November 27th, 2012

[info]fishycustard in [info]tardis_comms

[A vocal recording starts, the faint sound of crackling in the background. There is a loud clap shortly after the recording starts]


I think it's time we got to know each other, you sexy thing. Look at you...

[He clears his throat]

Sorry... distracted ea...sily. Now where was I? That's it! You lot! That's right, you. All of you. I haven't had a chance to meet that many of you yet, and that is going to change. You see, this TARDIS is in my universe, and you lot need me if you want to find a way back home. I know this universe, and I know the dangers, hidden and in plain sight. This universe is a very dark place. Still, I don't want to say too much now. All I can say is this.

I'm here with my companion, Seeker. If you have any questions for Seeker or myself, ask them. I'll be asking all of you questions about your universes. Dates, times, locations, every detail is important if we're to get you back home. Don't hold anything back.

Just to get this out the way. This universe is young, and something is very wrong with it. I haven't figured out what yet. It might have something to do with you lot suddenly appearing here. Either way, I want to be notified the moment anyone sees or hears the following names; SLA Industries. Mort. Mr Slayer. Bitterness. Davros. And that is all I can think of for now...

Don't ignore this message. This is important. This counts for all of you, especially if you want to get back home. Now... where did I leave that screwdriver?

[The recording cuts out]

[info]shagontap in [info]tardis_comms

I don't imagine there's much use for a journalist here. Does anyone need any help with anything? Think I might end up going mad if I sit around doing nothing for much longer.

[info]olderlightwood in [info]tardis_comms

Uh, that portal was supposed to take me Idris not...where ever this is. There sure are a lot of people here. I wonder what's going on...

Can anyone tell me what's happened?

October 2016



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