July 16th, 2011

[info]handysparehand in [info]tardis_comms

Hello! How is everyone? Enjoying the cruise? Sorry it's a bit of a headache, but we're working on getting you all back home safe and sound. I promise.

[Filtered to the Doctors, sans "Twelve"]

Any of you happen to notice if the bloke who's been kicking us out of the control room happens to be drumming his fingers against anything?

[info]biteymadwoman in [info]tardis_comms

Doctor, my doctor, can I stay with you? The little man is stalking me and I don't want to be around him.

[info]doctor_beyond in [info]tardis_comms

Don't listen to her, I've asked her twice, she said no. I could have forced her.

I fixed the panel, now I need to figure out how to get more enegry to get us moving.

Doctors, you are allowed back in, but not touching, unless you get that woman Sexy to touch it.

[info]formerseal in [info]tardis_comms

I still feel like shooting someone in the face.

Kono, feel like going to the place that's like a Zoo here?

[info]herstupidface in [info]tardis_comms

Anyone seen my wife today? She left me still in bed this morning and now I can't seem to find her.

[info]idontbelong in [info]tardis_comms

My dreams are cold, she shivers with yellow hair.

Simon, doctors, can I dance today?

Hello Captain, I know you are here.

[info]perfectsoldier in [info]tardis_comms

Tired of this bullshit.

[info]abit_fairytale in [info]tardis_comms

I've really tried to be patient, but my patience is running out. I need my daughter, now.

[info]gaysharks in [info]tardis_comms

Not spinning as much today.

[info]rookie5o in [info]tardis_comms

I guess I should stop being surprised that all this is real.

[info]russiandoll in [info]tardis_comms

Guess I should find something to do since it doesn't seem like we're going home any time soon.

[info]tutor_wife in [info]tardis_comms

Jamie is getting so big already. I'm sorry so many are stuck here, but it could be worse, right?

[info]snarkysidekick in [info]tardis_comms

I'm pretty good with tech, maybe I can help get this process moving.

[info]ilooklikeher in [info]tardis_comms

Pretty bored today. I hope Jeremy is alright.

[info]theslaybelle in [info]tardis_comms

Still here, and it doesn't seem like we're going to be getting home anytime soon. This is more than just annoying now. Some of us have things we need to take care of at home.

[info]thelastcetra in [info]tardis_comms

This has all been so strange. And still no one seems to know why any of it is happening.

[info]spacewhore in [info]tardis_comms

It's been some time since I've been in space so long.

[info]usedtosingalone in [info]tardis_comms

We need to get home before school starts back up.

[info]adarkerfuture in [info]tardis_comms

The longer we stay here, the less safe we all are.

[info]coedclaire in [info]tardis_comms

So...is there anything to do on a spaceship?

[info]missy_geeky in [info]tardis_comms

This place is fascinating. If I stayed here all my life, I'm not sure I'd discover half of what there is to this ship.

[info]ex_spoilerss524 in [info]tardis_comms

Hmm. It's just a little quiet around here.

[info]quite_contrary in [info]tardis_comms

hello, all.

I am Lady Mary Crawley, and I am trying to become accustomed to this eye pad. Mr St James very kindly showed me how to write messages.

It is rather difficult. I appear to be all thumbs whenever I try to type anything. I have deleted this message several times already. I have always liked to think of myself as a modern woman, but I suddenly find myself hopelessly outdated. I mastered the telephone faster than my father and our butler. But this is rather slow going.


Mary Crawley.

October 2016



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