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October 21st, 2015

[info]evilesmeralda in [info]multifariousic

Amelia + Andy

I quit, Andy. [She turns the camera to a zombie walking by her window.]

[info]ofwolf in [info]multifariousic

Well. My morning has been on big oh hell no.

[info]geekwolf in [info]multifariousic


You know that movie Birds?

Tell me you're seeing this.

[info]wrongbusiness in [info]multifariousic

Whatever's happening out there it looks like it's hitting both cities and getting worse by the minute. I think we should split up, cover both NY and LA and make sure the people out there are as safe as possible.

NY: Tony, Rae, Thor, Alex
LA: Steve, Natasha, Bucky, Sara, Torunn

If anything changes we can adjust but that gives us a few to each city. Keep in touch, do what you can.

I know this is crappy timing but I know you'd probably want to know. James was gone this morning. Francis too. I'm sorry, I know they were your friends.

[info]woobiewolf in [info]multifariousic

Until further notice, Wolfsbane in L.A.is closed, for those who need or want to know. Employees are getting paid time off.

What does it look like over there, Isaac? How can we help secure the building for the kids?

I want to get Cara out of there. Now. I don't care about red tape, anymore, they can't protect her like we can and she's our kid. What can you do, Care? Can you make it happen?

[info]nottheprince in [info]multifariousic

...yeah, so that clown from my childhood nightmares just paid me a visit. What the hell is going on around here, and where can I get something stronger to drink?!

[info]hurtlikethis in [info]multifariousic

There's a giant shark in the ocean! It's not an ordinary shark, don't swim!

[info]justaddh2o in [info]multifariousic

[ooc: a short while after this (not that anyone can really see it, but for timeline's sake).]

I know what's going on...this is so something the Management would do if they had a whole city instead of just a crap town in a dome.

Someone said the girl from the Ring came out of their telly, someone mentioned a scary clown, Ariel's had a run in with Jaws and Anna and I've been watching bloody flying monkeys banging on the windows all afternoon. Whoever's put us here is dragging in nightmare fuel from their respective worlds, too, now. Brilliant... Please tell me the shit that happens here has the same timer on it that crap from the Dome and back in the City had...

[info]selfigniting in [info]multifariousic


[The camera turns on and she's covered in something that looks organic matter; a nice way of saying blood and chunks of things that you probably don't want to know about. Her hands are covered so typing isn't really an option, and she's moving quickly outside. She herself looks fine, but pissed, and her face is just returning to normal, fangs retracting. She turns her head out of the camera frame and spits her mouth clean on the ground.]

There are things underground. [She sounds pissed, too.] I think they're venomous and they're super gross so if you're walking, do yourself a favor and stay on concrete or asphalt.

[info]abiectio in [info]multifariousic

This is getting less creepy and more terrifying by the hour...

We have a situation in the backyard, babe... Tim's not gonna like it if he sees it, so...we should like not let him see it and probably start securing the house. Like ten minutes ago.

[info]keepthisasecret in [info]multifariousic


[info]imanursenota__ in [info]multifariousic


I want to help. Let me. I know there's Avengers filters happening by now and I can't see them and I want to.