June 21st, 2011

[info]whatta_douche in [info]tardis_comms

It would be fucking great if you adults would grow the hell up and get me home.

I have shit to get back to at, you know, my home.

Douche bags.

[info]humantimelord in [info]tardis_comms

To all my great grandfathers that are out there. Did any of you find the door let? To see if we are in space or on a know or unknown planet?

[info]erik_the_red in [info]tardis_comms

Hey does anyone know where a guy could change of clothing around here?

[info]doctor_daughter in [info]tardis_comms

Father, I know that you have your hands full right now, but when you have time to eat, would you mind to eatting with me?

[info]wizard101 in [info]tardis_comms

Hey doctor, well excuse me Doctor(s).

Oh…I’m about to break rule one.

[info]fantastic_doc in [info]tardis_comms

Oi, you lot! Everyone settling in all right? Finding the kitchen? Need anything?

[info]harvelle in [info]tardis_comms

So does this ship actually go anywhere, or do we just...float in space?

[info]biteymadwoman in [info]tardis_comms

You strays need to remeber, the Doctor, all Doctors are my Doctors.

Naughty Harkness, naughty.

[info]mme_depompadour in [info]tardis_comms

There are letters on this, and when I push them... Amazing. Obviously I am supposed to write something down. I suspect the Doctor has something to do with this. Two minutes. A year. What is the difference? Now, how to find someone...

[info]luciemiller in [info]tardis_comms

This really isn't funny Doctor. You know, I asked for a couple of minutes to m'self and this is what I get? Bleedin heck!

Alex? Are you here? Your mum's gonna be so cross.

Unless.. this isn't the Doctor's TARDIS. If there's some other stupid Time Lord that thinks they can just pick me up, they've got another thing coming!

[info]shootyoumyself in [info]tardis_comms

My race is in trouble, I'm going to be pissed if they are wiped out while I'm stuck in here.

October 2016



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