Jan. 6th, 2014


Er... Hello? I was told that this would work... Writing letters and sending them into emptiness seems rather pointless, but perhaps it is correct and someone elsewhere can read my words. Considering all else I've seen of late, it's not actually that incredible a notion.

Yes, anyway. If anyone is reading my letter, I am Bilbo Baggins of Bag-End, Hobbiton, the Shire. After a rather long and arduous journey I've discovered myself here in this strange place, instead of the place I was meant to be after the aforementioned long and arduous journey. I suppose there will be another long and arduous journey to get back to where I'm supposed to be, and then a continuing long and arduous journey to finish the long and arduous journey that was interrupted when I came here.

I will be pleased to make the acquaintance of any other travelers who have found themselves likewise whisked away from their tasks and troubles, their homes and families.

Your (hopefully) friend,
Bilbo Baggins

Dec. 26th, 2013


Voice post

[warning: she sounds angry]

What is the meaning of this? Where am I? What is going on and what is this little black box? There were orcs I was chasing.

Put me back right this instant.

Dec. 20th, 2013


Days run together, turning determination into complacency. Shadow threatens to overtake one's hopes and dreams...

Jun. 29th, 2013


This is definitely not where I meant to come!!

Jun. 5th, 2013


Voice Post!

Dos dis tink vork? Ho, yez, dot's my voice. Hello dere, odder pipple! Anyvun vantink to talk to me?

Mar. 9th, 2013


I have not foreseen this. Worrying. I sense a disruption. This is not the natural course. This needs to be remedied.

Mar. 8th, 2013


The voice spoke of outside. A new world to wander. Some wander in hope of discovering a way, and others choose to wander because their heart seeks adventure. I wish to wander because I wish to see, to breath, to learn and to discover. But I do not wish to walk alone. Who might wander with me this eve'?

Jan. 22nd, 2013


I need a change. I feel stuck, and I haven't felt that way in a long time.

I think I might just be in the TARDIS too long.

Fresh air might be good.

What does everyone else wish for?

Jan. 8th, 2013


What age has fate brought me to? That Her mirror should lay here open to even my command? To my touch. With out water nor pitcher, moon nor star, it's magic seemingly woven into its very being. This comes from an age I do not know, one I do not understand. Still, I am not afraid.

Whoever reads this, be they from the past, or gazing from ages untold, heed my call. I will find my love. And I will return to his side. I have not abandoned hope. For when all was once lost, hope remained, and shall ever still.

October 2016




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