August 28th, 2011

[info]tyler_cormier in [info]tardis_comms

It's 3am and I'm wide awake.

[info]jack_kubiak in [info]tardis_comms

Faith, are you around?

[info]hasinvsblfriend in [info]tardis_comms

I don't wanna be a fairy princess anymore.

[info]tyler_cormier in [info]tardis_comms

I'm losing a lot of blood. I feel so weaaaaaaaaaasdc

[info]someoldhippy in [info]tardis_comms

I am not a man to judge harshly. I will give anyone a chance. But there are some things I will not stand for.

A person under my care has been attacked. And I have this message to the one responsible:

I know what you are. I will find you. And I will offer you this word of advice. Run.

[info]3_patch_problem in [info]tardis_comms


John, there's someone injured in the library. Near the front, behind that giant couch.

He's bleeding from the neck, and heavily, so grab some supplies on the way.

[info]handysparehand in [info]tardis_comms

Funny thing about Time Lords. We tend to go to war rather a lot more than people expect. There was this one war, a long, long time ago. Before I was born. Before Time Lord society as most people think of it came about. My people called those days the Dark Times. The war was waged between two races: the people of Gallifrey, and a people known as the Great Vampires. We won, at a heavy cost. After the war, Rassilon left an order for every Time Lord and Time Lady, down through the generations to the very last of us. Destroy the King Vampire. Something to think about, isn't it?

[info]allmenarebeasts in [info]tardis_comms

If there is any attack from vampires against the humans or anything other source of blood, you know it's my job to take them down.

Fate's made me for that soul propose to protect.

I don't play, you have two Slayers on board, one even killed a Master, so think twice before you start killing people.

[info]his_blogger_ in [info]tardis_comms

I need to do a blood transfusion.

Is anyone here 0 Negative and willing to donate?

[info]3_patch_problem in [info]tardis_comms


From various network posts, I've noticed that you know a vampire named Katherine.

I believe she's attacked a friend of the Doctor's. She fed from him and abandoned him in the library. To say that they are unhappy is rather an understatement. He'll be fine, he's been completely healed. But they will be looking for vampires. I haven't mentioned your name, of course. It would probably be in your interests to distance yourself from Katherine.

October 2016



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