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November 19th, 2015

[info]blacksheepwin in [info]multifariousic

Oh, good. I wouldn't want to stay in my home universe for too long or I might forget what it's like to be stationary and resentful.

[info]hesnotmydadtho in [info]multifariousic

Blahhhh, I'm so bored right now. Somebody send me lives on Candy Crush or something. :(

[info]abiectio in [info]multifariousic

Annnnnd, this is why you can't have nice things, Joey. Last time I try to make brownies that don't come out of a box. It'd be funny that I failed so hard I set the oven on fire except it's Derek's house and that's the exact opposite of funny FML Do they put appliances on sale on Black Friday...?

[info]woobiewolf in [info]multifariousic

This is it... 5:00 a.m. just officially starts my day for the rest of the kids' childhoods, huh? I feel like I'm gonna fall over.

[info]eunoia in [info]multifariousic

Comedy for smart people. I can't...get this...tree...right...damn, I will kill everyone in the world!

[ooc: full thing, in case anyone's in the mood.]

[info]lulipop in [info]multifariousic


Hi, I'm Luli McMullen and I'm new here. My ID didn't come with me when I was sent here so it's hard finding a job on the outside. Is anyone interested in hiring? I'm sixteen and a very fast learner. I have a lot of leadership and organizational skills.

Is anyone looking for a babysitter?

[info]callmeshellhead in [info]multifariousic

I just hung this above our bed.

Also, we're changing our name to Stark Empire.

[info]theworstalpha in [info]multifariousic

Two more weeks of this and then it's back to Manhattan. Hard work is hard.

cut for images )

[info]selfigniting in [info]multifariousic

There's no better way to shower your pet with love and affection than with cereal.

I'm obviously the best pet owner around. Take notes.

[info]theprettybeta in [info]multifariousic

It was a slow day.

[OOC: Please be pretending that it's Isaac's voice and there's no snow, k thanks.]

[info]overandin in [info]multifariousic


I'm coming over.

[info]lookmaimmawolf in [info]multifariousic


Hey, remember that time that you two knew about a girl here who was the daughter and Kate and us and you decided that telling me wasn't important?

Well I'm just clarifying that I had the chance to return that dick move and I'm not. There's a girl here and she's the daughter of Peter and Kate. I'm meeting her. I just thought I'd give you both a heads up.

[info]itainteasy in [info]multifariousic

Please don't know who I am
I'm freaking out right now I don't know

So, good news, eyebrows still intact.

Bad news, I need the funds for a new lab table. Pepper?

Better news, I took Lydia's lab in the name of robotics.

We should make a habit out of getting together to play, I need the stress relief.

So now that we know you're not going to kill everybody here from some unseen virus, how are you settling?

[info]sombredestin in [info]multifariousic

Family reunion spam for Derek

[She sits on the apartment bed, looking over the conversation with Derek. He didn't seem hostile, but with the multiverse being what it is, he could easily be a more violent alternate version of her cousin. Her mother did, after all, wipe out most of their family. She puts the tablet down because she doesn't want to be on edge when Derek comes. If he tries to attack her, she can probably outrun him anyway.

The thought that creeps back into her mind is the fact that she has two sisters here. Neither her mother nor her father seemed like the type to have kids in the first place, but in different universes they both settled down with people and had children with people. She has so many questions about everything here, but they'll have to wait. She looks over at the crossbow on her bed and slips it under the bedskirt so Derek doesn't think he's walking into a hunter's trap.]

[info]notmostpeople in [info]multifariousic

This is actually not that far from the truth.

[info]ohhhaleno in [info]multifariousic

...really, I take my dog for a walk and when I come back, the tablet says I lost two fucking months? Cool, my brother probably didn't have an aneurysm at all thinking I was dead, Powers That Be, thanks for that.

[info]ithinkyoumean in [info]multifariousic

[She looks down at her torn shirt and runs a hand over where her wound should be... nothing. She walks cautiously over to the note and reads it. She definitely didn't make it to any heaven. She doesn't know what this is.]

[info]sombredestin in [info]multifariousic


[Anyone who considers themselves a Hale or Argent]
My name is Allison Argent. My father is Peter Hale and my mother is Kate Argent. I am a hunter and a werecat. I live by the new code:
Nous protégeons ceux qui ne peuvent pas se protéger eux-mêmes.