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Aug. 5th, 2015


Aaaaand the next generation begins. This was right before she threw a tantrum, chucked the controller at the dog (she missed), and got put into Time Out. I've created a monster.

[ooc: please to be pretending the ickle is Char. Kthanx.]

#TBT at its best. Shit, I miss my boo.

[ooc: imagination time again - left to right: bb Char, Scott McCall, and Jared with the camera phone]

GAMERS*; delayed until the conversation with Mia and Kira

[ooc: *if your character plays video games, they can see this.]


I know I shouldn't be looking myself up but they're not wrong. You're welcome Angel.

I'm getting more control over my phasing abilities, I've pretty much mastered the art of going through solid objects but we need to figure out how to push it further, I'm hitting a wall and I can only go so far. It was easier with Wells guiding us

Jul. 29th, 2015


[ooc: *casually changes Prada's breed la la la*]

This is my life tonight. He thinks he owns the place.

Okay, when are we doing this? We should all decide on a date and then we can work out transportation.

Oh yeah, also, we're going to Six Flags, for those of you that Barry missed.

[ooc: *Team Flash, Derek&Lydia, Kira, Malia, and The Stileses Three.]

Jul. 28th, 2015


Alright, alright, ready? This one is really good.

A biologist, a chemist, and a statistician are all out in the woods hunting when they find a deer. The biologist takes a shot and misses five feet to the left. The chemist takes a shot and misses five feet to the right, and the statistician yells 'we got 'em!'

These are amazing.

How are you feeling today?

How are you holding up with this new Lydia thing?

You doing alright?

Hey. You okay?

Jul. 27th, 2015


I'm starting to get really tired of the NYPD telling me how to do my fuc job. Both of my degree's are in science, not dealing with childish bickering.

Congratulations on the engagement. I need to run something by you.

This is going to come off weird but What are you doing right now?



No one is allowed to tell me that my jokes are lame ever again.

Jul. 25th, 2015


How do you know that a neutron is religious?

Because it always has mass.

Get it? Mass?

You guys missed me.


WHO: Caitlin Snow, Cisco Ramon & Barry Allen
WHERE: Avengers Tower, meeting room
WHEN: Friday Night
WHAT: Barry returns from his mission, Team Flash Reunion!
STATUS: Closed, Complete

We find out what we’re made of when we’re called to help our friends in need. Read more... )

Jul. 16th, 2015


Sometimes I miss being able to drink and then I remember what a hangover feels like. It feels like this.

I don't really need alcohol.

Jul. 14th, 2015


WHO: Barry Allen and Lydia Martin
WHERE: Lydia's bedroom
WHAT: Age plot
STATUS: Closed, Completed

You’re some kind of beautiful stranger. You could be good for me.Read more... )


Does anybody have an inhaler or something?

I think I've been having a panic attack since I woke up. Is it common to wake up next to naked girls here?? Is that a thing that always happens???

...Can it be...?

Jul. 11th, 2015


Fun Fact Of The Day: if you don't make sure your shoes are tied before running at 500MPH, you'll definitely trip.
Bonus Fact: Whoever noticed the me shaped hole in the asphalt in front of the NYPD precinct, I made it myself.

Hey... So uh, I know that Lydia's show has been airing lately and I thought that she could use a break so I booked her one of those VIP rooms opening night at that strip club. I thought that maybe you guys could join her if you were free, I know a lot of you are in the show too and it's probably been really hard on you as well. I just thought that maybe she could use a night to get her mind off of things. Any of you are welcome to go with her. It'll already be paid for.

My girlfriend might be in your club opening night. For the love of God don't mix her up with your boss.

[*OOC: Hes assuming some of the ladies in the Tower and everyone she's friendly with from TW, including the Stileses. He don't know what you're into.]

Jul. 9th, 2015


Well, this happened this morning...so much for hiding in plain sight. Ugh, so adorable, though.

Jul. 8th, 2015


Do you think there'll be a Flash panel at the con?

...I'm asking for a friend.

Can we go to Comic-Con?


Please please please? It'll be so fun, I promise, it'll be awesome. I know a guy who can get us last minute passes.

Jul. 5th, 2015


"I can't believe you're bringing me to a zoo. I can't believe you want me to smell like a zoo. I'm not going to get out of the car."

"What do you mean I'm supposed to pet them? Barry Allen, you are not going to make me touch a farm animal. I will leave you."

"If you make me take one step into a reptile house I'll never speak to you again. I'm not going to touch a lizard. I won't look at it. I'm going to keep my eyes closed, I swear to God Barry, don't challenge me."

I was right.

Lydia Martin was wrong.

Next time she says that she knows best everybody has permission to save these and use them in their favor.

Jul. 3rd, 2015


Okay, okay, hold on, this one is really good, ready?

Why can't you trust an atom?

...Because they make up everything!

Get it??

I might have to stay in this place just for the Science Channel here, that's so amazing.


Stupid cast is all itchy but aside from that, well the whole thing was freaking fun! Totes gotta do it again sometime.

Lol, I won the bet so ya gotta pay up, Pops! Oh, how's the wound? All better yet?


WHO: Barry Allen & (Canon)Lydia Martin
WHAT: Barry returns from his mission
WHEN: Late night Thursday, 7/2
WHERE: Starting at the City Stileses' apartment and moving to Lydia's.
RATING/WARNINGS: Some language
STATUS: Closed, Complete

They’re in the wrong place, trying to make it right, but I’m tired of justifying. So I say to you, come home.Read more... )

Jun. 29th, 2015



Bro, pretty sure I'm about to do some dumb shit for a lot of money. Your girl's trying to recruit me to learn to strip, I guess she's opening a club or some shit. Think I should? Bet the pay's damn good...

Jun. 28th, 2015



» Hey there
» I know that you're not really into titles and stuff
» But you need this right now because I know you're still probably driving yourself crazy
» [Picture]

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