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Nov. 17th, 2015



[Alpha version]
Hey, I don't know if you read through the filter, but we're all having a game night at Zach's place. You coming?

Nov. 16th, 2015


Quick question: how many of my favorite shows and movies am I going to have to stop watching/re-watching before this place decides to slow its roll? It's just...like, seriously, I'm looking on Netflix and I'm like "can't watch that, can't watch that, probably shouldn't watch that, used to watch that but had to stop watching that."

It's been one of those kinds of days.

Nov. 15th, 2015


I just wanted to put out an open filter inviting anyone who doesn't have anyone here to come to my place to celebrate Thanksgiving. Deucalion is gone, now, and I'm
I'm kind of alone, so I wouldn't mind if you'd

Nov. 14th, 2015



How alive do you prefer your prey to be?

[Roomie Lydia]
Does seeing copies of yourself irritate you as much as me seeing mine irritates me?

DTF? Nah, that's sleez
What are you doing tonight around 3? Nope still sleezy

Nov. 12th, 2015


Beacon Hills + Friends

We should do Thanksgiving.

Nov. 11th, 2015


Déjà vu.

Oct. 21st, 2015



[The camera turns on and she's covered in something that looks organic matter; a nice way of saying blood and chunks of things that you probably don't want to know about. Her hands are covered so typing isn't really an option, and she's moving quickly outside. She herself looks fine, but pissed, and her face is just returning to normal, fangs retracting. She turns her head out of the camera frame and spits her mouth clean on the ground.]

There are things underground. [She sounds pissed, too.] I think they're venomous and they're super gross so if you're walking, do yourself a favor and stay on concrete or asphalt.


[ooc: a short while after this (not that anyone can really see it, but for timeline's sake).]

I know what's going on...this is so something the Management would do if they had a whole city instead of just a crap town in a dome.

Someone said the girl from the Ring came out of their telly, someone mentioned a scary clown, Ariel's had a run in with Jaws and Anna and I've been watching bloody flying monkeys banging on the windows all afternoon. Whoever's put us here is dragging in nightmare fuel from their respective worlds, too, now. Brilliant... Please tell me the shit that happens here has the same timer on it that crap from the Dome and back in the City had...

Oct. 20th, 2015



[*Housemate Lydia]
Hey, were you just in my room?

[Rikki, Harley, Malia, Vampire Allison, Erica, Kira, Lydia, and Scott. If I forgot someone, throw them in.]

Everyone okay?



[Forward-dated to 6 am]
Hey, do you have a minute?
Read more... )

Sep. 26th, 2015




Sep. 25th, 2015


Accidental Video Post

What the hell? [She exclaims after reading this strange letter that disappeared into thin air]

Sep. 24th, 2015


[Don't mind him, he's just checking out his new, suspicious surroundings and has no idea there's even a tablet at all, never mind that it's recording him rn. la la la]

Sep. 23rd, 2015


One of the worst parts about this place is starting a show to binge on Netflix and feeling guilty for watching it because one of the people might show up at some point. I feel bad for things that haven't even happened.

On a totally different note, I need to start planning my birthday party. I have nothing and nobody to spend my money on other than myself, apparently. Suggestions?

Sep. 20th, 2015


[OOC: Please for pretend it's only the picture]

People are disappointments. Dogs are better. Meet little Coco ♥

We have a new housemate. I would have asked what you thought but you would have said no and I couldn't have that.


My Allison


[Chester; ETA]
I talked to Allison and she's all for the hook-up thing. I'm thinking you can post something like fun loving 18 year old girl looking for a exciting night out with fun guy. Or some other adjective that means fun since that's all I can think of right now. Filtered to 18-25 and against Beacon Hills or anyone who has one of the Beacon Hills faces. The last guy she hooked up with looks like Derek and I almost puked in my mouth. If you know anything about where she came from before this, you would too. Oh, and filtered against evil too.

Sep. 17th, 2015



Come to the beach with me.



cut for content; vampirey icky stuffs )

Sep. 14th, 2015


Allison and Chester

Let's have some fun tonight.

[Scott, Kira, Lydia and Malia]
Did you know there's a drink here for people like us?

Sep. 13th, 2015



You have two choices, you can either respond to this and talk to me or you can not, make me hunt you down because you know I can track you, and make me angry for worrying me so much.

Where are you?

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