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Jul. 1st, 2015


Oh my God, there's just...so, so many Lifetime movies on Youtube, I don't even know where to start tonight. Anybody else who shares this guilty pleasure have any suggestions?

Jun. 30th, 2015



For those of you who have been living under a rock as of late, I'll be opening a strip club very soon, in Manhattan. So gentleman, if you're confident enough to take your clothes off for more money than you're probably making right now, live auditions will be starting soon. If you're interested you can message me here to make an appointment.

Ladies, you're welcome.

For those of you who don't want to show everything that your mother gave you, I'm also looking for servers and bartenders. Get used to the idea of working without a shirt.


Jun. 26th, 2015



cut for images )

Jun. 25th, 2015


[ DEREK (any that know her) ]

The full moon is next week. Do you know if there are any Alpha's in the city? Just to help me until I can figure out how to control this.

EDIT: [ LAURA HALE (all) ]

I'm hoping one of you can, and might be willing to help me. I'm Erica, I use to be one of Derek's betas. There's a fool moon coming up, and I've only had the chance to experience one, which did not go well. I'm hoping one of you could help me learn to control it.


I think I'm a little out of practice when it comes to skating, but I think the old knee is in pretty good shape. Felt good to get back on the board.

Mock me, go ahead, see the stuff below the link. )

Thanks for manning the camera, Joey. Even if I wasn't that impressive.


Video Post

[She skims through the letter, then starts reading it over in case she missed something but it disappears so she walks over to the tablet on the desk]
... Hello? [Her voice is thick with fear. She's not sure if she's dreaming, dead, or going insane, but she's going to try to find out whatever she can as soon as possible.] Can anyone hear me?

Jun. 20th, 2015


[At 4:20 pm EST this video plays for all to see.]

Jun. 19th, 2015


[At 9:00 P.M EST a video is posted. Sort of contains SPOILERS. Nothing really significant but it's a clip from the movie so.]


[At 11:30am EST/8:30am PST, this video will play. The section in italics is being narrated over exactly the scene and flashbacks it's describing in a voice that replicates Laura's flawlessly. NOTE: character death and graphic violence. Fair warning.]


[I can't leave Pammie out! This video plays 6/19 at 9am EST (forward dating because I'm antsy to post it).

Warning: Little bit of death & mention of violence in video.]

Jun. 16th, 2015


Hey, just a little PSA? Don't look yourself up here. I'm not even going into the whole 'existential crisis' thing, I'm more talking about the humiliating fact that guess what? Your show isn't the only thing that the person with your face was in.

Hey, how are you holding up dude? Haven't seen you around in a while, thought that I'd check in and make sure you're not dead or anything.

Still mad at me?


Now I know why I'm single. I've been doin' it wrong my whole life, obviously.

Jun. 15th, 2015


Okay, now she's just fucking with me, I know it. She's onto me for talking about her behind her back.

Jun. 14th, 2015



Now I know why people always tell me not to open those 'all expenses paid trip' emails.

Anyone want to tell me what the hell is going on here?

Jun. 13th, 2015


Would anyone here happen to know of a decent establishment to order Chinese food from?

Jun. 12th, 2015



So, shot in the dark, but are there any other adults here?


So after a very short trip to Los Angeles, I guess I'm heading back to New York City after all. Cafe Grumpy come to me.

I wonder if I track down my old house if it will even exist here?

Scott, you can show up any day no

So from what I understand everyone is pretty scattered. But I'm still trying to figure out how many of us are here. So any chance you could take a minute to say hi? So I can figure who is who, and then I'll leave you alone! since I guess the pack does not exist here?

Jun. 11th, 2015


Looks like I'm hiring everybody today, anyone else need a job? Anyone?

Anyone know how to cook? Because guess what, I don't, and if Steve tells you that he does then America just lied to your face.

Hey kid.

Jun. 9th, 2015


Seriously still the best thing ever on Dawson's Creek.

SD is a go, everyone should have itineraries hitting their inbox within the hour. We also have a few extra passes so feel free to ask a couple people if you wanted to bring any friends. They're VIP so pretty good score for someone.

Hi, Tess. I'm Jules and I work on the show with the boys and Mags. I'm emailing you over a pdf document that I'm hoping you can sign for me and send back. I know it probably looks like a ton of crazy legal talk but it's not scary, I promise. It's just a non-disclosure agreement that states anything you see the cast or crew posting on this network can't be posted to your site or discussed on other forums/sites.

I also have some extra passes to Comic-Con that I'd love to pass along to you.

Jun. 8th, 2015


Fun fact: Luna hates pigeons in Central Park almost as much as she hates thunder. Go figure.

You guys settling in okay? Do you need anything?

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