February 2016




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Jan. 12th, 2016


Holy shit...I just got my degree and it's not...a CNA, it's a license for RN. I called the school and they swear up and down that they have completed credits for all four years. What. Happy way early birthday to me. Boom, I guess I'm done with college.

[ooc: this is in reference to her Thanksgiving wish plot item, she just hadn't gotten the degree yet because waiting periods :P so this is news to her. ]



Who wants to make virtually no money working an undisclosed amount of hours?


1. Can we talk more about that job?
2. What's an Alt-Daughter? You mentioned that yesterday.

[He means the one from yesterday but they can all see.]
Now that I'm all settled in and my mind somehow hasn't exploded yet. How did you end up dating a comic book hero?

Jan. 11th, 2016


Spam for James

[She knows he's been a little gloomy since Eddy left for DC even if he won't admit it, but she and James have been having moments of decency and friendliness in the past few days. She's not fooled, of course. She's not stupid enough to let herself get tangled up in thinking this marriage will ever be good in any capacity according to this world's standards but as far as she's concerned, they can still be cordial. Maybe they can even be more than that. Something right below friends, if they're lucky.

She decides to do something nice for him today. After Prescott is tucked away for the night she stops by his office to see if he's not too busy to take an hour or two to watch a movie and unwind a little. She taps her knuckles lightly against the open door.]


[ ooc: pls to be visualizing her hair as wet because she's fresh out of the shower. ]

Best birth control ever. Well, that happened. Mark your calendars: for the first time and hopefully the last, a Stiles Stilinski officially bested me. On the bright side, I have learned a very valuable lesson for my future. So...thanks for that.


[He wakes up on a strange couch, his baby on his chest instead of the crib she'd been placed in last night, pulling at his lip. He holds her with one arm and picks up the note on the coffee table next to him.]
Oh no.


Well... excuse me while I listen to this on repeat and cry all day.


ok so cooking at 1am is such ab ad idea, after wine. I shouldn be allowed n pintrest anymorre.

still ate it tho.

Jan. 10th, 2016


People from the Dome minus Joey

Joey's here, the one we knew. She looks young, I think she's right out of the dome. She'd probably want us to steer clear, but do you guys think I should tell the other werewolves too? I know some of them are friends with another version of her... I don't want them to accidentally freak her out.


When your school hooks you up with the opportunity to hang out with actual wolves.

No big deal )


Am I late on this? Because I think this may be my new favorite thing. I wish I could pull off a beard like she does.


Awesome. One more time, with feeling.


[She's read the note. It doesn't sound very much like the Research Department or the Management, but consistency beyond torture really never has been their strong point. If this is an experiment, then they've got to be here somewhere. She just has to find them before the werewolves find her].

Dad? Carl? Jackson?

Jan. 9th, 2016



Found a place that makes custom temporary tattoos. Twinsies on lazy Saturday at the Alt-Fam's. ♥

[ attached image of Lily holding Lucas in one arm and curling her other arm around Cara. Both the girls are making this face (pls ignore the bikini y/y?) and both of them are making this gesture with their hands though their hands are turned the opposite direction than that picture and they're showing off Lily's real and Cara's temp tattoos of triskeles on the tops of their hands next to the webbing where their thumb and first finger meet. ]

( ooc: *against murderers, people Lils doesn't get along with, indiscriminate hunters, and Kai )


I feel like the world needs to meet my kid. He was Jack's idea, but I love him to pieces. Best idea Jack's ever had, I think, even though he's had some great ones.



We haven't spoken in some time. How is your year going thus far?



Baby, you're the sweetest! Everything was delivered and set up today. The projector is even nicer than the one that was stolen and will work perfectly for the act I need to use it for. Thank you!

Jan. 8th, 2016


That awkward moment when you're surfing the internet, minding your own business, and stumble across your brother doing Beyonce. No words, man, no words.


Some assholes broke into my performance space and messed things up! There are some things missing, too. I reported it to the cops but they seemed like they didn't even care. I live in that space. Some of the stuff missing includes personal belongings! What is wrong with people?

Jan. 7th, 2016


cut for image size )

Jan. 6th, 2016



[Forward-dated to midnight]
Hey. My wife is asleep, but I can't keep my eyes closed. I keep thinking about you, man. I miss you... Anyway, call or Skype me back when you get this. I just need to hear your voice.

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