June 15th, 2011

[info]gaysharks in [info]tardis_comms

Lord Tubbington? You're going to get us in so much trouble.

[info]tutor_wife in [info]tardis_comms

Is this another weird pregnancy dream?

[info]doctor_daughter in [info]tardis_comms

So this is what the inside of Dad’s TARDIS? Hm, at least that’s what I think it is.

[info]wizard101 in [info]tardis_comms

Hmm…this almost feels like home.

[info]almost_lover in [info]tardis_comms

So my birthday gift is a ride on the TARDIS, Pop?

I'm down for that.

[info]wisdombearer in [info]tardis_comms

...Where'd the castle go?

[info]trenchcoat_angl in [info]tardis_comms

This is not Bobby's home.

I've never went to the wrong location before...

Dean? Sam?

[info]biteymadwoman in [info]tardis_comms

This is wrong, so very wrong...who? how? Doctor, My doctor?

Where are you?

Why...I...don't get it.

[info]hegoesfaster in [info]tardis_comms

I took a wrong turn. An extremely wrong turn. So... Anyone know where the top secret, hidden exit is? Or no? Probably not, huh?

[info]beenbusy in [info]tardis_comms

I was following mum and suddenly, I'm here?


What is wrong with the TARDIS, she seems, colder.

[info]obvslyimagod in [info]tardis_comms

Ok.Right.Because waking up random places isn't creepy at all.Or you know, weird, in a creepy sort of way.

Uh, guys?Dean?Cas?

Is this some sort of payback of something?Because I already said I wasn't gonna write anymore...

[info]handysparehand in [info]tardis_comms

Bugger all. This is just like me. I leave myself standing on a beach in bloody Norway and say I can have a life with Rose, and then wham! Straight back to the TARDIS. Not that I'm complaining about the TARDIS, mind. Love the TARDIS. It's just that I finally got Rose back.

Right then. Down to business. Which one of me broke the TARDIS? I'm quite cross, I'll have you know.

[info]beyonceknowles in [info]tardis_comms

If this is someones clever idea of getting me all bloody riled up I'm telling you now I am hardly upset by this.It takes more then a misplacement spell to distress me!



[info]is_special in [info]tardis_comms

Hmm, I'd say this was another test but this doesn't seem like Noah or Peters style.

Speaking of.Pete?Are you around?


[info]anolifeking in [info]tardis_comms

I couldn't save her..


[info]letskillpeople in [info]tardis_comms

Does this mean I'm in trouble? Like, God hates me now with the passion of a thousand suns and no longer being able to look at me without wanting to throw up, She's banished me to this... whatever this is?

If so, holy shit, this sucks.

[info]electric_vixen in [info]tardis_comms

I know I didn't go home with anyone or that I'm drunk.

Can someone explain why I appeared by a pool when I got out of the cab?

Am I drugged?

[info]harvestingsouls in [info]tardis_comms

Who summoned me? I'm busy, I have things to do.

[info]herstupidface in [info]tardis_comms

Amy, I thought we were going home?

River? What happened?  


Something's wrong, I just know it.

[info]skilledarcher in [info]tardis_comms

I don't know who you think you're playing with, but I'm going to shank whoever kidnap me!

My father is a well known doctor, he'll get the best to find me, and then he'll shank you as well.

We don't play from Lima, take me back home now!

[info]idontbelong in [info]tardis_comms

She very sad, say it hurts.

Someone is missing or locked up, there's a key, a key with the light that will slowly dim out.

We are to help, all to help, even the light will help, but she knows it will fade. She weeps for the lost of souls, the life of herotic thing...woman, no man. He's broken, all is broken, now time will be silent as she tries to sleep.

[info]voiceofempathy in [info]tardis_comms


What happened?


Where's my daughter?

[info]fragmentsofyou in [info]tardis_comms

An explanation would be good. Preferably before I start cutting my way through walls.

October 2016



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