February 27th, 2013

[info]greedy_ankh in [info]tardis_comms

Am I correct in assuming that wherever I am doesn't have an exit? The stench of how much you all want to go home is incredible. Whoever rules this roost should improve the ventilation system. I also demand that the aforementioned asshole return my iPhone. This device is ugly and has none of my important apps.

[info]lurkmaster in [info]tardis_comms

Right, so what do we actually do here?

[info]knowbackofmine in [info]tardis_comms

catpain hornblower insists i try to talk to people more frewquently, though how in any way this is consideredd tlalking i have no notion. these buttosn are still utterly nonsensicla. where does oen find normal pen and ink in this world/

this place does things to the mind. i find myslef less disturbed than i should be about much i come across. i need to go back to england where things are as they should be. or aboard ship, where things aren't allowed to be as they shouldn't. here is madness.

wm. bush, lieutenant.

[info]antichrist_ceo in [info]tardis_comms

What is this? I do not understand. Father, is this a test? This won't do, sorry. I have a company to run. I was just about to head over to the club to celebrate my graduation. It would have been a great night too. Also had important meetings later in the week. Damn. I know I'm far from Earth, that much I do know. The question is why. It serves little purpose.

[info]the_druid_boy in [info]tardis_comms

No! I can't be here. I must go. Lady Morgana, are you present? These surroundings are.. odd. Trapped. Can't get out. Please, I need to go back to the forest, need to find another camp. Those knights will find me

[info]boy_scout in [info]tardis_comms

Strange, seems to be quite a bit advanced technology here. What sort of construct is this? I had important work to do. I'm supposed to be chasing down another news story for the paper. Maybe getting a few camera shots of the city's heroes too.

Oh, I hope the editor doesn't fire me for not showing up to work. But.. okay. Whatever the case, I'm sure there is a solution. There usually is. Hello, my name is Clark.

October 2016



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