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September 14th, 2015

[info]loveandleave in [info]multifariousic

[She posts a basic picture of her hand with this addition.]

Step 1: Bother him until he can't ignore your presence anymore.
Step 2: Be adorable af.
Step 3: ???
Step 4: Bling.

[info]notmostpeople in [info]multifariousic

Это может остановить любое настоящее . Это даже не близко к забавным больше . Я голоден и не можете заказать половиной моих обычных местах . Телевидение является хуже, когда вы не можете понять проклятую слово кто-то говорит. Я вспыхнула проклятую Толстого , потому что это единственное, что у меня есть это на русском языке.

[info]googleyness in [info]multifariousic


Can we like...please have a pajamas and wings night? We haven't had one in forever and I really need a break from the unintentional verbal abuse. I know she doesn't mean it and she can't help it, but it's like...kind of taking a toll and I need a breather... I'll buy.

[info]eunoia in [info]multifariousic


[ooc: *NYC Stiles who doesn't work at Beacons]

Hey, do you work tonight?

[info]trumann in [info]multifariousic

I think that this thing has finally stopped screwing with me for the moment.

Cleo and Rikki (I think that's your name--you're Cleo's friend) I am so sorry about the other day. And Maggie. And anybody else who got insanity posts from me.

Hey, how's it going? Are you doing okay?

[info]intheroad in [info]multifariousic

Accidental Video Post

[Sarah's hair is dirty and matted, pulled back into a braid. Her clothes have seen better days, and have spots of dried blood and dirt and grass stains. She's underweight, but obviously works out, because the bits of muscle that show are sculpted.

She looks very confused as she looks around the hotel room. She sees the letter on the bed and looks it over on the front and back as if there would be something she could understand here. Maybe this is heaven. Maybe she drank too much. She does feel woozy.]

Thought there'd be food here. [She mutters to herself quietly as she checks the empty cabinets, not noticing the tablet on the counter] Or someone at a fucking gate... [She gives up on food and tries the faucets. She looks ecstatic when the water runs, cupping some in her hands and drinking it. When she had her fill, she rinses off her face and turns to the camera because she notices the light. She picks it up] Hello?

[info]hesnotmydadtho in [info]multifariousic

...ah crap, seriously? Nghhh dnw. Mom? Tal? Derek?

Who's running this place? The Management or the Research Group?

...do people know about us here, or should I keep tap-dancing...?

[info]thebitchytwin in [info]multifariousic


Hey, baby, I'm at the farmer's market getting stuff for a bath. Sometime tonight we're getting clean together. Even better than getting dirty. I promise.

[info]imtheish in [info]multifariousic

...balls. I had a gig tonight, you know.

[info]abyssdeep in [info]multifariousic


posted earlier this afternoon.

( The video cuts in as Caroline counts three, two, one and is leaning forward hitting the play button on the Youtube karaoke track of Call me Maybe. She leans back as the track starts up and a group of girls from the orphanage around her all start marking the beat with their shakers, triangles, rhythm sticks and other various classroom type instruments. Caroline for her part has a set of egg shaped shakers and she starts signing as the verse begins. The girls keep up pretty good, but it's definitely Caroline taking the lead through the verses and it's not until the chorus that they really start going. The video cuts off as the song fades out. )

[info]cminus in [info]multifariousic

[Spam for Stripper Beacons Stiles]
[She wants to check in on him, but she's mortified of using the network. Everything with her friends keeps on happening so fast. Alpha!Stiles made enemies with her entire family, Beacon!Stiles had 99 girl problems, everything just seems to be falling apart for the people she's closest to. She makes a mental note to check on Rae after this. And the Lydia and Derek who apparently got engaged...

She arrives at Stiles's apartment and knocks, hoping the one she's trying to talk to is home, because this would be awkward if it was Rae's Stiles instead. She needs to find a way to tell them apart in person. Mental note for that too.]

[info]evileddly in [info]multifariousic

Esmeralda; Redirected OTA

I'll be home late. James and I have some work to finish up. Love you, bye. [He tries to disconnect the feed but nothing happens. He and James get back to their dance party.]

[info]theprettybeta in [info]multifariousic

Allison is gone.

My Allison, at least, her place is empty.

Just thought you guys might want to know. Or not. I don't know.

[info]godutch in [info]multifariousic

Leave it to this goddamn place to fuck with your head...

[info]theyellowbird in [info]multifariousic


[info]childofthor in [info]multifariousic

I've discovered that group projects in school are the worst idea ever. The only thing I'm learning is restraint.

[info]ovrandin in [info]multifariousic

Allison and Chester

Let's have some fun tonight.

[Scott, Kira, Lydia and Malia]
Did you know there's a drink here for people like us?