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Jul. 23rd, 2015


A not so typical view of New York City )

Jul. 22nd, 2015




Are we okay?

Jul. 18th, 2015


Next time I travel back in time, Powers In Charge, you should give me a heads up. I could have done something about the drastically low levels of Asgard Approved Mead.


Nice try, but I'm not cleaning up my younger self's room.

Now, who's here again?

Jul. 17th, 2015



Any chance you're available/up for sparring?


Broken door : check.
Unmade bed : check.
Trash on the floor : check.

Looks like my bungalow is here. And I'm not cleaning up.

Jul. 16th, 2015



Or everybody in Avengers Tower, whatever.

I'm not going to be here tomorrow, apparently we have an investor lined up that I have to meet with and I'm going to die and fuck all of this up so kiss your cushy jobs goodbye and it's extremely important. If things go really well he might want to come back and see the place and the labs, so for those of you who are still old enough to work please, please actually show up tomorrow? This isn't for me. You don't have to like me. You just have to like your jobs.

I watched that movie last night with Steve
I almost died

You were the first person I called. The only person I called. Why-

I'm going to die.


Posted late afternoon

Torunn: 1
James: 0

Better luck next time, Rogers.



[...] Avengers, assemble?

Tony? What's going on?

Jul. 15th, 2015


I can't quite decide if the internet is terrifying, or brilliant.

There's a movie. The Avengers. We're in it - do you want - you want to watch it? I'm only half asking because I have no idea how to use the television in this place -

Jul. 13th, 2015


I'm sorry, but am I supposed to fucking understand what's going on? Some letter ain't gonna make me feel better.

Jul. 11th, 2015


I apparently have far too much time on my hands these days. I found a list and the plan is to go through all of them, then possibly find a better list. I can check off most of the food trucks, and the cronuts.


Gotta love finding a remix that is better than the original. I've spent way too much time on YouTube today.

Jul. 6th, 2015


Insomnia. I hate you.

Jul. 3rd, 2015


Who knew staring at a computer screen for approximately thirty-six hours in three days without sleep and subsisting on espresso could be so exhausting? My adrenaline is through the roof and I wasn't even there, fuck. Blowing up my phone all week wasn't helping, either, Lydia.

Jul. 2nd, 2015


posted late thrusday night

Hello there, bed, I have missed you.

JOCASTA, wake me never.

Jun. 29th, 2015


...yeah, this doesn't work for me. I have to work tonight and I'm headlining so...you know, this doesn't work for me. Fuck this completely and entirely.

Unless that letter is a joke, in which case, wow you need a fuckin' hobby or something, but hey, good times and I'll be on my way.

Jun. 27th, 2015


All right, who's free right this effing minute and wants to run some field tests for me? I'm 98% sure this prototype is finally going to work and 100% sure they're safe for use whether the functionality is a success or not. If these field tests go as well as the safety ones, I can fucking go home and sleep, finally, and I could use a few zzzzs right about now so who wants to help a bro out for a few hours on a Saturday night when all the cool kids are probably out drinking?

[ooc: *people who were included on Steve's original filter about the Ukraine Terrorist Mission.]


That moment when you're making excellent breakfast choices. No regrets.

Jun. 25th, 2015


(( if you feel that I missed someone who could/should be on here please just nudge the contact post in this journal :) ))

You're reading this because we think you are more than capable of handling what we're about to ask of you - whether on the ground or watching our backs. If you feel that this isn't for you there's absolutely no hard feelings.

There's a terrorist cell holed up in the interior of the Ukraine, they're using the border conflicts still occurring to hide their movements and from what we can tell from the intel we have they are looking at making a move in the next few weeks. They've got the manpower - we figure they're at least 200 men strong in the base we're looking at hitting - they've got a small armory of weapons and there's a possibility they have biochemicals. They're not joking around and neither should we. If they're allowed to, they will cause serious damage. I'm not going to let them and I'm hoping you feel the same too.

We've got four days before there's a window to ship out, if you want in, let's get to work.

I know you've got Joey in a suit, up to you how much, if at all, you want her involved in this.

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