Zanta, how in the world do you sleep with the baby moving nonstop? Once it started, he just hasn't stopped. Hah

2) Does anyone have a crib, stroller, baby boy clothes? Or can anyone make us these things that we will need?

Any and all help is appreciated.
Thank you.


I figured it's about time I tried making some new friends around here. So, don't be shy. Feel free to reply here and say hello. My name's Dan Foster and I am... was a freelance journalist, working with The Herald in England. Tell me a bit about yourself?

Jun. 4th, 2014


Well this was a new one even for me. I Tried my Radio but all I got was Static and there were no discernible markings that I could recognise to help me ascertain where I was.

I fear this may have had something to do with Merlin's weapon or it could be Ardia or the Ori trying to stop me from creating Merlin's Weapon, I'll need to leave that thought for the time being and try to find a way back like a Stargate or somehow get in contact with the Daedalus or Stargate command and get them to beam me back.

If anyone out there can point me to a subspace communicator or if you could shed some light on what has happened and where I am that was be just great.

May. 31st, 2014


[Private to Zanta]

My love? We need to talk.

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