July 3rd, 2011

[info]herstupidface in [info]tardis_comms

As the days slip by I can not seem to get my baby girl off my mind.

I need to know she's okay, with Amy, myself, and the Doctor here. Is this going to change her future? Will she be back in our arms again, soon?

[info]shootyoumyself in [info]tardis_comms

Why does it seem everyone got someone here? Not that I don't mind being alone. I'd just like to know Four and the others are still alive.

I need to know the rest of my race is safe.

[info]handysparehand in [info]tardis_comms

[Private to Rose]

Think I'll make that lie-in an all day affair. My head is killing me.

[Private to the Doctors (All of Them)]

You lot can fight over who gets to touch the TARDIS on your own. Had enough of the shouting, me.

[info]hisbendyweekend in [info]tardis_comms

I'm going to make dinner for my son, would anyone else like dinner as well. It's pointless for everyone to make someone when I'm already cooking.

[info]beyonceknowles in [info]tardis_comms

I find this place quite interesting.Has anyone sought to explore itrather then gossip?It does seem like a bit much to take in, and is it nessicary for the hallways to change, or am I merly getting turned around in this odd place?

Am I right in thinking I saw Harry about earlyier? It seems my husband or my friends have not been brought here either.I'm not quite sure wether to be relived or not.

[info]fantastic_doc in [info]tardis_comms

[Filtered so Donna can't see it]

How do you talk to human women without getting them mad at you?

October 2016



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